viernes, diciembre 21, 2018
Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Understanding the Body’s Language - Dec 20, 2018
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I am present here, and I deeply love you all.
Feel my love – it is totally accepting of who you are. You do not have to hide anything from me. You are wounded angels, and I am here today to reach out to each one of you, because this is a time of healing. Things are finally starting to change, but to change things at a deep inner level, you have to take a plunge into the darkness. You have to address the deep wounds that have been inflicted upon you, and let us do that now.
Imagine you are holding a torch of light. Can you hold it? Can you accept that you are a bearer of light? One of the greatest tragedies I see happening in your life is that you no longer recognise your own light. You look outside yourself; you look for authorities, people who know; you seek for guidance outside yourself. But I am not here to offer you that kind of guidance, I am here to guide you from within. You have to again become familiar with your own light.
You have become so used to making yourself small and insignificant, that I now ask you to again hold that torch of light in your imagination and to see the qualities of that light. Feel how this light has a healing effect on you. Of all the healing you can receive, this is the most powerful healing tool to reconnecting with your own inner light.
The tragedies of Earth, the history of violence and war that this planet has known, are all due to the fact that people have become disconnected from their own light, their own sense of right and wrong, their own intuition. You have fallen prey to fear, always looking outside yourself to find security, and this has to end now. If a new age is to enter this planet, it has to be through people who can accept their own light and live by it.
So, how do you let go of fear, the voices of false authority coming from outside you? As you take upon yourself this process of liberation, you are going against the energies of a long history, so you are a pioneer and a revolutionary. When I was on Earth, I planted the seeds for this revolution, and you are the bearers of these seeds, which are meant to come alive in this time.
Shower yourself with the light from your torch. Imagine that this light enters into all your body. This light is coming from your soul and will remind you that you are not merely a being of flesh and blood, but that you are descending on to Earth from another realm. Feel this realm now, for it is your Home, and receive the energy of Home. Feel the energies of your guides and of the angels close to you, for they are truly just a breath away. They want to lift you up out of the heaviness, the density of Earth, and most of all they want to lift you up out of the pit of fear.
Imagine that this room becomes filled with our combined light. And feel how willing the Earth is to receive this light, because this light – your light – is needed here on Earth. But to be the lightworker you are, you need to first address your inner wounds and to allow your body to speak. The body itself, although it holds both male and female energies, has an overall energy, relative to the soul, that is female. The body is receptive – it receives the energies of both your soul and your personality, and it mirrors back to you both the qualities of your soul and whatever distortions may occur as a result of your personality.
Just as the Earth is a female energy compared to the male energy of the Sun, the body holds a more female energy relative to the energy of your soul, which is more of the male principle. But both energies are equally valuable, and the body craves for attention from the soul, which is its true guide and what inspires it.
In your society, you have become used to approaching and treating the body with your mind. You have also become used to approaching illness with your mind and with the help of medical science, and in that way the body has become neglected. In order to recover the natural relationship between your soul and your body, you need to first accept your body, independent of what it looks like, or what ailments it might have.
Feel how the light of your soul fully accepts your body. Your soul yearns to unite with your body, and the light of your soul yearns to enter into all your body’s cells. It is in this mixture of soul and body that you become an inspired human being – you become a human angel.
Your body is a truly divine instrument. Feel proper respect for your body, and when you connect the soul with the body in this way, other possibilities of healing will arise. It is true that you have to nurture the body on the physical level, and it can be wise to accept treatment from conventional medicine to heal the body, but there is a deeper level at which to address the pain or the problem.
The first step is to accept the body as an expression of your soul. And then, you have to be open to yourself and wait for the message that your body is trying to bring to you. But because you have become used to thinking a lot, you would like the answer as to the cause of a problem, to come to you verbally, through the mind, but the process of discovering what an illness is truly about, is deeper and more subtle than that.
You have to treat the illness as a friend, a friend with which you slowly get acquainted, and who will gradually tell you how it feels, and what is its message. To enter the path of illness is always to enter the territory of the unknown. Something new wants to enter your awareness, and it is often a deeper level of self-love. Through the pain and the suffering, this level of self-love will eventually grow inside you, and requires of you a high degree of surrender in order to receive the message, or the answer, of the illness.
So carrying the torch of your light entails two things: the first is that you recognise your greatness, your divinity, and that you recognise you are your own master and do not depend on outside authority. And the second thing is that you know how to kneel down to become humble in the face of things that happen in your life, and that you let go of the idea that you know all the answers with your mind, or even that you have to look for the answers with your mind.
In this process of self-healing and getting to know yourself, you have to accept that there is something more vast than you are, and this vastness, which wants to reveal itself to you is, in fact, spirit. So I ask you to own your light, yet at the same time to be open to this greater energy that wants to guide you. This greater power is not an authority; it is full of joy and lightness. And spirit wants to be with you; it wants to flow through you while you are being a human on Earth.
Thank you all for being here today. I am deeply connected to you all. Thank you.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Pamela Kribbe