lunes, diciembre 24, 2018
John Smallman - Jesus - You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms - December 24, 2018
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.
Truly, your awakening is to be an absolutely amazing and exhilarating event. Nothing like it has ever before occurred on Planet Earth. The vast majority of humans on Earth at present, even those who are spiritually inclined and are holding the intent to live loving and compassionate lives, have no idea that an awakening of such enormous significance is shortly to uplift them into a state of joyful astonishment. And even those who have been consciously working for it as light-workers, star-seeds, spiritual teachers, and way-showers for most of their lives, have lingering doubts and anxieties about the validity of the divine promise that humanity’s awakening is to occur “very soon.” They want it, and deep within themselves they know it will come about, and yet they doubt. And their doubts are sometimes strengthened by their conversations with others who are also waiting expectantly.
The word “soon” has been mightily overused during the last couple of decades in order to encourage people to trust that it is about to happen, and because, there being no time as such, it has in fact already happened. Therefore, for all of you living within the limitations of physical form and linear time, and although you continue to remain unaware of it, it is a done deal that has already occurred! Nevertheless, the persistent use of that word has at times caused anger and resentment to arise. And this is, of course, because it seems that the awakening is no nearer than it was maybe thirty years ago, and it most certainly has not happened for humanity in form. But enormous progress has occurred during the last thirty years, purely because those of you working so diligently to bring it to fruition have never ceased to hold and maintain the intent to bring it on.
So, although the word “soon” has been much overused to motivate you and ensure that everything unfolds as divinely planned, it has been most effective,and your awakening is precisely what is happening now! The news of economic, political, and geophysical events unfolding, and that are disturbing and upsetting so many, is a clear sign for you all of the incredible changes that are occurring, changes that need to occur in order for you to surrender to the Will of Love, of Source, of Mother/Father/God, as you realize that your human intelligence lacks the wisdom and ability to resolve the issues that seemingly threaten to bring you to a state of self-destruction, in which you also further severely damage Planet Earth. Issues that have arisen purely because of that ineptitude, and because of humanity’s fear-driven egoic self-centeredness, and which you have been attempting to solve through the eons-old game of “blame and shame” which has always led to conflict, and never to lasting resolution.
The light of pure unconditional Love, that so many have been demonstrating, and which the ongoing flow of the Tsunami of Love has intensified, is dispelling the darkness in many places, while briefly intensifying it in a few areas where it is being gathered up for final dissolution. There is only Love/Light/Source/God/ Consciousness/Reality, and all that is not in alignment with this is unreal and will not last, and cannot last. Love, Reality is, to use an analogy, like the sky, permanently there always, and without interruption, and the darkness is like storm clouds that hide it briefly until the storm blows itself out. Storms are like the disagreements or conflicts between individuals, groups of people, or, on a larger scale, nations. Sometimes they are small and minor, and sometimes they are enormously powerful and destructive. But they never last, they pass. The sky, like Reality is always there, and it is against the backdrop of the sky that storms arise, intensify, and then dissipate.
The illusory game in which you are currently all engaged will dissipate when you awaken, and you will find yourselves under sunny skies, shining brilliantly upon you and your environment, and amplifying the beautiful colors of the heavenly environment into which you find that you have awoken.
You all chose to be here now to assist in this wonderful process, and you all have all the support and all the tools that you need to do so. You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms who are, in every moment, available to provide you with the guidance and energy you need in each moment as it arises. All that you have to do is to accept whatever arises. Because whatever arises has already arisen when you become aware of it, there is no point in regretting it, or attempting to undo it. You can only move forward by dealing with it, without anger or negative judgment, which only distract you from what you need to do in the moment, even sometimes persuading you not to do what needs to be done.
So, to strengthen your sense of purpose to assist in humanity’s awakening process in whatever way you have chosen to assist – you all chose, prior to incarnating, the way in which you could best assist in this most wonderful process – make sure to go within regularly to realign with your real Self. And you strengthen that sense of purpose to continue with your holy task by means of your daily, or more frequent visits to your inner sanctuary where you can relax into the Love residing there permanently, and actually feel the Love as it embraces you when you allow It to. It is the strength, the power, the infinite field of energy that flows through you in every moment, unless you block it by allowing yourselves to be distracted by fear, the weak negative energy which can only very slightly divert you from the path of Love you have chosen to follow.
And remember: Call on me! I am always available and always answer those who call on me. I love you to call on me and I love to support you because you are all my beloved sisters and brothers. Let go of any and every sense of unworthiness that might arise when you think of calling on me, because I am there for everyone of you, and I can assure you that no one is unworthy. You are all divine beings created in the perfect likeness of our heavenly Father, so unworthiness is utterly impossible.
Wishing you all a most glorious Christmas celebration, your loving and devoted brother, Jesus.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman