As we transit the 9/9 Portal we are being asked to step powerfully into our Mastery.
At the moment the energy is very difficult.
People are exhausted and are facing a “crunch” with money and relationship issues.
Las dos capas: Vieja Tierra y Nueva Tierra
A medida que se abre el verano en el hemisferio norte, podemos ver claramente los dos niveles o capas en la Tierra: el Viejo que se está volviendo cada vez más distópico y el Nuevo que está regresando a la plantilla original de la Tierra Sagrada o la Nueva Tierra.
En este momento, hay contaminación del aire a gran escala en la ciudad de Nueva York y la costa este de los EE. UU., e inundaciones a gran escala en el sureste de Ucrania como resultado de la destrucción de una presa cerca de Kherson.
La naturaleza nos está mostrando dónde debemos hacerlo mejor y crear una Nueva Realidad y una Nueva Tierra.
Como Humanos de la Nueva Tierra y Humanos Angélicos, podemos trabajar con nuestras familias Angélicas y con los Elementales de la Naturaleza para devolver el equilibrio a la Tierra.
El Arcángel Miguel dice que recuerdes el equilibrio que eres y que puedes mantener ese equilibrio en tu corazón.
Trabaja con las Sílfides (Aire) y las Ondinas (agua) para traer equilibrio y sanación al planeta.
Mantengan la Paz, el Amor y la Armonía en su Corazón para que pueda crear estas energías en la Tierra.
Que la paz prevalezca en la tierra.
¡Que del Fuego Surja el Fénix! ¡Que todas las cosas renazcan a una frecuencia superior!
¡Que desde el Agua haya limpieza y el retorno del Amor!
Que la Nueva Tierra nazca en los Corazones de la Humanidad y en la Tierra.
Mucho amor y seguridad para toda mi Familia de Luz en las áreas afectadas de USA y Ucrania.
The two layers : Old Earth and New Earth
As summer open out in the Northern Hemisphere, we can clearly see the two levels or layers on Earth : The Old that is becoming increasingly dystopian and the New which is returning to the original template for Sacred Earth or New Earth.
At the moment, there is large scale air pollution in New York City and the East Coast of the USA, and large scale flooding in South Eastern Ukraine as a result of the destruction of a dam near Kherson.
BIG energies pouring in as we enter the Full Moon/Equinox week.
It is here.
Power is roaring in and people are feeling it big time.
Most of us are feeling it in the head and Pineal gland area, and so are having migraines, dizziness and sleep problems, or all at the same time.
I am also feeling exhausted at times.
My experience is that as we embody our Soul and open to the Human Angelic Template in the DNA, we are able to receive and transmit so much more of the Plasma Light Codes that are coming through. We are literally shining and glowing.
Dear Friends
2021 has been a turbulent year so far, and with still 3 months to go we can expect more big energies and big shifts and changes.
Have you noticed how emotional people have become, ready to snap and confront at the slightest opportunity. This is not surprising, of course, given the stress that most people are under because of the effects of Covid and the associated restrictions.
We have entered the week of the Lions Gate portal.
8/8 on Sunday 8th August.
Powerful energies are flowing!
We are emerging as New Earth Humans and feeling the shifts and changes in our Energy Systems and within our DNA.
The Original Template for the Human Angel is reactivating and we are evolving into a new creation on a new timeline.
The Solstice Slow Down!
The Solstice is essentially a kind of timeline "sling shot" thing where we slow down, round a bend and hurtle off on the next phase of our planetary journey around the sun.
Right now, we are in the "slow down" phase, and you may feel heavy and sluggish, or just tired.
Sunday and Monday are the balance or fulcrum point before we slingshot off to the Planetary New Year (26th July) and the Lions Gate (8th August).