Beloved Ones,
The process of self-synthesis has been initiated for many of you who have been bridging your physical and divine selves. This is a universal light-encoded reconnective symbol I received for those of you who are on this path of self-reconnection and initiation into a new ascensional stage.
This symbol is to help you reconnect with your divine selves and start receiving higher guidance, for in the moment you choose to realign to authentic Sources, your Divine One, the descension of more love, higher understanding, and power is immediate.
This is a symbol to help reconnect not only your human self with your non-physical ones, but with your parallel selves, their wisdom, and power, for many of you are representatives of your monad, so to speak, and as you remember and evolve, so do the others parallel selves.
It helps you unify All of who you are, have been, and will ever be, in all directions, dimensions, and timelines, across time and space, for you are everything and everywhere.
You can draw this symbol in your soul portal area - thymus - or simply visualize it, integrating it in your pineal gland, and then descend it into your thymus-heart portal, extending it if you are guided to your entire body, or simply anchoring it on your heart. The color as I tried to show is of a bright white diamond light spectrum.
Many of you are now traversing a passage where confusion reigns and where you need to clearly see where to go. No one and nothing can know your path but yourself. Others can help you remain on your chosen path, confirming what you already feel or helping you remember who you are, but only you know, for only you create the next steps of your journey.
Only you have a unique link to the Creator, who speaks to all of us uniquely, and unrepeatably. Only you can travel the path you once chose, for it is the path that will help you rediscover yourself, your divine gifts, and where you are meant to be next, for your highest good and that of All.
I share this symbol with great love, and humility as I was asked not to beautify it, just share it as I saw it, and gratitude for you to continually choose the path of love and service to All.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
This symbol is to help you reconnect with your divine selves and start receiving higher guidance, for in the moment you choose to realign to authentic Sources, your Divine One, the descension of more love, higher understanding, and power is immediate.
This is a symbol to help reconnect not only your human self with your non-physical ones, but with your parallel selves, their wisdom, and power, for many of you are representatives of your monad, so to speak, and as you remember and evolve, so do the others parallel selves.
It helps you unify All of who you are, have been, and will ever be, in all directions, dimensions, and timelines, across time and space, for you are everything and everywhere.
You can draw this symbol in your soul portal area - thymus - or simply visualize it, integrating it in your pineal gland, and then descend it into your thymus-heart portal, extending it if you are guided to your entire body, or simply anchoring it on your heart. The color as I tried to show is of a bright white diamond light spectrum.
Many of you are now traversing a passage where confusion reigns and where you need to clearly see where to go. No one and nothing can know your path but yourself. Others can help you remain on your chosen path, confirming what you already feel or helping you remember who you are, but only you know, for only you create the next steps of your journey.
Only you have a unique link to the Creator, who speaks to all of us uniquely, and unrepeatably. Only you can travel the path you once chose, for it is the path that will help you rediscover yourself, your divine gifts, and where you are meant to be next, for your highest good and that of All.
I share this symbol with great love, and humility as I was asked not to beautify it, just share it as I saw it, and gratitude for you to continually choose the path of love and service to All.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba