As we transit the 9/9 Portal we are being asked to step powerfully into our Mastery.
At the moment the energy is very difficult.
People are exhausted and are facing a “crunch” with money and relationship issues.
For me, it is like when a Tsunami approaches and the sea level drops and all the skeleton sunken ships are exposed. We are facing the deep “shipwrecks” in our collective consciousness. But soon there will be a huge wave of transforming energy that will create space for the new.
Our work right now is to Stay in Peace and in the Pure Heart so that we can be the Light to the World.
We are called to demonstrate Love and Mastery and to keep our Hearts Pure and filled with Love for the Earth and for Humanity.
We stand on the cusp of something profound and much bigger than us.
We can only go with the flow and trust that we will be held and taken to the other shore.
Have a beautiful day on the 9/9 everyone.