Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
jueves, junio 29, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - You are ALL Love and only Love - June 29, 2023
There is much anger i.e fear, flowing freely through the human collective at present, mostly to be recognized, forgiven, and released, and you are all helping to release it with thanks when you practice just being. As I and others keep reminding you, JUST BEING is an extremely effective and powerful way to allow Love to flow through you to assist mightily in the awakening process. You did choose this path before incarnating, and you are following it extremely well. Hang in there, you are doing very important work, and you are mightily supported by us here in the non physical realms. ALL IS WELL for you and for humanity. Continue to trust in God’s Love for you all. These extremely unsettling times will pass! And you will awaken.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, junio 10, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing - June 10, 2023
There is only one power, one energy field, one infinite and limitless space in which All that Is exists, and it is LOVE! It is Father/Mother/God expressing Himself constantly, endlessly, and eternally, creating more of Himself, of All, and of YOU, in an unceasing expansion of Love. Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing. Within It is the infinite vastness that is ALL of God’s divine Cosmos, also forever expanding. There is no beginning or end, there is just Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. And any label you choose to use to name the unnameable, the indefinable, the vastness of All that Is, is totally acceptable because Love is unconditional acceptance of All that Is. Each of you are totally and unconditionally acceptable aspects, instances, and expressions of that vast Oneness.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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lunes, junio 05, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - The time to reclaim your freedom is NOW! - June 5, 2023

As the collective human awakening draws ever closer, be prepared for many surprises, some inline with what the MSM and other media have been suggesting of a far less than uplifting nature, and many more to truly delight and inspire you. Confirmation of your individual oneness with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God, as well as your oneness with each other planet-wide in every moment of your eternal existence, will arise most powerfully into your conscious awareness. It will arise so powerfully in fact that you will wonder how you could ever have had even the slightest doubt as to the Reality of who you are, each and everyone of you – the Divine expressing Herself individually through each one of you in an eternal expansion of the Love that is ALL.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, mayo 23, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - God is Love and Joy creating more of Itself endlessly - May 23, 2023

Love is reality, is life, and it is The Gift that God gives constantly making All of creation One with Him eternally, in every moment, without break or interruption, ever.
Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.
Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, mayo 14, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Love is the only Reality, the only possible Reality - May 14, 2023
Humanity’s collective arousing into the actuality of your awakening is accelerating most beautifully, and great delight awaits you all very, very, soon. Ignore and totally discount the drama with which the various media are distracting you, you are all precisely where you are supposed to be, and doing or being precisely what pre-incarnationally you planned to do to mightily assist in the collective awakening process. All is flowing perfectly towards a most magnificent moment of fruition. The Love that you each are, your individual but united energy fields are inundating the energy fields of those who are starting to come to an awareness of their essential need to awaken, and also of those who remain deeply asleep. The time for sleeping is past, and your loving intentions are most effectively nudging and stirring all those who are still in a state of almost total amnesia about their true nature and their life’s purpose as humans in form. Without all of you most willingly undertaking the tasks you so courageously and lovingly chose to embark upon prior to your present incarnations, the progress towards awakening would have been far slower. Thank you all from the depth of my heart, the One Heart of Mother/Father/God, the Heart of All Creation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, abril 22, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Acknowledge and honor these feelings of joy arising within you - Apr 22, 2023
Humanity is moving forward beautifully and very rapidly towards the collective awakening and, as I have told you many times, this transcendent occurrence is divinely assured, and consequently the progress that you have made is utterly irreversible. There are just ‘a few loose ends’ to tie up, and then you will awaken, and your joy will be boundless.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, abril 08, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Allow yourselves to feel the joy growing gently and unmistakably within you - Apr 8, 2023
Dear John, and dear friends with whom we share these messages, here’s wishing you all a very Happy Easter, the day on which we celebrate not only the anniversary of my resurrection, but also the resurrection of each one of you – your return to your natural state – to constant full conscious awareness of your true nature. You are all eternally at One and in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, from Whom you have never been separated, even for the briefest of instants. All are One, everyone, every sentient being is in every moment One with Mother/Father/God. Therefore, to come again to FULL conscious awareness of this divine Truth is unimaginably exhilarating, far beyond your ability while in form to even conceive of. So once again, here’s wishing you all
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Ángeles de Crystal

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lunes, abril 03, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Please do not doubt the efficacy and potency of your earthly presence - Apr 2, 2023

Here in the non-physical realms we are loudly applauding you all as you so beautifully prepare to bring the collective human awakening to its most glorious conclusion. This is the main purpose of each of your current individual human incarnations. And remember, you are never alone! When you incarnate you each have your own support team in the non-physical realms watching over you and giving you gentle nudges whenever necessary – you each made clear to us, before you were born into your present bodies, that you might well need a nudge from time to time to assist you to remain on your chosen paths, and we completely honor those instructions – and we are always with you to answer immediately if you call on us for guidance. Not one of you is here alone, by chance, and without the constant availability of our loving assistance!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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jueves, marzo 23, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Enjoyment of life is your God-given inheritance - March 23, 2023
Humanity’s collective awakening is surging ahead with increasing rapidity toward the Now Moment in which it is occurring – NOW! It may well seem to you that this is not the case, as you watch the unfolding of worldwide events that are in no way near being in alignment with Love, the only Reality. Relax, ALL is divinely taken care of. The illusory dream or game-like environment of form in which you are still experiencing the unreality of separation from Mother/Father/God is dissolving before your very eyes. The divine plan for your awakening is, of course, proceeding perfectly, which is the only way that it can.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
miércoles, marzo 15, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Truly life, existence, aware consciousness, Love, is beyond awesome - March 15, 2023
Humanity is awakening right now in this moment, the only moment there is – eternity – the time without beginning or end, in which creation is constantly ongoing as Mother/Father/God shares and extends Her nature, which is infinite Love, for the infinite glory of God and All of Her divine creation. Every sentient being is forever One with Her, as well as being an individuated entity with its own self that reflects back God’s glory to Her in every moment. Truly life, existence, aware consciousness, Love, is beyond awesome, and this is what you are awakening into. Your nature is Love, Life, and Joy, and your memory of It, which has never been lost, only mislaid, is about to be fully restored, as you let go of your belief in the limitations in which your human forms appear to enfold you.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, marzo 07, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Your true nature, as One with God, is about to envelop you and fill you with joy and wonder - Mar 7, 2023
It is now impossible for almost any of you to be unaware that there is a great and much needed awakening unfolding. Signs and indications are appearing all across the world that enormous and totally beneficial changes are occurring everywhere, as Love intensifies the divine and eternal embrace in which She holds everyone of you, all planetary life, and the Planet herself, Gaia. This process has been ongoing for eons as you experience time, although it has been but a moment since it started, and its timeline – versus the numbers of the human population moving towards awakening – which has for all that time been rising in only a very gentle gradient above the horizontal axis, has most suddenly become almost vertical. You are all doing wonderful work in bringing it to fulfillment, and for this you are most highly honored, because without each and every one of you so graciously and magnificently delivering on the promises you made prior to incarnating it would not yet be almost upon you, as indeed it most certainly is.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, febrero 28, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - There is no going back, you are awakening - Feb 28, 2023
The apparent chaos, suffering, and confusion all across the world at present is very unsettling! Therefore, remember that every one incarnate now is in human form by choice in order to participate in the collective awakening process, thus ensuring their own awakening while greatly assisting others to also awaken. There is NO ONE who is NOT assisting in this process! That is probably very difficult for many of you to accept, so I would remind you that everyone – there are NO exceptions – is precisely where they are meant to be as they assist magnificently in this divine plan, the plan that was established at the exact moment that the collective choice to experience separation from Source was implemented.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, febrero 19, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - You were created as Life, as Love, as One with God - Feb 19, 2023

As you all continue to wait expectantly and enthusiastically for the great moment of your collective awakening, do let go of your doubts and anxieties about its certainty. It is God’s divine plan for those who chose to experience the totally unreal state of separation from Him that they awaken when they freely choose to do so, and that irreversible collective choice to awaken has already been made. Your awakening is assured, no other option is required or available. As you continue waiting, be in peace and be patient, as you become increasingly aware of the disasters that major corporate and political organizations are allowing to occur across the world, and as the frequency of extreme weather conditions and earth movements also appears to be increasing worldwide.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, febrero 14, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - I, Jesus, am always with you all, loving and embracing you constantly - Feb 24, 2023
All are One, and deep within yourselves you do know this. And the One is Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – you. Only this is Real, any sense or feeling that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, temporary, and will not last. There will be no memory of the unreal to remind you of pain and suffering seemingly experienced as extremely real in the nightmare or dream state of separation from which you will awaken, as you are in fact doing right now. All is well, and you know this is the divine Truth. Love is All. There is nothing else.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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viernes, febrero 03, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Only Love is Real, It is Who you are - Feb 3, 2023

You and I, we are One, and to be One is All that we need, because One is Mother/Father/God, Love, Source, from Whom All flows constantly and infinitely lovingly in the ever ongoing act of energetic creation. This is never interrupted or paused for even the most infinitely small instant that you can conceive of. God, Love, Source is forever and always flowing abundantly into and through each individuated expression of Herself in pure joy, because that is Her divine Will, which is always being extended in delight at the endless wonder that She is. Every sentient beingis an individuated or differentiated expression of God experiencing Herself in a ceaseless and eternal Relationship with Herself through each and every one of you, and it is very good.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
domingo, enero 29, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Beyond God there is nothing because God is the infinite ALL - Jan 29, 2023
Here in the non-physical realms we are overawed by humanity’s amazing and extremely rapid progress as you move from being deeply asleep and dreaming back into your natural, normal, and beautiful state of fully conscious awareness that you are eternally, and in every moment, One with God. You are coming to the realization that there is no place, space, or state of being, other than of Oneness with God. And to come to that realization is wondrous and amazing, because you have for so long believed that, as humans, you are each an individual, completely physically separated even from those with whom you have the most intimate of relationships possible. As humans it appears that you are born alone and that you die alone. But in truth you are never alone because separation from God is utterly and completely impossible.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
sábado, enero 21, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - While experiencing life as humans you are unconscious - Jan 21, 2023

Life as a human in form presents you with many lessons that you planned for yourselves prior to incarnating, and which sometimes shock you when they are presented to you, as they normally arrive unexpectedly; or you may not even notice them, in which case they will definitely be presented again. This is NOT a failure on your part! Life as a human is confusing and demanding, and just day to living is frequently extremely difficult for many people purely because of the paths they planned for themselves before incarnating.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
domingo, enero 15, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Respect and honor yourselves, and respect and honor others - January 15, 2023

Humanity’s collective awakening process is proceeding apace! Do not allow yourselves to be unduly distracted by world events, although they seem very real, very troubling, and as though they are leading to further pain, suffering, and conflict for all of humanity. Instead, be fully aware – and this why you are presently incarnate – that what you are seeing in the world around you IS unreal! Humanity IS awakening, there is no going back because you have collectively chosen to open fully to your true nature – LOVE! This has always been your intention, and God’s Will for you. Finally, after what seems like eons – and in time it has been!– but which has been but a moment, you have affirmatively answered God’s invitation, delivered to you at the instant of your choice to experience separation, to return to Love, to Oneness, and to joy.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, diciembre 31, 2022
John Smallman - Jesus - God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging - Dec 31, 2022
As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
jueves, diciembre 15, 2022
John Smallman - Jesus - It is in fact you that are vast, and, in relation to you, the universe is truly insignificant - December 15, 2022
The collective human awakening is almost upon you, it will NOT be delayed! Now is the moment for this magnificent event to come to fruition, to bear fruit, and it will. You have, with massive intent and through the enormous power of Love, now reached the point from which colossal joy will flow freely and abundantly through vast numbers of you, joy that will totally envelop, embrace, and amaze you. You are going to be so glad that you you chose to be incarnate as a human at this moment in this most beautiful further unfolding of God’s divine will for Her beloved children. Yes, the environment that you experience as humans in form is most certainly unreal, illusory.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman
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