viernes, diciembre 28, 2018
Kara Schallock - Soulstice Energies - 28-Dec-2018
We are asked to push through some old patterns. When you do, don't be surprised if you experience difficulties. This depends on how hard-wired something is within you. Remember that it has taken many lifetimes to create a pattern, so don't have expectations as to how quickly or long it takes to transform. You might ask, “Why push when flow seems to be the opposite of push?” There are some patterns that are so entrenched that it takes an extra effort to transform them. My example is this: I have known that all holidays are “human-made,” in that they are not given to us by
Soul/Source. One particular holdiay that is extremely hard-wired is Christmas. Did you know that Jesus wasn't a Christian nor was he born in December, and yet we allow ourselves to be programmed by the commercialism of this particular holiday. I chose to disengage; I told my family I would no longer take part. After all, I'm not Christian (or any religion) and I know a higher truth. We are asked to be Love; not just for a season, but in every Moment. I take this to Heart and live my Truth and yet, since this was the first year of standing firmly in my Truth, it was more difficult than I imagined it would be. It will get easier as I continue to honor this decision during every human-made holiday, even if it makes others very uncomfortable. When you repeat something new often, it becomes part of you. It often takes many times till the old is completely transformed.
You know what hard-wired illusions are ready to transform by how you no longer feel Joy in partaking in them. It becomes more difficult to maintain the old. Everything you experience points the way. Go within and see what you are ready to let go of...regardless of any attempt (from others or from yourself) by the old to hold you back. It may take some very difficult decisions to make. Yet, if you pay attention to what resonates within your Heart, you will make choices that help you evolve. That is, If you want to evolve. It may require that you let go of being approved of by others, dropping all labels you currently identify with and relaxing into your New Life.
I also want to remind you that Transformation does not mean the annihilation of our earthly vehicles. We keep our bodies and transform as we stay on Earth. We transform mentally, emotonally and physically as we integrate the I AM as us into each of our bodies. We are Source; the I AM is Source; Soul is Source. We are Divine. We can only listen to our Soul's Guidance by following our Heart's feeling/being. We invite separate ego to not fight this but to join us. The true purpose of ego is to be the expressor of Source/Soul/I AM. Go within and speak with your separate ego and tell it that it will not disappear, but will step into the role of the ascending ego; its rightful place.
Know too that it does not take being in a “special place” to integrate your holiness; your I AM; your Divinity. Your sacred place is your Heart. There is no place more sacred than within church nor temple; no sacred site, nor anything that is outside of you.
The Soulstice was incredibly powerful! The energy of the Soulstice continues. This is our big chance to shift things that are even deeper, as all energy moves in a Spiral going deeper and deeper into our very Being. As we have seen, this energy also affects different areas of Gaia. It moves old energy and the high energy of Compassion replaces the old. We know this, don't we? Is it possible to love without a disaster? Yes; however, the old pattern is to have some sort of disaster or disease or disruption in order to awake to Love. This is an old pattern. Once you unconditionally love all and see that we are all One, it won't take an outer event to wake up to Love.
While the energy of the Soulstice continues, we can breathe easier and the energy can be used to create what we want in the future. Whether a desire is for self, for others, or both, use this time to decide how you will use this creative energy. You can sit back and do nothing or you can use the power of intention to move into a life that is more congruent with who you are. When you are positive, you are more likely to manifest your Heart's Desire. Being negative by perhaps saying, “I don't want that,” you actually bring to you what you don't want. Remember that what you intend for yourself, you intend for all. Remind yourself just how powerful you are; you are a powerful creator and manifestor. If you don't truly believe this, nothing will manifest. It's all up to you.
The continuing Soulstice energy will help dissolve wherever you are attached; anything or anyone that is contrary to your evolution; anything that is not Love is not your I AM. The Soulstice ended things and began things; especially relationships. Flow with this, whether it is you who ends or begins things or someone else ends or begins things (remember, we are One). Remind yourself that all is in Divine Order without the separate ego compulsion of wanting to heal, save or fix anything. Be aware of how you feel; what you are no longer energetically attached to. The energies of the Soulstice help to dissolve anything that holds you back. Let it be. Being ultra-sensitive may also precipitate something very big as well. The Full Moon also empowered the energy of the Soulstice.
Trust; release fear. What do you fear? Fear holds you back in the old; fear blocks. Let go of your attachment to needing to know what is next. Trust that your next step will be revealed to you when you are ready for it. Follow your Heart's (Soul) Guidance. Act only when there is no fear or doubt within. However you perceive where you are, let it be, for you are forever loved and guided. Sometimes you wait; sometimes you act; what is important is that you listen.
There is no right way or wrong way; honor where you are in each Moment. If you find yourself mired in negativity, let it be, for everything shifts. Trusting the Divine Flow helps you move forward. As long as there is doubt or fear, there can be no movement forward. What needs to shift? If you know (it is what comes to mind immediately), shift it. “To what do I shift it to?” you ask. Shift the old pattern to Trust, even if you don't know what you are trusting. It is O.K. to be empty; it is O.K. to wait; you need not constantly act, for that is the old way. Anything you do not resonate with, feel inspired by or know it is an old belief or pattern, must go. It may be daunting to let so much go, yet it is necessary; all is replaced eventually with something more aligned with who you are now.
Be aware of how your Sensitivity is greater now. By the way, Sensitivity is not empathy. Empathy is a step to Sensitivity. And for goodness sake, don't label yourself an “empath.” This label for sure keeps you stuck, as any label does. Being more sensitive, you may notice that everything is more acute...your feelings, what you see and hear, your awakening to being more, seeing messages in every mundane circumstance...Source is waking you up more. Being more sensitive, you see how folks in your life are playing an old game. This all brings you to a choice to make. In fact, everything leads you to a decision. Most will choose to not make a decision, while others will choose to see what is in front of them and make a decision that propels them into the New.
You are growing and expanding spiritually. Everything you intend or think or say becomes manifest. Whatever you focus on is brought to your attention. Manifestation is neither good or bad; it is an energy that comes to you, based on what you're focused on. Manifestation is a way to clear the old from you or bring the New to you. If you keep saying, “I am poor,” all kinds of situations will be manifest from that thought. When you replace a thought continuously, you manifest that. If you continue to replace old thoughts with things that are empowering, eventually you manifest the new thought. Be aware of what you think and what you say; all thoughts and words are energy and energy creates.
The past does not have our answers; only this Moment does. Our own Soul, residing in the Heart, has our answers. The past does not make us who we are unless we believe the old lie. Focus on who you are now and who you are becoming. Honor yourself by following your Soul's Guidance. Let go of anything that lessens your Soulness. Let go of everything that is dysfuntional. Smile often; for no outside reason. Smile because you truly know who you are. Ask repeatedly, “Who am I?” What is the answer you receive?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock