martes, diciembre 25, 2018
Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Bow Deeply to Yourself
Dear friends, beautiful children of humanity,
I am Jeshua, your brother and friend. I am with you; I hold your hand. I have also traveled the path you are on and I have known the depths of despair, intense sadness, and nostalgia for Home. I know you inwardly, because you are my loved ones, my family. I welcome you here and now.
You are the carrier of a holy command: to spread the light of Heaven, and the feeling of love of Home, here on Earth. And first of all for yourself, so as to lighten your load from within by love, gentleness, and humility toward yourself. You are asked to bow deeply to who you are in order to give form here to the light of your soul. Can you do that? You can put your hands together in front of your heart in the well-known Oriental salute (Namaste: "I bow to you") and bow to yourself. And why do I ask this of you? Because you do not bow to yourself, often or willingly.
To bow to yourself means completely accepting yourself as you are now – totally being yourself and letting go of everything else, as with one gentle out-breath. Being complete in the moment is true humility, but that is not all. In this humility, in bowing to yourself, lies a trust that there is a perfect seed-being within you that wishes nothing more than to break open, to flourish, and to grow. What nourishes that seed-being, what makes it burst into bloom and growth? It is your silent attention, your appreciation and nurturing, which most feeds this seed-being.
Take a step back, and see yourself as the great and special being you are. Inwardly, reach toward it with your hands in admiration, as if you are coming near to something wonderfully precious. You might see it as a child, or as the seed of a plant, or perhaps you see a collection of colors or energies, but what you are actually seeing is the soul-being that you are.
The soul gradually awakens through vast currents of time and space. From the soul flow different streams that touch and visit the Earth, and those are your incarnations on Earth. From each and every incarnation, the soul takes on something within herself: experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and also pain and misunderstanding, and the soul must digest all of this. The soul finds itself in a constant process of transformation, of growth, which becomes ever more exuberant. The seed germinates, and what comes out is a wonder, a being of beauty and splendor that grows infinitely more grand into the cosmos.
By growing and flourishing, the light spreads as a unique manifestation, because not a single soul is the same. Every soul spreads the light of the universe, the light of God, in a personal manner. You are now in one of the many incarnations of your soul. You are like a ray of sun connected to your soul, and because you are connected with your soul, you also stand in connection with the other rays of incarnation of your soul.
Within the incarnation that you now find yourself, something special is underway, something miraculous: the energy on Earth is beginning to change. People are finding more and better access to their inner reality and to their souls. The veil, as you call it, between the other side and everyday life becomes thinner and more transparent. People are seeking and groping for meaning and significance in their lives. The Earth itself, and the spheres around the Earth, change along with that seeking so they become more permeable and accessible to higher vibrations and essential truths.
You are the ones who want to absorb it all and to bring down to Earth that knowledge of your soul and your connection with the One, that which connects all souls. You thirst for that connection, and this lifetime is very suitable for doing that. Life on Earth, as a whole, now wants to go toward a different vibration and become radiant at the level of the soul, and with the lightness, the harmony, and the inspiration that goes with it.
You are the recipients, the channels for this new energy that is now being born on Earth. In receiving your soul's energy, information is freed, and along with that freeing often come old emotional charges from previous lives – as you call them – from other incarnations, other rays of the sun that is your soul. This happens for a reason. As you become acquainted with those emotional charges and consciously redeem and transform them, you bring peace to your soul. Oftentimes, you see the soul as higher than your small personality, but the truth is that the soul learns and grows and begins to bloom through the interaction with her incarnations, with you. So do not underestimate the meaning of your life here and now on Earth. You make a difference for your soul. As you live with openness and awareness, and bow to the reality of who you are, you enrich your soul on the deepest level.
I want to now talk about those heavy emotions, the deep pain and doubts, partly borne from other incarnations, which come up in you at this time, and simultaneously come up in many other people. This process is not just an individual process, it is a collective one, as well, and one of great significance, not only for you, but for the entire collective consciousness on Earth. It also effects the non-human beings and nature in general.
You are potentially a profound transformer of old energy, and you sometimes have to deal with violent old emotional charges that confuse you. With your human mind, you cannot even imagine, let alone properly overview, all that wants to become free inside you so as to be healed. Very deep layers of old pain and homesickness are now coming to light, not only within you, but at the same time also in others with whom you are connected. Whether you want to or not, whether you realize this or not, you are not just a midwife for yourself, but simultaneously for a whole movement that wants to unfold at this time. To fulfill this role of midwife, you need to possess the power of self-awareness.
At the same time, it is part of the deepest trauma of being human to be deprived of the strength of self-awareness, to have become alienated from your deepest original knowing, your instinct for wisdom and truth. The deep impotence that lives in people is their biggest obstacle for receiving and transmitting a new energy on Earth. People have become deeply discouraged in their belief in themselves, so feel that discouragement for a moment.
Feel the "neediness" in yourself to be nourished by outside sources, through other people, and through knowledge and wisdom from "experts", whose answers seem very certain and well substantiated. This need also plays a part in your relationships. How often are you looking for recognition from outside yourself, for the feeling of being allowed to be there? So deep is the inner void in most people that they are not aware of the constant search for outside affirmation. Feel the void in yourself; it is a sign of strength to be aware of this.
Imagine yourself to be a pit into which someone falls, a lonely hollow surrounded by gray walls, with no means of connection, security, and warmth. Almost every human being on Earth has such an inner void. See that figure in yourself that falls; see the desperation in its eyes. See it grope about and around itself for outside support. Why have you become so far removed from your inner knowledge, your inner courage and fortitude?
The answer lies in the history of the Earth. There has been an interaction of power and powerlessness. There was, and is, a force on Earth that is not coming from the Light, but that feeds on the pain of others and feels itself grow through power and control. On a deep level, you all have been affected by this power you might call "bad" or "evil', in the sense that it is a force that you reject because it wants to make you small and weak.
You can see that power and that force active in the past in politics, in religion – in all spheres of society. And that power – and the demands, prejudices, and taboos that accompany it – has become internalized in people who have taken in that energy and have begun thinking and acting in the same way. That dark force, of which I now speak, is also a part of God, contradictory as this may sound. It is a part that has lost its way, become cut off and fallen into a deep emptiness, where the striving for power seems to be the only way out. Realize that each soul, each living being, has known, within themselves, this striving for power and also exercised it. You have been in the role of both offender and victim. The play of dark and light is part of the universe.
It is now time for change. A play of energies can create an upward or a downward spiral. In an upward spiral, darkness and negativity can become an engine of growth and therefore have meaning. But in a downward spiral, meaning is missing and the suffering and the pain can throw a deep shadow that is no longer productive and throws a stifling shroud over people. This has happened on Earth, but it is now time to reverse the spiral and to give it an upward thrust. The Earth asks for it, because it can no longer bear the stifling shroud of negativity, with its pollution and suffocation. And humanity can no longer bear it, because there is too much suffering. Therefore, there sounds, from very deep within humanity, the call for change, healing, and a turning toward the light. You are the ones who have heard that call in your being, so it is important to realize who you are and with what forces and power games you are dealing.
You sometimes think about it too lightly and at other times too seriously. You take it too lightly when you are impatient and want to force yourself into the light. You want to go faster than you can handle. At those times, you do not bow to yourself, but instead you struggle against yourself, you think that things need to be different. It is then not your heart that speaks, but your will, which speaks for a need for control and power. You need to stand back and take into account the extent of the healing processes you are going through. Only then can it deeply descend into your being, all the way to your foundation and thereby return to the light.
On the other hand, you sometimes experience this process as too burdensome. You threaten to succumb to your own feelings of being choked, a tightness of the chest, despair, and loneliness here on Earth. Those are times when I, and all the guides around you, want to be very close to support you, because we want to tell you how dear you are and how you may be open to the light. Your soul is very near. Thus, you are asked to have respect for everything that lives in you, even when there is much there that is heavy; to see this life as one of healing and integration, and to allow your inner process to unfold at a pace you need so as to be able to keep yourself in balance.
Realize how important this inner process is. You often look to the outer side of life, and to what kind of achievements someone makes in society and the visible form it takes that is so important in your world. But much more important is what is taking place within your heart, your feelings, your mind, and see if you can really create space in yourself for those old emotional charges and energies – sometimes from long ago lives – that want to come to the light, here and now.
You are often "moving mountains", but because the results are not immediately visible outwardly, you think about it too disparagingly. Honor yourself; see the greatness of what you are doing! Respect your inner process. And when it becomes too heavy and those old emotional charges that come up become too stifling, go all the way inward to your core. Feel that eternal, imperishable power and remind yourself of who you really are. Even though you are now here on Earth in a body of flesh and blood, basically you are free – totally free. You are an unbound being of light; you can be everywhere at the same time.
You might occasionally long for a different world and want to connect with the inner realms of light from which you came. And, on occasion, you can withdraw from this world and see deep within yourself that you do not belong here, in the sense that you are not part of the heavy energies that prevail here. In this way, you go in and out of the world. You take part in it, you digest and transform old emotional charges from former times, but you can also retreat back into your light, into your playfulness and freedom. See how you are a bridge between dark and light. That is the real meaning of being human.
Feel your greatness in doing this, and that is what I want to emphasize today. You are the teachers of a new time; you build the bridge. Recognize yourself! Do not hide behind dishonest and false modesty or humility. Show your greatness! Show who you really are.
Let the light of your soul radiate right now. With each breath, you let go and become even more open to your soul light. Feel that sun radiate. Feel how light it becomes in this place because you all are here together. This imperishable light is what you are. That is why I greet you as brothers and sisters; that is why I believe in you as trailblazers of a new time on Earth.
Thank you so much for your attention.
© Pamela Kribbe
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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