Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Telepatía. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Telepatía. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Judith Kusel - Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, - Feb 26, 2025


Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, the sun flares are now being amplified by the Prime Creator Energy Source, are now activating only our new DNA but our whole bodies and fields are being reinvented and rewired (so to speak). Nowhere more so that now in the throat and glands, our higher heart are now the awakening in unison with the Higher Heart of the Higher Mind. They work AS ONE.

miércoles, diciembre 25, 2019

Tarashtan - Anshar from Inner Earth - Cousins Calling! - December 24, 2019

Cousins Calling!

Heartfelt greetings from the Anshar of Inner Earth. You may count us among your human cousins. We are of you and for you.

Our group has evolved from you. We came back here to accompany you through the passage from enslavement to freedom. Our very existence depends upon your success; and you can scarcely imagine the depth of our solidarity.

viernes, noviembre 16, 2018

Lisa Renee - Telepathy - November 2018

November 2018

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Beyond this planet most of the extradimensional or ET species, as well as other more technologically advanced human civilizations, commonly use forms of Telepathy as the primary method of communication. Our reliance on spoken words is considered to be very primitive and is used by the NAA to justify the use of earth humans as a worker-slave class. This is why we are discussing the natural capacity of humans to be telepathic and how we might further develop it. The NAA are very aware of this capacity and extract it for their own purposes through MKUltra and Milab programs, and work to block telepathic development in the masses. So, what is telepathy?

lunes, noviembre 05, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Telepathy Replaces Spoken Word Communication: Reading & Responding to a Transmitting Vibrational Energetic Quantum Field of Consciousness (or Unconsciousness) - Nov 5, 2018

It's been interesting all of these years, observing the evolution of our experiences, as we BEcome the Unified Field of Super Consciousness here. How we communicate and exist is very different. It's all Energetic, on a Quantum Level (Soul)... and READING Quantum Energy through our own inner-connected Consciousness.... Everything is "VISIBLE", by way of an electromagnetic field, by way of the Vibration changing, by way of Quantum Mechanics and Geometrics, by way of "Light Codes" and so very much more.

miércoles, agosto 29, 2018

Suzanne Lie - PART 3 OF EXPANDED PERCEPTIONS--Telepathy and Precognition -

Part 3 of our Expanded Perceptions
Telepathy and Precognition


Telepathy is the ability to read, or have a "knowing," of another person's thoughts. An example would be when we answer a question that the other person has not yet asked. It is a fourth and fifth dimensional ability, which is a natural consequence of either moving beyond the constraints of third dimensional time and into the more fluid fourth dimensional time, and/or moving into fifth dimensional consciousness where all life is blended in unity with the ONE.

domingo, septiembre 07, 2014

Is this proof humans have TELEPATHIC powers? Two men, 4,600 miles apart, send messages to each other using just their minds - 7 September 2014

By Guy Adams for the Daily Mail
With a blindfold covering his eyes, and earplugs cancelling out almost all sound, Dr Michel Berg sat in a state-of-the-art laboratory at the University of Strasbourg in north-eastern France, and began to think.
Nearly 5,000 miles away, at a research facility in the Indian city of Kerala, a young Spanish man called Dr Alejandro Riera pulled on a tightly fitting hat, placed a laptop computer on a white table, and also began to think.
Over the course of the next hour, on March 28 this year, the 51-year-old Dr Berg and his faraway counterpart would attempt something that had only previously occurred in the exotic realms of science fiction.
Into the unknown: Two scientists have sent each other a message simply by using the power of their minds. The research could have staggering iplications for the future of humanity. File picture
Into the unknown: Two scientists have sent each other a message simply by using the power of their minds. The research could have staggering iplications for the future of humanity. File picture
The two men aimed to send a simple message between each other, across the continents, without using any of the five senses that human beings — and indeed animals — have for millennia used to communicate.