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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Guerreros de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 26, 2024

Aurora Ray - Master Your Mind and Ignite the Flame of The Warrior Spirit - Jul 26, 2024

Master Your Mind and Ignite the Flame of The Warrior Spirit

The human mind is a mysterious landscape waiting to be explored.

When we engage with the mind, it has a tendency to conjure up sensations of pain even where none exist. The mind possesses this remarkable ability—it can fabricate pain out of thin air.

But we must persevere. How do we push through? By breathing deeper, longer, and slower. Your breath, your prana, is your life force. True strength emanates from the breath. As we deal with the complexities of the mind, we can use our breath to rise above the challenges it throws at us, tapping into our inner strength and unlocking our full potential.

viernes, mayo 24, 2024

Aurora Ray - Warrior of Light Wanted for 5D Ascension - May 24, 2024

Warrior of Light Wanted for 5D Ascension

In the mystical realms of spiritual awakening, there exists a profound calling—a beckoning to embrace one's inner warrior of light. It's not merely a journey of self-discovery but a pilgrimage towards a higher dimension, a realm where consciousness transcends the limitations of the physical world. The warrior activation is when the cosmic symphony orchestrates the evolution of the soul.

viernes, mayo 17, 2024

Aurora Ray - Your Identity As Spiritual Warrior of Light - May 17, 2024

Your Identity As Spiritual Warrior of Light

In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, there are moments that resonate with an energy so potent, so profound, that they transcend the ordinary and beckon us to awaken to our highest selves. As the celestial dance brings forth eclipses, we are reminded of our connection to the ancient rhythms of the universe, a reminder that echoes back to the dawn of a nation, to the year 1776, when the Declaration of Liberty heralded a new era of freedom and possibility.

The most recent eclipse was not merely a celestial spectacle; these are gateways to transformation, portals through which we can harness the boundless power of solstices, eclipses, and equinoxes etc. to propel ourselves toward our highest aspirations. These are the days when our efforts are amplified a hundredfold when the universe itself conspires to aid us in our journey of self-realization.

Yet, let us not mistake the magnitude of this opportunity for ease and relaxation. No, today calls for diligence, for dedication, for a willingness to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. For within the crucible of effort lies the alchemy of breakthrough, the crucible through which we refine our identity as spiritual warriors of light.

In the realm of the spiritual warrior, our highest goal is to transcend the limitations of the finite self and embody our infinite potential. The body serves as our vessel, our anchor in the material realm, while the mind acts as the bridge to our higher, luminous essence. But we unlock the full potential of our being through the integration of body and mind, through the alchemical fusion of sound, meditation, mantra, and movement.

For too long, the modern world has subjected our nervous systems to the relentless onslaught of stress and strain, leaving them weakened and shallow. Yet, it is not our true selves that falter under this burden, but the shallowness of our nervous systems, the failure to nurture and strengthen the conduits through which our life force flows.

In the science of the Kundalini Activation Technique (KAT), we understand that the coordination of the body and nervous system is essential for clarity of purpose and for direction in our journey towards self-realization. When the frequencies of body and nervous center are in harmony, clarity emerges, fog dissipates, and we find ourselves guided by the steady pulse of our highest aspirations.

And yet, in our journey towards self-mastery, we encounter the myriad distractions of the ego, the tumultuous seas of emotion that threaten to engulf us. But amidst the chaos, there exists a beacon of clarity, a frequency of love that transcends all others. It is this frequency that we must attune ourselves to, that we must embody in our quest for spiritual sovereignty.

For the mind, that most potent of instruments, is not meant to be a slave to its own whims and fancies, but a tool for self-expansion, for the manifestation of our deepest desires. Through the cultivation of guided imagination, through the rising of the Kundalini energy, we reclaim mastery over our thoughts, directing them towards the realization of our highest potential.

On astrologically significant days, like the eclipse, let us embrace the mantle of the spiritual warrior. Let us come together in community to breathe, meditate, exercise, and heal together. We are here to bridge the finite and the infinite. By practicing the Kundalini Activation Technique, we manifest our destiny with unwavering resolve. For within each of us lies the spark of divinity, the flame of transformation waiting to be ignited.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, let us remember that the sky is not the limit, that our potential knows no bounds. Let us harness the power of solstices, equinoxes, eclipses, and moons to create great breakthroughs, transcend the limitations of the past, and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie before us.

In the crucible of effort, in the furnace of transformation, we forge our destiny, we become the warriors of light that we were always meant to be. And in doing so, we illuminate the path for others to follow, inspiring them to unleash the power within and to become the architects of their own destiny.

So let us stand together, united in purpose, undaunted by the challenges that lie ahead. Astrologically significant days offer an opportunity to make a quantum leap. If we practice on these days, we seize the moment, we embrace the opportunity, and we soar towards the radiant dawn of a new era of possibility.

In the sacred realm of the spiritual warrior, we transcend the limitations of the ego, shedding the shackles of fear and embracing the boundless expanses of love. We recognize that emotions are but fleeting tempests, while love, pure and unyielding, is the eternal beacon that guides us through the darkest nights.

As we embark on this journey of self-realization, let us not be swayed by the allure of fantasies, the siren songs of illusion that lead us astray. Instead, let us anchor ourselves in the truth of our own inner wisdom, in the power of our own innate divinity.

For the path of the spiritual warrior is not for the faint of heart; it is a path of discipline, of dedication, of unwavering commitment to the highest ideals of truth and virtue. It is a path that demands courage in the face of adversity, resilience in the midst of chaos, and faith in the power of transformation.

And yet, it is also a path of profound joy, of boundless love, and of infinite possibility. For as we awaken to our true nature as spiritual warriors of light, we unlock the secrets of the universe, we harness the forces of creation, and we become the architects of our own destiny.

So let us embrace the astrologically important days as sacred opportunities, moments of profound significance in our journey towards self-realization. Let us harness their power to purify our minds, to awaken our souls, and to unleash the full potential of our being.

For in the crucible of transformation, we find the strength to overcome the limitations of the past, the wisdom to navigate the challenges of the present, and the vision to create a future of infinite possibility.

Let us stand together as spiritual warriors of light, united in purpose and guided by the eternal flame of love. For in the radiant dawn of a new era, we emerge victorious, our spirits ablaze with the glory of our own divine essence.

Sat Nam, warriors of light.

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

viernes, mayo 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - Awakening the Warriors Mastery of the Mind - May 10, 2024

Awakening the Warriors Mastery of the Mind

To embark on the journey of becoming a spiritual warrior of light is to embark on a path of mastery over the mind. It's about sharpening our mental faculties, honing our inner strength, and cultivating a mindset of victory. In a recent class I taught, we delved into the essence of this warrior spirit, exploring the power of celebrating our victories, harnessing our energy, and embracing our infinite potential.

sábado, enero 04, 2020

awakening5dhealing - 20 Signs of Light Warrior Activation - January 4, 2020

Light Warrior activation is surreal, transdimensional and deeply spiritual. Warrior Activation codes triggering some lightworkers into more of a Grrrrrrrr space and less love, light and rainbows. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! There are a myriad of missions, roles, cosmic travelers signed up for when we volunteered. We are all healers, teachers, light missionaries, some of us are gifted in the arts, communication, medical and science arenas, others are singing the notes of ascension, crafting light into daily lives of folk. We are

sábado, agosto 17, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Message from the Angels of Light 08.19 - August 17, 2019

We are the Angels of Light, we come to you today through our channel morag with great tidings of love and light. The ascension is well under way. We have much to say and are aware of the transitions each of you are moving through. We hope to impart our news couched in all that is truth, love and light in the multi verse. We are angels, we transcend the frequencies enabling us to no longer require organic bodies to house our souls. We are bigger than planets and smaller than ants. We are filled with light, this makes us appear as angels to those still on the material plane. We can affect everything that is energy. We came some time ago to oversee humanities’ ascension on Gaia.

jueves, agosto 11, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan - The Collective - Message to Lightworkers - Aug 11, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones!

We are not only observing, but are also experiencing with you the tremendous onslaught of energies you are feeling and seeing the results of, in many situations in your world, as well as in your own lives.

Understand that things will not always be so overwhelming, so taxing and tiring, and so confusing as they feel to be at present.

You are seeing the establishing of a higher frequency as the base frequency of your Earth—a New Earth, with all the expressions of freedom, equality, abundance, and creativity that you could imagine a fifth dimensional planet experiencing.

From this new base frequency, increasingly higher frequencies of consciousness, wisdom, and understanding will continue to come forward, birthing new fifth dimensional forms and experiences on your planet that were once only the stuff of science fiction.

And we would say, that though you may feel impatient at all the shifts and disturbances you are experiencing now—in Earth Herself, and in your own bodies, hearts, and minds—you nevertheless are holding now a frequency of Higher Light that you could not have withstood even one year ago.