Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Índigos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Índigos. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, mayo 27, 2024

Natalia Alba - Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation - May 27, 2024

Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation 

Beloved Ones,

As a result of the current planetary shift that is taking place, in which we are being assisted and intervened, benevolently, by our Aurora family, and the Luminaries White races, many of us are now connecting to the Andromedan portal, descending the fire codes necessary for us to rehabilitate our DNA, for the more openings in our earth's templars or gates, the more light we can embody.

sábado, abril 29, 2023

Aurora Ray - Unlocking The Mystery of Indigo Children: What You Need To Know - Apr 29, 2023

Unlocking The Mystery of Indigo Children: What You Need To Know

We've all heard about children born with special gifts. They're called "Indigo children."

However, some parents are wondering if it's something to be concerned about and what their children might be up to.

Indigo children are being born into the world at an incredible rate. They have a wide range of talents, abilities, and emotional lives.

So what is an indigo child's ultimate secret?

Are they different from the rest of us?

sábado, abril 15, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being Different - Apr 15, 2023

I don’t exactly remember when I realized that I was different from most of the people in my family. Maybe it was because I was the one who was paralyzed for 5 years, or maybe it was because my brother and sister, who were 11 months apart in age, looked like twins and I looked much different.

Maybe it was because I would get very angry at being lied to, unfairly blamed, or the game playing and manipulation that I experienced with my parents. I always felt like I was born into the wrong family and they were not my people.

sábado, junio 25, 2022

Aurora Ray - Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell! - June 25, 2022

Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell!

What Is An Indigo Child?

Indigo children are kids or adults who have a special blend of gifts and qualities that can make them seem like they're "different." They may be sensitive, intuitive, psychic, and even rebellious.

Indigos simply cannot accept any authority or authoritarian systems.

While all children have their moments of acting out, these kids can be especially challenging at times. But the truth is that they have a lot of potential to go on to do great things in life. The key is to help them connect to their inner guidance, let their light shine, and give them tools for coping with the world as it is.

martes, febrero 25, 2020

Judith Kusel - Special Message to the Volunteer Souls: Starseeds, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Sun Children of all ages....- Feb 25, 2020

Special Message to the Volunteer Souls: Starseeds, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Sun Children of all ages....

At this moment in time

which is Earth-time
- Not cosmic time,
all the souls that were
once involved or incarnated
in Elysium, the Lion Kingdom
Avalon, Lemuria and Atlantis
and all the subsequent
colonies of such,
have incarnated.

miércoles, enero 22, 2020

Judith Kusel - The Divine Cosmic Masterplan and the New Children - Jan 22, 2020

The Divine Cosmic Masterplan and the New Children

What is happening and why are the New Children here?

Divinity and all that has ever been created, works within one single immensely vast energy field, and within this one single vast energy field, there are many other energy fields, but they all work in tandem and are all masterfully created and orchestrated and directed by Divine Will and Purpose. There is nothing under the 12 Great Central Suns (each Sun is one vast energy field containing all the knowledge, technology, science, physics, metaphysics, patterns,

miércoles, noviembre 30, 2016


Hoy nos gustaría que se concentrasen en los niños/niñas que ahora están encarnando en vuestra realidad.
El progreso se hace con cada nueva generación; sin embargo, esos niños/niñas están más evolucionados que nunca. Ellos no solo están más avanzados en sus habilidades, pero también están, química e instintivamente, diferentes a nivel celular. Nuestra intención es darles, a ustedes, nuestra perspectiva sobre los cambios y potenciales que pueden esperar ver en estos niños(as) que entran en vuestras vidas.

martes, septiembre 06, 2016

“I Can Heal Water” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!”

The idea that a 9-year-old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity.

An Excerpt from the forthcoming book The New Human by Mary Rodwell

I received the following email about a nine-year-old from Northern Europe who speaks about her ability to ‘heal’ water through star languages. She also gives her perspective on God and her Mission:

“Poor us. poor kids who come to volunteer; we have such a difficult time ahead of us, a real fight. I am here to help my family ‘wake up,’ EVERYONE is sleeping.”

Cathy’s Mother:

“My nine-year-old daughter speaks ‘star languages’ to heal water. I live in Northern Europe and have four children. At the time of my first pregnancy, a ‘voice’ told me my children were not mine.

They would only come through me. These children belong to no one. It wasn’t until recently that I was aware there were such things as extra-terrestrials.

miércoles, abril 20, 2016

Lea Kapitel - Contactee and Starseed

Published on Apr 4, 2016
Lea's presentation was recorded at the UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated meeting held at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW, Australia on the 2 April 2016.

Lea Kapiteli is a ‘Starseed’ and has been a contactee since childhood. Through her contacts, Lea has learnt about the origins of humanity, why, and what happened in the distant past. She has found out about her origins, over the years of astral travelling, and telepathic communication.

Lea refers to herself as being a 'Homo Novis' or ‘New Human’, since she has vivid recall of her ET origins and multi-dimensional nature. She has made beautiful artworks.

The ‘New Human’ is a global phenomenon, and involves both adults and children who present as very ‘different’ from previous generations. The difference is experienced though their highly intuitive, and multidimensional abilities.

jueves, enero 07, 2016

Mary Rodwell : How do we recognize “The bringers of light?” -

By Higher Journeys

Guest Blogger Mary Rodwell

How do we recognize “The bringers of light?”

There are new generations of children incarnating on our planet who are very different to previous generations. They have been given many names such as Indigos, Crystal Children, Children of Light or Star Children. The children are far more multi-dimensionally aware than what is presently considered to be the ‘norm.’ Many have a deep understanding of their multidimensional reality and speak about helping humanity awaken to a higher state of consciousness. They may also be aware of contact with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences.

There is a race of beings upon the planet, increasing in number, although visually and physically indistinguishable to most humans. They are “the bringers of light” and are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial consciousness. The New Children are born without programs and will bring about a Global Awakening.
– Tracey Taylor artist /experiencer

martes, abril 29, 2014

Steve Rother - The Group - Update on the "Late" Great Planet Earth - April 15, 2014

Greetings, dear ones. 
No More Secrets
Greetings from Home. You have been watched and seen. Your own path is starting to change in new ways and it is becoming very beautiful on Earth, although we know that is not your perception. We can see very clearly there is so much turmoil. There is so much re-designing and re-defining of who you are. Often if you watch your news and the advancements around you what you will see is disturbing, because it only looks like discord and people taking to the streets. It is happening in Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Venezuela, and in so many places right now. Why? What is so different about this time than a few years ago? Even two or three years ago you would never see demonstrations like this happening in multiple countries at the same time. All of humanity has shifted, dear ones, and risen to a new perception. Part of the challenge is that you cannot withhold secrets from each other any longer, is that not interesting? It is quite beautiful from our perspective. You are living in the times of transparency and no more secrets, of which we have been speaking for quite some time. You did not actually think it was going to happen, yet here it is.