The Different Types Of Angels That Are Around Us
There is power for peace within you. When you call upon it, it will guide you. You need not be afraid, for when you are in light and love, all is well. Feelings of fear, anger, and hatred only come from the darkness that surrounds you and seeks to influence your thoughts and feelings.
Tune in to the light within you and let it fill your mind with love and peace. Call upon the angels to help you in every way possible. When you are filled with love and peace, others around you will also be filled with love and peace.
There is not a day in your life on Earth when you are alone. There is no time when you are in need, and there is no one who can help you except for the angels and the Divine Presence of God.
Truly, the angels are with you. They have always been with you. They will be with you until the very end of your existence on this planet.
The love that the angels bring to your life is all-encompassing, all-accepting, and all-forgiving. The Angels' love for you has no boundaries or limitations.
Their vibrations of love surround you in an ever-expanding circle of divine energy that is beyond human understanding. This energy will expand as far as it needs to go to encompass this planet and beyond. It is into this circle of divine energy that we invite you to open your heart and mind to receive all the love that is here for you right now.
Once you know that angels are with you and will guide and help you, the next step is to know how they will manifest in your life. The most common way angels show themselves is through a person who enters your life at just the right time and brings something special to help you on your journey.
Do not be surprised if you see an angel in disguise or if they show themselves in many different forms. For example, they may come through a friend who telephones you out of the blue just when you need it, through a teacher, through a book, through the radio or TV, or even through a situation where someone does a good deed for you in passing.
There are many different types of angels in the universe.
There are guardian angels who look after us and protect us. There are angelic guides who help us along our spiritual path, and there are many other types of angels who bring us love and light.
The angels of healing can assist you with physical ailments, helping to get you well again. The Angels of guidance will help you with all aspects of your life, letting you know what is coming up in the future so you can prepare accordingly. The Angels of Love will surround you with their love and light. They will fill your heart with joy and happiness and give you peace that nothing can take away from you.
When you are in the presence of angels, you will feel a sense of well-being, inner joy, and peace. The angels have been sent to help you and to guide you along your path.
Tuning in to the angels means tuning into this unconditional love that is always with us and letting it nurture us.
Angels are here to help you be all you can be. They love you unconditionally and want the best for you. They never give up on you. They want to see you grow spiritually. They want to help you be a positive force in your family, your community, and the world.
Here are some ways that angels help us:
They come to us in our dreams and show us where we need to focus our attention and how we need to change our actions.
They bring messages from God or other spiritual teachers.
They protect us from harm, both physically and emotionally. They support us when we need it most. They never give up on us. It is the nature of angels to always encourage and support us. If you ask them, they will guide and direct your life.
Angels always know what is best for us in any situation. If we have faith and trust in them, they will lead us to a better tomorrow.
There have always been angels. They are here for us in this physical world and in the higher realms. They help us navigate our lives, and they assist us with the lessons we are here to learn, so we can grow and evolve spiritually.
This is why it's important to pray for protection from negative forces and ask for guidance from your angels. So much negativity exists in this world, but by praying for protection and guidance, you can get through it unscathed. It's all up to you. The choice is yours. Light or darkness? Love or hate? Goodness or evil?
Angles are here to help you. They believe in you. They are aware that you have been striving to grow spiritually, and they want to help you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.
Tapping into the Divine is all about connecting with our higher selves, which is who we really are. This is a process that takes time and effort. It requires dedication, discipline, and faithfulness. But it also requires a certain level of trust, which I am certain you already possess. If this is true, then there is nothing to worry about!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
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