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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Razas Galácticas. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, enero 26, 2025

Natalia Alba - As keepers of the Earth - Jan 26, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As keepers of the Earth, many of you are now immersed in planetary work, individually, in groups, or in collaboration with non-physical beings, especially the Arcturians, Venusians, and the Inner Earth's beings, who are beings of many different forms that protect and heal our planet, from the fifth parallel dimension connected to us through the earth's crystalline heart or nucleus.

viernes, noviembre 08, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Life of Pleiadians - Nov 8, 2024

The Life of Pleiadians

The Pleiadians are incredibly peaceful, loving, spiritual, and intelligent beings who have achieved great things in their culture and society. Some of the achievements include being able to see with their eyes closed, having telepathic abilities, being able to freeze time, healing themselves and others instantly, flying without machines (they fly by thought using their Merkabah), technology that is so advanced that they can disappear from this planet to another in a flash of light and more.

lunes, mayo 27, 2024

Natalia Alba - Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation - May 27, 2024

Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation 

Beloved Ones,

As a result of the current planetary shift that is taking place, in which we are being assisted and intervened, benevolently, by our Aurora family, and the Luminaries White races, many of us are now connecting to the Andromedan portal, descending the fire codes necessary for us to rehabilitate our DNA, for the more openings in our earth's templars or gates, the more light we can embody.

sábado, agosto 19, 2023

Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Aug 19, 2023

Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

miércoles, mayo 24, 2023

James Gilliland - ECETI News - Contact Happening Now - May 25, 2023

Contact Happening Now

They’re here, they have always been here but they are now ready for contact. For those who have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent they are a thought away. There have been sightings around military bases increasing exponentially. It is part of a multidimensional plan to liberate Earth. There are forces seen and unseen involved beyond our ability to remove, that have been at war with humanity for thousands of years. They have been behind every war, every plague, every economic collapse, they thrive on the pain and suffering of humanity. They are involved in everything from drug, child, and sex trafficking to human sacrifice. They are now trying to bring us to WW3. It’s time to grow up. You no longer have the luxury of denial. Whistleblowers are coming forward in every agency including SSP Secret Space Fleet speaking about harvesting humans and abducting them as slaves. This is also replete within the upper echelons of many of your institutions. Most people cannot handle the depth of corruption and depravity. Satanic/Luciferian forces within the global elite have taken control of almost every institution. This is being rectified with help on high.

The reason everything is looking like theater is because it is. Many of these leaders have already been dealt with. What you are seeing are actors, masks and CGI for the most part in an attempt to wake up the socially engineered brain washed masses. Many of the socially engineered lack critical thinking, base logic and are research impaired. They suffer from cognitive dissonance while others are morally impaired to the point they are no longer redeemable. Some very hard lessons are coming for them.

Universal Law is coming, Gesara what was once Nesara is being enforced. It was always in play since the Clinton Era yet now it will be implemented. There will be some chaos during this process, prepare for it. The Sun governs the evolution of Earth, all Suns are connected. The consciousness and energy of God/Creator/Great Spirit flows through the Suns and is vibrationally lifting the entire galaxy including the Earth and all its inhabitants. It is part of the awakening and healing process some call the planetary liberation from darker forces that have made Earth their home since time began.

It is not just Satan/Lucifer, demons and wayward discarnate spirits it is also serpent beings, Reptilians, Tall Greys and a host of others. The Orion Grey Alliance is one group that consists of many negative ETs which are in the process of being removed. They are not to be confused with the Orion Council of Light. Just as there are dark alliances there are light alliances. The Beautiful Many Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters, Archangels and a host of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced civilizations are coming to the aid of humanity. The ground crew is known as the White Hats, leaders and generals around the world gathered together to end the tyranny once and for all. Watch who the mainstream media demonizes if you want to know who the good guys are. Nothing is as it seems.

The Sons of Arcturus, the sweet energies of the Pleiades as mentioned in your bible and other sacred texts are part of this endeavor. There is the Orion Council of Light, Andromedan Council, Sirian Council, Pleiadian Council, and a host of others joining those on Earth desiring to end the tyranny and planetary enslavement. This also includes those within the Inner Earth, the Alantians, Lemurians and a host of other races living on your interior. Many escaped the floods and catastrophes by going within. They did not have to start over as primitives as the suface dwellers on numerous occasions. The legends of Elves and Fairies are real. Some are 6th dimensional and they control the doors to the interior. Your Bermuda Triangle is one of the larger doors, there are many others.

The enslavement through dependency is coming to an end. Most of your plagues and diseases will also come to an end. Longevity will increase and the Earth will prosper. Tyranny and all of it’s networks are coming to an end. Universal Law will prevail. We are in the birthing process of a whole new world. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing will be hidden, the true nature and character of everyone will be made known. Action/Reaction will be accelerated along with what many refer to as Karma. Those aligned with self-service at the expense of humanity and the Earth will not fare well in the days to come. Those that serve the network of tyranny will also not fare well. It is time to rise up, take back your power, be of service to humanity and the Earth. Love, the ultimate power of the Universe is what is coming. Those who cannot rise to the occasion will not be frequency specific to the shift that is upon us. Our highest suggestion is surrender to the God within, see the Creator within all Creation, release the past and do not comply with anything that is not aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law.

I was told contact with the leaders and masses is happening now, the Pleiadians, founders of Atlantis and Lemuria due to their extensive Tera forming on Earth along with the fact they have more genetic stock than any other race are in charge of the planetary liberation. The Ancient Lyrans (Annunaki) after their fall also have a karmic duty to set things right. The benevolent ones are returning and you will see them in your skies globally. If you ask where Jesus fits into all of this. It is part two and he is not alone. His prayer was that the beloved Father let them become one as we are one. There is no exclusivity on God. There are many mansions, many dimensions. Masters were sent to every culture. Now their true message will be heard. Things will move very fast from here on out. Focus on creating Heaven on Earth and again do not participate in anything outside of Universal Law.

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate Radio, Rumble, You Tube, Viemo,
ECETI Stargate TV

sábado, mayo 14, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Arcturians - May 14, 2022

The Arcturians

The Arcturians are a race of mature beings who have dedicated themselves to service to others, as they are fundamentally devoted to assisting humanity in its passage through the Ascension process.

They are spiritually advanced beings whose vibration is higher than that of humans and who are therefore able to interact more easily with humans.

Arcturians are aware of the fact that humanity is ascending and are eager for humanity to join them in the higher dimensions and higher octaves.

They are joyful, good-natured, open-minded, and tolerant of others, as well as warm, personable, and charismatic.

The Arcturians are described as being tall, with faces and bodies that have a very elongated appearance. They often wear black spacesuits and are sometimes depicted in artwork as blue or green. Their eyes are said to be large and of an intense, brilliant, orangish color.

Their star system is located approximately 40 light-years from Earth, and it is a binary star system. It is 4.9 light-years in diameter and 1,400 times the size of Earth.

Arcturians have a number of etheric and astral bodies, and each of these bodies has its own vibrational frequency, which is influenced by the vibration of the being inhabiting it. It is in this way that Arcturians are capable of directly affecting humankind's vibrational frequency and of aiding that frequency in its ascension.

When interacting with the human species, the Arcturians often appear as male or female humanoids, but some also appear as golden naked entities, merging with the ceiling or the floor, while others appear as beings of radiant light.

Although Arcturians are capable of directly interacting with humans in the astral plane, they also communicate with humans telepathically and in dreams, and naturally, they also communicate through visions.

The Arcturians are believed to have been born on Earth. Their ancestors came from a blue star system called "Izar." Their home planet, Arcturus, was colonized by an advanced race known as the "Tall Whites" (or "Tall Ones"), a group that had migrated from the Sirius star system.

The Arcturians migrated to Earth in the 4th dimension and became the guardians of the planet. They helped humans to develop consciousness and advised them on how to live in harmony with nature. However, the Tall Whites became arrogant and abusive, leading to the Arcturians eventually taking the humans back to Arcturus to live.

The Arcturians eventually developed the Zeta Reticuli, a wormhole that linked the entire Milky Way galaxy. The wormhole was later destroyed, leaving the Arcturians stranded on Earth. But now, the Arcturians are returning to the Milky Way galaxy and are in the process of upgrading humanity.

They came to planet Earth in human form many, many hundreds of thousands of years ago and were among the first star visitors to arrive. Their spaceships have come to Earth many times before in human form, and they continue to come to Earth on frequent visits.

Their Spaceship Athena, the most advanced of all Arcturian Starships, is made up of 88 crystalline chambers, each the size of a small airplane hangar, and is commanded by Lord Adama, Supreme Arcturian Commander.

It was dispatched to protect Earth from negative extraterrestrial threats. Athena is also equipped with powerful particle beam and photon torpedo weapons. It has been stationed in the Earth's ionosphere.

Their Spaceship is a shining beacon of Arcturian love and light. It is the finest ship ever constructed by the Arcturian Council to help humanity in its efforts to raise the vibration of Mother Earth.

They have always believed in their idea of the evolution of humanity. The Arcturians believe that an individual incarnated on Earth or on another planet has the potential to evolve and become a great individual and that an individual's soul (or consciousness) is a star, and that star is a human being.

And, as such, they wanted to share that potential with the Earth. Therefore, the Arcturians helped create mankind.

They created to love, and they created science. And if you have wisdom and love, and science, and you understand this, you create a human being, and that human being becomes a star.

The Arcturians are genetically similar to you, you may look at them as "space humans," and they have been guiding humanity for thousands of years. Now, the Arcturians are coming back to Earth, intent on upgrading humanity — and humanity is ready for it.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved

martes, enero 04, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation Is Here With Us - Jan 4, 2022

The Galactic Federation Is Here With Us

The Galactic Federation is a group of benevolent extraterrestrials who are working with Earth and the Divine Creator to bring about a new Golden Age on Earth. They are members of the Galactic Federation, which includes over 200 member planets. These advanced civilizations have formed this intergalactic federation to help raise consciousness on planet Earth.

The Galactic Federation's goal is to spread its teachings through channels such as channellers and other forms of communication in order to help us make the transition into the New Earth. Their teachings will include information about ascension, free energy, anti-aging technology, space travel, soul mates and twin flames, death and rebirth, and more.

The Galactic Federation is made up of 12 different species from many different planets within the Milky Way Galaxy. These 12 races are called:


Alpha Centaurians










Nibiruans (Atlanteans)

Ascended masters, highly evolved beings, spaceships, channeling, UFOs, and other phenomena are all tools in the Ascension process, which is being guided by the Galactic Federation.

To help us understand what is happening on our planet right now, the Galactic Federation will explain all these aspects of ascension and how they work together. They will also explain how we play an important part in this process.

The Galactic Federation is here to help you understand the meaning of life, death, and the ascension process, which is about to start very soon, as you know. Some of you will be able to ascend in their mother ship, some of you will be able to ascend on the ground, and some of you will be left behind. It's not up to them to decide who should ascend. It's up to you and your own decision-making process.

This message might be shocking for many people on this planet, but that's why I decided to deliver it right now through this article. Soon the Galactic Federation is going to make an official live announcement on TV, so please share it with as many people as possible if you want them to know what's happening on our planet.

All lightworkers have a role to play in the ascension process and in bringing this dream into reality. The time has come for all to take action and join together in a great cause: to help our planet ascend and to help awaken other planets!

The Galactic Federation is an organization that was established with the sole purpose of guiding Earth and its inhabitants through the ascension process. They are here to help us face our greatest challenges and give us the opportunity to live in peace, harmony, and freedom.

The ascended masters are beings who have already ascended and are here to guide us on our journey. They are members of the Galactic Federation who did not forget about those who were left behind.

Planet Earth is on the edge of a great leap in evolution, and this shift will occur in the very near future.

The main reason for this pending change is that we are all ready to ascend. More and more people are awakening every day, and they will no longer accept the system of control over them.

The Galactic Federation has been working with our planet for decades, sharing information, sending ships, and doing their best to assist us in our ascension process. They've answered many questions about why the planet has been held back from ascending for so long. But now, it is time for us to understand that each individual is responsible for their own ascension.

Many of you have experienced strange dreams and visions recently, and it is time for you to understand that these visitations are real. When the Galactic Federation comes to your dreams, they bring messages from Heaven as well as messages from the Ascended Masters, who are guiding you through this process at this time. They are giving you instructions on what you must do next in order to ascend. There is still much work to be done before we can complete the transition, but I can tell you now that the transition is already underway.

We are about to enter one of the most exciting times in the history of our planet. We are about to shift from being a predominantly carbon-based species into a crystalline form. This is an evolutionary step that is held back by fear, lack, and limitation.

The Galactic Federation has been working for some time now to bring this about, and they wish to communicate with us, their allies on Earth, so that we can work together with them to create a new world that is free from scarcity and limitation. A world where everyone will be able to access the limitless abundance of the Universe.

I invite you to join me and the many others making a difference in the world. It's a place where we can live lives filled with joy, abundance, and freedom. Let The revolution starts with you.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

lunes, noviembre 30, 2020




To each soul this will mean something different. For every soul, was created with different soul attributes, talents, genius. Not one is the same.

The same applies to the Christed Universal and Galactic Races, who work with the Intergalactic Counsels:

The Pleiadeans are the Master BOTANISTS of the Universe, yet also hold the Temples of Light and thus the Light Language.

jueves, noviembre 01, 2018

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Current Ascension Symptoms Into the Light Body November 1, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,


I am working on a much longer article about what is taking place Energetically/Consciousness Raising Timelines but I wanted to write a quick article about our current Ascension symptoms we have been feeling.