An Update on Sheldan's Recovery and the Updates
Many of you are writing PAO inquiring why there have been no recent updates. Sheldan has provided us regular updates from the Galactic Federation for more than 20 years. Why, you ask, have they stopped?
To recap: For just over a year, Sheldan has been recovering from back surgery to help him walk again. He has been doing rehab ever since and now can walk normally again. Unfortunately, the operation triggered the recurrence of a neurological condition caused some time ago by a Dew Weapon.
Sheldan was well on his way to working through those issues when, this past October, he was zapped once again by the DEW weapon. This time, the weapon damaged his Galactic contact implant. Reactivation of this implant requires a neurological upgrade, and this takes time. It must be done slowly, in minute increments, to allow his 3D vibrations to be linked very carefully to the Galactics’ 5D vibrations. Although Sheldan remains in direct contact with the Galactic Federation, the effort required for him to receive updates and Webinars demands tremendous energy. The healing process needed to repair the DEW Weapon damage and allow him to be fully engaged with the Galactic Federation will take time. It may take a while yet before Sheldan is able to provide us with updates.
I have already mentioned how hard Colleen has been working during Sheldan’s recovery. Even while she strives, with me, to keep PAO active, she also takes care of Sheldan, battles the medical system, pays rehab bills, and maintains their home life. But the relentless routine is gradually taking its toll on Colleen’s health and energy.
What can you do to help?
The Galactics would like Lightworkers and starseeds to become more involved in helping them bring about disclosure leading to full consciousness. Each month, Colleen and I are given insights as to the special guests and topics that would be most activational for the PAO’s live monthly Webinars. Our collective energy is vital in setting the stage for abundance, disclosure and landings − all leading to full consciousness. Your attendance at Webinars and timely donations greatly help us to spread the word and expand PAO’s mission.
We are so very grateful for all your support. We encourage you to attend the PAO’s monthly Webinars. Galactic Federation teams and some Ascended Masters will be in attendance during the Webinar to activate and uplift our energies.
Please join us!
Miles (Webmaster, PAO)