Beloved Ones,
We are now entering into a phase of profound clearing and recalibration. We are immersed in a period of constant transformation that will lead us to stabilization, especially with the second eclipse in Libra in October. A period in which correcting our bodies is vital not to fall into densification, as my Guides call the opposite phenomena of density emancipation, for as you know densification is the process in which we create more density in our bodies and hence fragmentation.
Many of the causes of densification are related to the many reversals we still hold within our light body, especially in our masculine and female star tetrahedrons, for both are not spinning at all, as I often see or in reverse positions.
Another cause of profound densification is being attached energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or psychically as it attacks lower energies, like parasites, debris, and other influences, and it depletes our life force and impedes us from embracing more light.
Many of you also have implants in your crown, which is one of the reasons for not being able to descend all the guidance you feel in your heart is there, and that cannot be decoded.
Many of you are now releasing sixth and seventh-dimensional implants, non-benevolent connections, imprints, and any other blockages that kept you from being reconnected to who you are, to your dimensions of origin, and above all, to your God Self, for there are many the Truths we are now able to see, removing false programs and beliefs that damage our energetic bodies.
The eclipses are a great source of alchemy, they alter our magnetic fields, and allow more light transmissions into our planetary grids. They also bring now for us the opportunity to distill what no longer serves our bodies and lives, becoming more healed and whole and allowing as well all the light transmissions that are entering our planet into our bodies. Together with Virgo energies, we have ahead a propitious time to bring more recalibration, balance, purity, and restoration into ourselves.
The eclipses will also help us manifest new potentialities that arise from the inner transformation we are experiencing. New aspects of our soul mission, ways of living, and thinking, are now being embodied, for as we evolve so do our habits.
This last phase of the year is very important as it prepares our bodies to receive higher encodements, for us to continue our work of energetic reconstruction and reconnection, in the following months, in which the harmonics codes will be amplified and we will have more resting periods.
It has not been always easy for us to reach this stage, but it is always worth it to see how we continue to release more old layers of our self and embody more illumined ones, retrieving our soul memories and divine abilities to bring more assistance, love, and healing in our unique way.
Today and always yours is the choice to remain in your Higher Heart, within divine love and harmony, or choose differently. Each choice creates a different timeline, that will align you to the Earth reality that corresponds to it.
Ascension is a conscious choice of dwelling in the love that we are, so we can extend this Love to the whole. It is this inner state of being the one that determines what you experience, with whom, and where you are heading in your personal soul path, and no one and nothing else but you. Own your power and choose wisely what to think, feel, and create next, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Kesara