domingo, diciembre 23, 2018
This place, this space, the depth of the CORE OF OUR EVERY EVERYTHING.... without the old human programming, mindsets, mentalities, beliefs....
This place, this space, this pure Divine Essence Light.... emanates from our every cell and through our conscious breath ... the PURE LOVE that we ARE....
This place, this space... this deeply sacred space....
This place, this space... where all is visible and up to us to choose/shift and dissolve/resolve/clear anything not completely pure within us..... in this very now....
This place, this space.... is available to all who CHOOSE, to shed all of the other BS and LIVE as PURITY too....
This place, this space.... this is where we live from, exist from, occupy and function from... not a place/space we "visit" from time to time....
This place, this space.... is HOME... the frequency and Energy of Pure SOURCE Light, the fully Conscious Creator of all realities, from this place/this space right here.
This place, this space.... we do not stray, we do not go unconscious, our hearts do not close anymore and we never forget again....
This place, this space.... we breathe this through our entire BEing, this Sacred Vessel, our Divine LightBody and Crystalline Structure, through our NEW Earth Bodies and Systems and out to touch all as LOVE too..... to affect all through purity, to SHOW what Purity and Living as our Divine Sacred Soul Self is...
This place, this space.... when we shift "out" in any way, we are out of alignment, so we stop everything and bring all back into full alignment, on a Soul Level... right here, right now... not "later" when it's convenient...that's the human ego way.... and we don't live there anymore....
This place, this space... we HOLD THIS ABOVE ALL... our highest versions and aspects, from within our physical body form.... "they" are not "off out there", they are all deep inside, when we are maintaining, sustaining, holding fully, with our every breathe..... (Embodiment) and Living AS our highest versions, from within every sacred moment, as the EXAMPLE OF what is possible and "how" to BE this here.....
This place, this space.... offers full expansion, full consciousness, full infinite everything.... and it's up to each one of us to make this our priority and HOLD THIS AT ALL TIMES.... as this is what Full Consciousness is.... fully awake, fully in-tune, fully aligned and living PURE UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS, with every sacred breath in all that WE ARE and DO.....
HOLD Your Light..... hold it.... BE it.... Keep your heart WIDE OPEN forever... don't ever close it/protect it again. ♥
Your REALities actually do depend on this... as a multi-dimensional here. ♥
Fully conscious and in-tune.... amazing, most brilliant, beautiful, exquisite, magical and abundant realities here.
If you bring your ego into the picture and shift out of this place, this space, your realities shift vibrationally and "take you back" to an old unconscious one to clear yourself. Recognize this, so that your every reality stays fully aligned and in harmony on every level here.
This "new" 12D template is about full harmony on a much vaster level (cellular/DNA/body/field) than ever before. Anything not in full harmony is visible instantly, which is an out-of-tune reality for you/each of us to tune ourselves....
Yes, we tune realities, through learning how to utilize harmonics here. This takes our full presence and full consciousness here.
I love you....................... ♥ ♥
Have a most magical and amazing everything. Why? Because we can. No, we don't ever accept less anymore. That was the old way... the unconscious (karmic timeline) one. And we have not been unconscious for a very long time.... which is why all is beyond exquisite, because we aligned fully inside and we never forget... ever.... Zero compromise on a Soul Level.... IS PURE LOVE FOR US ALL. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Emanating from our own Galactic Core, from our own Divinity, from our deepest Sacred Connection SO massive that nothing can infiltrate this or affect this..... BE YOUR HIGHEST everything...... from the deepest depths.... at all times..... not one moment/breath of anything less.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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