The Sun has always been of paramount importance in different cultures throughout history, as the giver of life and energy, and this fact helps us understand the direct relationship it has with life on our planet.
Solar activity is an issue that scientists find deeply concerning, since we are on an upward journey towards the highest peak of solar cycle 25, in which we currently find ourselves. We are seeing an exaggerated increase in activity, as the solar flares reaching Earth become more intense and continuous... The electromagnetic fields generated by the Sun can cause the breakdown of technology as we know it, as was the case with the Carrington Event; if a similar event were to happen today, humankind would be transported back to the Stone Age.
However, the Sun’s radiation, in the form of solar rays, is charged with light photons that are highly beneficial. They can foster human beings’ development, whilst carrying out the purification of the human race. If our lives are rooted in base emotions, negative thinking and misguided actions, then there is no doubt that this intense solar energy will be very harmful to us, generating disastrous effects for the body and the psyche, as was the case with Atlantis, which was faced with a mass coronal ejection of destructive proportions.
On the other hand, we can strive to achieve a light frequency and base our lives upon humility and the heart’s simplicity, seeking harmony, honesty and ethical, moral and spiritual principles. If we do these things, in addition to practicing meditation and engaging in prayer, then we will be given protective energy-based support, and the Sun’s powerful energy will become a blessing, and be hugely advantageous for the advancement and development of our consciousness.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades