Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Efectos Climatológicos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Efectos Climatológicos. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 22, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO AGOSTO 2024




▲ De su Anfitriona de la Luz

▲Truenos y relámpagos: las enseñanzas internas del año de la Tormenta Galáctica Azul

▲ La verdadera energía detrás de las tormentas eléctricas y los rayos

▲ Todos los pensamientos son importantes


A medida que elevamos nuestra percepción consciente unos cuantos niveles, llegamos a muchos senderos con nuevas comprensiones que exhiben allí verdades como migas de pan en un camino perdido. La consciencia misma del clima ha cambiado al igual que nosotros, y es el momento de observar nuevos patrones de verdades ocultas. Todos sabemos que el clima tiene un temperamento y todo clima surge de muchas partes del mundo y se envuelve alrededor de aquellos que no entienden ni quieren las enseñanzas planetarias.

miércoles, enero 15, 2020

Judith Kusel - Earth Changes - Jan 14, 2020

I was warned about dramatic earth changes coming in three years ago, and told to take out an atlas and look at where all the volcanoes, active and non-active were. I was told the seeming inactive ones, would become active again as the earth heats up. Volcanoes act like pressure valves. When the arteries of the earth get too clogged up or overheated, the volcanoes erupt. Something has to give.

martes, febrero 12, 2019

Lee Carroll - Kryon Bulletin - February Issue - Feb 12, 2019

February Issue

Here we are in February, and within this 30th Kryon Anniversary year I'm amazed to suddenly start getting so many Kryon channeled validations! It's almost like they are now coming in waves. First the confirmation of "the coming cold," and now magnetics!

When Kryon arrived in 1989, it took another four years for me to really begin channelling in public. 1993 saw the release of Kryon Book One, "The End Times," and Kryon Book Two, "Don't Think Like a Human" followed in 1994. In these books, Kryon started using the term "Kryon of magnetic service." It's actually quite a funny title, but that's what was given to me!

jueves, enero 31, 2019

Boletín de la Familia Kryon - Edición Especial: ¿Calentamiento Global o Mini-Edad de Hielo? - Enero 30, 2019

Boletín de la Familia Kryon - Edición Especial:
¿Calentamiento Global o Mini-Edad de Hielo?


¡Espero que al leer esto, muchos de ustedes en el hemisferio norte tengan posibilidad de mantener el calor! Mi país está viendo ahora el cambio climático inicial de lo que va a ocurrir una y otra vez. Este "clima absurdamente frío nunca visto antes" (CNN) está sobre nosotros.

miércoles, enero 30, 2019

Kryon Family Bulletin [Special Edition] Weather Alert: A Message from Lee Carroll - Jan 30, 2019

Global Warming or
Mini Ice Age?

Hopefully as you read this, many of you in the northern hemisphere are able to stay warm! My country is now seeing the beginning weather change of what is going to occur over and over. This "absurdly cold weather not seen before" (CNN) is upon us.

miércoles, enero 23, 2019

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Catalizador de la Ideación Pensamiento-Materia - Enero 19, 2019

Catalizador de la Ideación Pensamiento-Materia
Enigmático Pegamento Crístalo-Cósmico

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Derechos de autor reservados 2019

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y les damos la bienvenida en un vector de Amor Incondicional.

Así, en la primera parte de este asunto interesante y oportuno, hablamos sobre la ciencia divina de las transiciones planetarias en curso, y ciertamente acelerándose, sobre la Tierra.

sábado, enero 19, 2019

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Catalyst of Thought-Matter Ideation Enigmatic Crysto-Cosmic Glue -

Catalyst of Thought-Matter Ideation
Enigmatic Crysto-Cosmic Glue

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Reserved 2019

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we welcome you, in a vector, of Unconditional Love.

And so in part one of this interesting and timely topic, we speak about the divine science of planetary transitions ongoing and indeed, quickening on the Earth.

sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Stan Deyo on | Impending Earth Changes & The Mysterious, Roars, Cracks, & Booms

10/05/2013 This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at to watch the rest. Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas S y n o p s i s Stan Deyo has an uncanny ability to forecast seismic and volcanic activity, but he also knows history, and having held an above top secret security clearance, he is aware of how the united states conquered anti-gravity propulsion since the 1950s. Imagine what we can do now. Is the planet getting ready for a change? Could we be rapidly approaching a time where wars may be a thing of the past, but one world government via 10 regions decided by the United Nations be a reality? Is the planet expanding and that is why we are hearing mother earth roar, crack and boom? What do the Hopi and even NASA know that they are not discussing? Why has Stan's ability to extrapolate information for his forecasts been limited? Could comet ISON be the Blue Star Kachina the Hopi talked about and what could our solar system experience during its passing? What are the safe areas to endure any possible man made or natural calamity? These are some of the questions addressed during this interview.

martes, mayo 07, 2013

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: The Celestial Convergence - Solar Eclipse Set To Turn Sun Into "Ring Of Fire" This Week!

May 07, 2013 - SPACE - The moon will block the sun in a potentially spectacular solar eclipse this week — a celestial event that will transform the sun into a cosmic "ring of fire" in the daytime sky.
The ring-shaped solar eclipse , known as an annular eclipse, will occur Thursday and Friday Eastern time. Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible in certain parts of Australia and the Southern Pacific Ocean, where the local time will be Friday.

A perfect ring of fire captured by Kevin Baird on May 20th, 2012 from Bluit, New Mexico.
(Credit: Kevin Baird/Universe Today flickr Group).

"Solar eclipses can be inspirational to students and others, so it is interesting to have everyone view the eclipse, but only safe methods of viewing should be used," Jay Pasachoff, an astronomer at Williams College and chairman of the International Astronomical Union's working group on eclipses, said in a statement. [See Spectacular Photos of a 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse]

miércoles, marzo 20, 2013

Poderosa tormenta de Energía

Estamos saliendo de una tormenta solar intensa dirigida a Nosotros, nos preparan para llevar a un nuevo nivel de consciencia nuestra vida cotidiana, nuestros vínculos  nuestra salud, y cada detalle de tus 24 horas diarias.

Desde hoy y por los próximos 3 días permanecerá abierto un vórtice planetario que Te invita, guía y quizás fuerza , a integrar lo negado para transformarlo en luz, amor, perdón, creatividad, abundancia, salud…

La elevadísimas frecuencias que nos transforman , quizás te produzcan taquicardia, cansancio extremo, angustia, presión alta, desborde emocional, dispersión….

Este regalo te propone darle la relevancia que requiere como un punto de inflexión entre tu vida conocida y Tu Oportunidad de Punto Cero, Inicio Real y tangible del cambio, recordar Tu misión y cumplir cada uno de tus sueños.