viernes, junio 28, 2024
sábado, junio 01, 2024
Aurora Ray - Invisible Guardians: The Mysteries of Guardian Angels - Jun 1, 2024
The belief in guardian angels exists across various religious and spiritual traditions. A guardian angel is generally defined as a spiritual being who protects and guides a particular person.
While guardian angels are most commonly associated with Christianity, belief in angelic protectors and guides is found in Jewish, Islamic, and other faiths as well:

sábado, abril 13, 2024
sábado, marzo 16, 2024
Herkimer Diamond and White Angelic Fire Transmission

lunes, marzo 11, 2024
jueves, febrero 01, 2024
jueves, diciembre 07, 2023
jueves, noviembre 23, 2023
True Signs That Angels Are in Your House and Bringing Miracles to Your Life!

sábado, noviembre 11, 2023
Celia Fenn - 11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans - Nov 11, 2023
11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans
Today is the power portal of the 11/11 and Scorpio Gate.
Powerful Energies of Light and Water Codes pouring in.
It feels so delicious to me : so gentle and yet so powerful.
I am conscious of many many Angels from Archangel Michael and the Elohim celebrating the unfolding of a new phase of Evolution and Transformation on the Earth.

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2023
viernes, octubre 20, 2023
Aurora Ray - True Signs That Angels Are in Your House and Bringing Miracles to Your Life! - Oct 20, 2023
True Signs That Angels Are in Your House and Bringing Miracles to Your Life!
Have you ever felt a sense of calm and peace that seems to wrap around you, even on the busiest days? Have you caught a whiff of a sweet scent that suddenly fills your space when there's no logical explanation? Or perhaps you've stumbled upon a feather in the most unexpected place, like a little gift from the heavens?

miércoles, julio 26, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Different Types Of Angels That Are Around Us - July 26, 2023

There is power for peace within you. When you call upon it, it will guide you. You need not be afraid, for when you are in light and love, all is well. Feelings of fear, anger, and hatred only come from the darkness that surrounds you and seeks to influence your thoughts and feelings.
Tune in to the light within you and let it fill your mind with love and peace. Call upon the angels to help you in every way possible. When you are filled with love and peace, others around you will also be filled with love and peace.

lunes, diciembre 19, 2022
lunes, diciembre 12, 2022
martes, diciembre 06, 2022
domingo, diciembre 04, 2022
domingo, septiembre 04, 2022
Jahn J Kassl - The Angels - GOD and YOU - Sep 4, 2022

Go ahead and unfurl your fears and worries before GOD, HE will receive you like a king who has forgotten who he is.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Closeness to God
Beloved humans,
Devote your entire life to God and unfurl your fears and worries before him.
Seek strength, support and guidance in God, so your life can unfold along the tracks you were meant to follow – transforming the distance from God into closeness, shaping fear and worries into love and faith, and facing life with courage, energy and the certainty that everything fulfills a holy meaning.

lunes, julio 18, 2022
Pamela Kribbe canaliza a María - HAZ ESPACIO PARA LOS ÁNGELES
Pamela Kribbe canaliza a María
Queridos, hombres y mujeres bellos, soy María. No estoy sola, estoy acompañada de ángeles. Ellos son sus ángeles, seres de luz que están conectados con cada uno de ustedes. Sientan su dulzura, están aquí para ustedes. Cada uno tiene ángeles de luz a su alrededor que quieren apoyarlos en su camino en la Tierra. ¡Haz sitio para estos ángeles! Permite que te rodeen con una vibración muy suave y ligera. Siente cómo la energía de este espacio se ilumina con su presencia. Desean darles algo, permíteles compartir la luz del Hogar, las esferas a las que pertenecen, la atmósfera de luz de donde vinieron. Permite que estos ángeles te den sanidad.

domingo, marzo 27, 2022
Diana Cooper - You only have one Guardian Angel - Mar 27, 2022

You only have one Guardian Angel who is allocated to you for your lifetime but you have many spirit guides. They are attracted to you according to the level of light you radiate, so as you become more enlightened, higher guides work with you, until you may even have an ascended master by your side. You may have several guides with you at a time. One might help you with your financial issues. Another may have been a nun, who enables you to feel calm or guide you spiritually. A third may be assisting you in your business. A fourth is perhaps a very wise ancient. Your thoughts draw them in so they will respond to your needs and also to your requests. In order to become a spirit guide you go through extensive training in the inner planes, for it is a highly responsible position. However, those who have loved you may also help you. They are helpers in spirit but not guides. Many spirit guides present themselves as they were in their last incarnation. As these had to be lives of wisdom in order for them to qualify, they are often Native American Indians or monks or doctors.

martes, enero 25, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Different Types Of Angels That Are Around Us - Jan 25, 2022

There is power for peace within you. When you call upon it, it will guide you. You need not be afraid, for when you are in light and love, all is well. Feelings of fear, anger, and hatred only come from the darkness that surrounds you and seeks to influence your thoughts and feelings.
Tune in to the light within you and let it fill your mind with love and peace. Call upon the angels to help you in every way possible. When you are filled with love and peace, others around you will also be filled with love and peace.