Open your heart now to receive and become as one with Divine Love and the Love you are in truth.
Allow this love to permeate all your bodies and fields and all that you are, so that you are held in a bubble of pure white energy with soft pink, blue and pure gold.
Affirm: I AM Divine Love. I AM That, I AM.
I AM Divine Love, in thought, in word, in deed.
I AM That, I AM.
We are now going through quantum shifts, where all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good will simply dissolve.
More than this your heart and soul know the truth. Live your soul truth with love, through love and within love.
Call in Archangels Chamuel, Charity, Christiel to assist you and open your heart center even more, so that you can expand into ever higher levels of love and live this.
The Age of Love is here, risiding already in your own heart, the sacred temple of Love, within.
I AM Love, I Am Loved, I AM Loving.
Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the artist