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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Los Guardianes. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, agosto 19, 2023

Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Aug 19, 2023

Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

viernes, abril 19, 2013

The Keepers on the events of 4/15 in Boston, MA.
By Irma Kaye Sawyer
Hello friends. I am here in the desert for what was intended to be a working respite, and it has ended up taking a much different turn based on today’s events in Boston. I sensed what I call a “disturbance in the force” starting late this morning and fell into a deep sleep this afternoon which was the time of the event itself. This has happened to me in the past, but not for many years. There is no doubt many Light Workers were on the spiritual “ground crew” and perhaps still are. Thank you for your service today, and always.
I received this message in the morning today.
In the time period of 4/15 through 4/25 (Full Moon Eclipse,) there is a greater influx of higher dimensional energy being shared with Gaia and her inhabitants. This for a brief time may cause an “appearance” of an increase in resistant motives and behaviors that are at cross-purposes. Let it pass. Let it (and the perpetrators) go. The opportunity in such time to connect deeper with one’s own Spirit and true values. As in, what are you radiating today? What needs to be dropped in your consciousness to further be an Ambassador for Peace on the planet? If you are unaware of your Role, inquire within and/or seek the counsel of a soul-directed Guide.

jueves, marzo 21, 2013

The Cosmic Gateway – Spring Equinox Message, 3.16.13

Thank you, Irma Kaye Sawer :) I have been wondering what the struggle was all about :) Love & Blessings ♥
March 18, 2013
 The Cosmic Gateway – Spring Equinox Message, 3.16.13

Hello friends. Quite a bit of information has been coming through regarding the Power Portal that we are currently in, leading up to the Spring Equinox (Fall for the South,) on 3.20.13. Interestingly I was pondering on a lot of the material that has been published lately regarding the transition to 5D and wondering why myself and so many others that I know were having their struggles recently. I was shown that every time we choose to be in the cosmic “flow;” which is a state of Love and Trust, we *are* in the Fifth Dimension. Being in fear, conflict and worry is primarily a 3D frequency. We don’t necessarily have to be constantly on a lily pad of bliss to be experiencing the higher energies, and that was good to know.