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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Guías Angélicos. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, junio 01, 2024

Aurora Ray - Invisible Guardians: The Mysteries of Guardian Angels - Jun 1, 2024

Invisible Guardians: The Mysteries of Guardian Angels

The belief in guardian angels exists across various religious and spiritual traditions. A guardian angel is generally defined as a spiritual being who protects and guides a particular person.

While guardian angels are most commonly associated with Christianity, belief in angelic protectors and guides is found in Jewish, Islamic, and other faiths as well:

sábado, septiembre 25, 2021

Diana Cooper - You only have one Guardian Angel... - Sep 25, 2021


You only have one Guardian Angel who is allocated to you for your lifetime but you have many spirit guides. They are attracted to you according to the level of light you radiate, so as you become more enlightened, higher guides work with you, until you may even have an ascended master by your side. You may have several guides with you at a time. One might help you with your financial issues. Another may have been a nun, who enables you to feel calm or guide you spiritually. A third may be assisting you in your business. A fourth is perhaps a very wise ancient. Your thoughts draw them in so they will respond to your needs and also to your requests. In order to become a spirit guide you go through extensive training in the inner planes, for it is a highly responsible position. However, those who have loved you may also help you. They are helpers in spirit but not guides. Many spirit guides present themselves as they were in their last incarnation. As these had to be lives of wisdom in order for them to qualify, they are often Native American Indians or monks or doctors.

miércoles, marzo 25, 2020

Diana Cooper's Daily Spiritual Exercises - Mar 23, 2020

Diana Cooper's Daily Spiritual Exercises

Challenging times offer opportunities for spiritual growth and ascension in a way that comfortable times do not.

You have a choice to succumb to fear or stand firm as a Master and radiate Love.

Starting today, I am offering a variety of daily exercises of ten to fifteen minutes each that you can do to hold your frequency high and move you upward on your ascension path. If you do these you may like to keep a journal to record your experiences and your progress.

sábado, enero 04, 2020

awakening5dhealing - 20 Signs of Light Warrior Activation - January 4, 2020

Light Warrior activation is surreal, transdimensional and deeply spiritual. Warrior Activation codes triggering some lightworkers into more of a Grrrrrrrr space and less love, light and rainbows. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! There are a myriad of missions, roles, cosmic travelers signed up for when we volunteered. We are all healers, teachers, light missionaries, some of us are gifted in the arts, communication, medical and science arenas, others are singing the notes of ascension, crafting light into daily lives of folk. We are

lunes, julio 08, 2019

Teri Wade - Allies...- July 8, 2019


Everybody that comes into this world has a spiritual team, back up...because entering this material world isn’t easy. You come in with certain talents and certain knowledge from previous lifetimes. We are always being told information through codes kind of like Q in the Bond movies. 😉

miércoles, noviembre 30, 2016


Hoy nos gustaría que se concentrasen en los niños/niñas que ahora están encarnando en vuestra realidad.
El progreso se hace con cada nueva generación; sin embargo, esos niños/niñas están más evolucionados que nunca. Ellos no solo están más avanzados en sus habilidades, pero también están, química e instintivamente, diferentes a nivel celular. Nuestra intención es darles, a ustedes, nuestra perspectiva sobre los cambios y potenciales que pueden esperar ver en estos niños(as) que entran en vuestras vidas.

miércoles, noviembre 11, 2015

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - “The Journey of the Soul Through Life and Death” - Nov 10, 2015

flower essence childrenToday we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of what we have titled “The Journey of the Soul Through Birth and Death”. Many often wonder what it is like for the soul just prior to incarnating into a physical vessel as well as what it’s like for a soul during the departure of the physical body. So we will share with you our perspective in hopes of offering you more clarity.
When a soul has made the decision to re-enter your physical world it must make a few decisions first. Please know that there is no time in the higher realms and therefore we cannot tell you the amount of time it takes before a soul is ready to once again reincarnate into another life after their physical death. It is different for every soul. Now with that being said, the soul must make a few decisions before it can once again incarnate into another physical body. These decisions include what region they would like to be born into, who they would like their parents to be and what lessons or themes they would like to further explore.

lunes, julio 20, 2015

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - Mastering Your Response to the Challenges You Are Experiencing – 7-20-15

Today we would like to take this time to share our perspective, if we may, as many of you are manifesting rather difficult or frustrating hurdles for yourself at this time.

Some of you are manifesting small annoyances while others feel as though they are being faced with large and difficult challenges.

First and foremost, we would first like to remind you to take a breath. This too shall pass as it always does. We remind you, this year will help you to better maintain your faith and teach you how to manifest what you desire.

sábado, julio 11, 2015

Ann Albers - Allow Love - July 11, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Life can be so much easier than you have been taught! Love wants to pour into your life. Can you get out of its way? Can you release your mind's grip on the problems and challenges so as to create room for the solutions? Can you focus on the beauty you'd like to see in the future, and even better, the beauty around you right now?
We know you all have challenging circumstances in your life. We know you are all amazing creators and you didn't necessarily create these challenges because you wanted difficulty, but rather because you forgot to love yourselves somewhere along the way. So how do you create change right in this instant?

martes, abril 28, 2015

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - The fate of the world rests in your hands” - April 28, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of probable outcomes. In a sense we would like to discuss your role as a creator being and the power that you hold in determining what kind of a world you wish to create. We are aware that many humans seek change at this time; both change in their personal lives as well as on a global scale but are often left feeling helpless. We are here to assure you that you are not helpless, and in fact, the fate of your world rests in your decisions. This is what we wish to further explain.
As we have shared in some of our previous messages, you are surrounded by an infinite number of parallel realities which contain every conceivable outcome and scenario you could possibly imagine. However you will not experience each and every one of those realities consciously, your choices that you make in this now moment will govern what you do and do not experience in a conscious manner.
Let us briefly touch upon the topic of parallel realities before we begin to explain the crucial role that you play in determining the outcome of your world.

jueves, marzo 19, 2015

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Dream a Bigger Dream - Mar 19, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifestation.
As many of you are becoming increasingly aware of the limitations you have thus far placed upon yourself, you are also now capable of shedding these limitations.
You are beginning to see more clearly than you ever have before. You see, when you become conscious of any belief you then have the ability to release it, to alter it, or to replace it.
So many humans have not dared to dream big for fear that they will always remain disappointed that it never manifested. This is what we would like to touch upon in our discussion with you today.
We wish to remind you to dream your dreams without restriction, without the limitations you have no doubt placed upon yourselves. We can assure you, each and every one of you are quite good at manifesting. However, many of you have not yet mastered the art of manifesting your desires.
For many eons humans have allowed their fears to run wild, and as a result those fears, rather than the dreams, have been what has manifested.

sábado, febrero 14, 2015

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your Reality is Shifting to a New Paradigm - Feb 13, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention on your perceived reality.  Many are watching as the entire “world” is seemingly in some sort of chaos.  But know that things are not always as they seem to be.  There are many opposing view points that are being brought to the collective’s attention.
Remember, you cannot change what you do not know. These extremes are being brought to your attention, not so that you can force your views upon another but rather so that you can see that all wish for the same end result; you merely have different opinions of how to reach the desired outcome.
Much corruption has been allowed to exist within reality, it has been there all along, however it is only now that your collective is strong enough to redirect it, to shift what you no longer wish to have on your planet.
Most of your policies, institutions, and governments are in need of change as they can no longer be sustained if you wish to create something entirely new. Though, you must know that from every wreckage comes an opportunity to build something much greater.  You cannot have the new unless you are willing to let go of the old.

miércoles, diciembre 03, 2014

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your Eyes Are Not the Observer of Your Reality, They Are the Projectors - Dec 3, 2014

angelic_guidesAngelic Guides: Your Eyes Are Not the Observer of Your Reality, They Are the Projectors, channeled by Taryn Crimi, December 1, 2014. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Today we would like to focus your attention upon your holographic reality; one which appears to be so very real, as it seemingly fabricates the challenges that you face and the obstacles that you must surmount.
Now, this is not to say that the obstacles do not exist. Rather, we would say they exist from your mind’s perspective. You have the ability to change the picture any time that you wish. All you must do is change your focus.

viernes, noviembre 21, 2014

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: What If There Were No One Else but You - Nov 20, 2014
Angelic Guides: What If There Were No One Else but You, channeled by Taryn Crimi, November 20, 2014. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Today we have been asked to further elaborate upon the often talked about phrase, ‘All are one.’
Certainly this is something that those of you drawn to this message have heard, but we would like to share with you our perspective in hopes of helping you to truly understand the magnitude of this statement.
There are many of you who will find this message to be ‘mind-blowing’, or even impossible; and of course there are still others who are already on some level aware of what we are about to share. So with that, allow us to begin sharing our perspective.

sábado, octubre 25, 2014

Ann Albers - Light Is There In Spite of Fear - October 25, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is so much fear upon your planet earth dear ones, and yet we maintain that there is also so much light. Your reality will be dictated by where you place your focus. There have always been wars. There have always been disasters. There have always been viruses. However there are always areas and hearts filled with great peace. There are always people helping one another after disasters, and there are always those souls who work with the afflicted, unaffected by disease because they abide in pure love.

Rather than slipping into the world's very deep need for companionship in its misery, stay in the light. Love yourself no matter what. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others and realize that if you are feeling the world's chaos, so too are others, even those who are unaware. Attempt to be more compassionate than usual, starting with yourself and then sharing that compassion with those you encounter throughout your day. For in truth you are all in school together. You are all family. You are all born of the heart of God.

martes, octubre 14, 2014

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - The Telepathic Language of the Heart - Oct 14, 2014

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of communication. There are many at this time who have great difficulty communicating their true beliefs, thoughts and feelings with those they are closest too.
Many believe that in order to communicate they must use words. You have been taught that in order to understand another you must listen, but really you must feel in order to understand.
It is our intention today to help shed light on this topic and discuss some of the misconceptions about how one can communicate.
The use of language through words has been used on your planet for thousands upon thousands of years, however know that this was not always the case; nor is it necessary for communication to take place.

martes, octubre 07, 2014

Taryn CrimiT - The emotional swings caused by the Full Blue Moon - October 7, 2014

supermoonToday we would like to focus your attention upon the powerful full blue moon that is due to align with your planet this coming night. We would like to touch upon the dramatic effects that this powerful moon has upon each of you individually as well as collectively.
Certainly there have been a number of very powerful and transformative new and full moons this year; each serving a very necessary purpose. Full moons have a particularly significant effect upon not only each of you but on your planet as well. As each of you are majorly made of up water. Just as the ebb and flow of the worlds oceans are pulled more dramatically during the time of a full moon, so too are each of you. You will have likely noticed that your emotions are stronger, more dramatic and more sporadic than usual.

sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 30 August 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Be gentle with yourselves this week. Allow yourself to surrender to all that comes up within you. Try your best to accept everything that you feel. No matter what arises in your hearts, tell yourself, “It is OK. I am allowed to feel everything. When you feel something you would normally judge – anger, sadness, jealousy – ask yourself one simple question, “What do I need now?” because all so-called negative emotions are simply speaking to you. They are your soul whispering to you, saying, “Hello, I have something important to say. You have been ignoring me.” Listen, dear ones, to the messages beneath the surface.

lunes, agosto 25, 2014

Ann Albers - Sometimes The Storms Define Our Light - 23 August, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

My dear friends, take heart. There are great vibrations of fear coming to the surface upon your planet earth right now and yet we know these are caused by incredible waves of light. Love is “stirring up the dust” so to speak, causing things to rise up from the depths both on your Mother earth and in your human hearts.

So if you are experiencing fear, anxiety, feelings of tension, unrest, etc., you are not alone. It is simply time to embrace all that is within you and love all feelings as if you were loving the scared, upset, or anxious feelings of a little child.