Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anomalías Climatológicas. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anomalías Climatológicas. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, agosto 23, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 159: Active Sun, Myths, Health, Cold Sun, Van Allen, Anomaly, Carrington mega storm

The Sun has always been of paramount importance in different cultures throughout history, as the giver of life and energy, and this fact helps us understand the direct relationship it has with life on our planet.

Solar activity is an issue that scientists find deeply concerning, since we are on an upward journey towards the highest peak of solar cycle 25, in which we currently find ourselves. We are seeing an exaggerated increase in activity, as the solar flares reaching Earth become more intense and continuous... The electromagnetic fields generated by the Sun can cause the breakdown of technology as we know it, as was the case with the Carrington Event; if a similar event were to happen today, humankind would be transported back to the Stone Age.

However, the Sun’s radiation, in the form of solar rays, is charged with light photons that are highly beneficial. They can foster human beings’ development, whilst carrying out the purification of the human race. If our lives are rooted in base emotions, negative thinking and misguided actions, then there is no doubt that this intense solar energy will be very harmful to us, generating disastrous effects for the body and the psyche, as was the case with Atlantis, which was faced with a mass coronal ejection of destructive proportions.

On the other hand, we can strive to achieve a light frequency and base our lives upon humility and the heart’s simplicity, seeking harmony, honesty and ethical, moral and spiritual principles. If we do these things, in addition to practicing meditation and engaging in prayer, then we will be given protective energy-based support, and the Sun’s powerful energy will become a blessing, and be hugely advantageous for the advancement and development of our consciousness.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 159: Sol Activo Mitos, Salud, Sol Frío, Van Allen, Anomalía Mega Tormenta Carrington

El Sol siempre tuvo mucha importancia en las diferentes culturas de la historia como dador de vida y energía, y nos ayuda a comprender la relación directa que tiene con la vida en el planeta. 

La actividad solar es un tema que preocupa seriamente a los científicos, estamos camino del pico más alto dentro del ciclo solar n.º 25 en el que nos encontramos, y la actividad se ha incrementado exageradamente con llamaradas solares que llegan a la Tierra cada vez más intensas y continuadas… Los campos electromagnéticos generados por el Sol pueden dejar toda la tecnología que conocemos fuera servicio, como lo ocurrido en el Evento Carrington y si sucediera actualmente volvería a la humanidad a la edad de piedra.
Pero también su radiación, sus rayos solares cargados de fotones luz, son beneficiosos y puede favorecer el desarrollo del hombre, haciendo una depuración en la raza humana.

Si nuestra vida tiene como base las bajas emociones, los malos pensamientos, y las equivocadas acciones, entonces, no cabe duda que la intensa energía solar será muy dañina, con efectos funestos para el cuerpo y la psiquis, como sucedió en la Atlántida con una eyección de masa coronal de proporciones destructivas.

Si por el contrario, buscamos ser personas livianas, que basamos nuestra vida en la humildad y sencillez del corazón, en la armonía, la honestidad, los principios éticos, morales y espirituales, practicando la meditación y la oración, entonces esto nos dará un soporte energético protector y la potente energía del Sol será una bendición que nos aportará enormes beneficios para el avance y desarrollo de nuestra conciencia.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

jueves, mayo 11, 2023

Diana Cooper - EXERCISE: Weather Visualization - May 11, 2023

EXERCISE: Weather Visualization

Have you ever sat outside on a dull, cloudy, rainy day and visualized a patch of blue sky appearing, then the sun coming out? Or intensely focused on a cloud forming and rain falling? And it happens. These are the powers of the mind we all have.

As weather becomes more extreme everywhere it will be helpful if people do this for the highest good.

martes, febrero 28, 2023

Celia Fenn - Mont Saint Michel - Feb 28, 2023

Isn't this the most amazing image of the recent Aurora lights over Mont Saint Michel in France. Taken by Alexandre Croisier.

The etheric home of Archangel Michael lit up with radiant Magenta Light of the Divine Feminine/Mary Magdalene.

She has truly come home to France and is supported by Archangel Michael.

sábado, enero 09, 2021

Linda Li - Mother Divine - ...the energies coming to planet now are digging deep in to the human pysche and subconscious mind and memories - Jan 9, 2021

 Dear beloveds, the energies coming to planet now are digging deep in to the human pysche and subconscious mind and memories. As result, we see a lot of souls who are acting out without apparent reasons, or simply reacting to any situations they encounter. The energies which has been digging will go deeper, and the human reactions will get more and more erratic and more intense. That is why the Divine keeps asking our light workers to keep calm and stay in peace.

domingo, septiembre 13, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The Divine has just announced that Gaia’s next wave of releasing has started - September 13, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today to share news. The Divine has just announced that Gaia’s next wave of releasing has started. Energetically yes, and this wave may be manifested in your reality in the next few days. And the strength of the releasing is extremely powerful. The planet has not yet experienced this level of releasing. The planet and humanity, together, are going to see Gaia’s true power and the releasing of Mother Earth’s furor. 

martes, septiembre 08, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The Divine has just sent out another warning to the souls in the pacific region - Sep 8, 2020

Dear angels on earth. I am your Mother Divine. I come today with important news. The Divine has just sent out another warning to the souls in the pacific region. Gaia’s next round of the movement is about to begin. The next move is immensely powerful and the move is going to change a lot of areas. That is why the Divine sent out the warning and we, the Divine want the planet to heed the Divine guidance.

What Gaia is going to shed in the next round of the releasing is quite powerful in momentum. She has decided to unload her unsolved pains and wounds, which means the ocean waters is going to be involved. Gaia’s emotions attached to the waters. Gaia’s oceans are her emotions and any time Gaia has emotional activities, her ocean waters will be engaged. Just like humans, any time there is an emotional encounter, in other words, when emotions run high, the human body reacts because 70% of the human body is water. Now, since Gaia’s next move is emotionally charged, and that means Gaia’s oceans or waters are going to play a huge role. Ocean fronts are the regions that the changes would happen. If you live near Gaia’s ocean waters dear ones, know Gaia’s next releasing is coming. 

In terms of which ocean Gaia’s releasing is involved this time, what we, the Divine can say is that the Pacific Ocean is where Gaia’s releasing is focused right now. Of course, since the planet is an interconnected system, when one part of the whole moves, the other parts may also have activities. That is to say that no matter what ocean you are near, just know that Gaia’s next move is coming and the impact of her next releasing can be very strong and powerful. That is the bottom line. I love you dear angels. I am your Mother God. So it is.

Linda Li

lunes, septiembre 02, 2019

Diane Canfield - 3 Days Of Intense Geomagnetic Storms, Hurricane Dorian, Waves Of Higher Consciousness Arriving - September 2, 2019

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

We have had an intense last week !


We have been experiencing 3 days of extremely high solar winds and extremely intense solar storms. The graph above show the intense storms/the wind has been between 600/700 ( normal is 250 to 350) This has brought in with it many Ascension Symptoms.