Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Llamas Gemelas. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Llamas Gemelas. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, junio 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - Monadic Twin Activation - Jun 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During this time of polarity synthesis, many of you are simultaneously undergoing a process of Monadic twin activation and hence, soul reunion. A process that involves the soul reunion with your divine equal or counterpart, in which the male activates the divine female spark within and the female the divine masculine.

martes, abril 09, 2024

Natalia Alba - Soul Mates & Genetic Equals - Apr 9, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we reconnect to our soul and monad, and pass through the different stages to reconstruct our light body, rehabilitating our shoulder portal blades, and healing all soul disconnection, we regain self-esteem, power, and the guidance to learn how to commune to our divine selves and counterparts, whether incarnated or not. When we are on a path to evolve, the most important thing is to heal, so we can be able to embrace our unique journey.

martes, mayo 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - Twin Flame Union & Ascension - May 16, 2023

Twin Flame Union & Ascension

At this time of Ascension for the planet, All souls are being drawn to the light which is occurring through the planetary grid networks. The planetary grids are being activated through each person's energy field. Each person's light body is acting as a beacon to draw kindred spirits to them. More and more of you are feeling drawn to another individual, pulling you together.

martes, marzo 28, 2023

Judith Kusel - Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine - Mar 28, 2023


In the last few months, since December 2022, the shift has intensified into the full balancing and deep healing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, within.

It is a healing which goes all the way back through millennia, into the Fall of Grace, when the first separation occurred from the Divine within, as well as that of the Male from the Female. This separation caused a deep longing for wholeness, completeness within both the male and female, and often that longing could not really be defined, nor understood.

lunes, febrero 14, 2022

Judith Kusel - The deepest knowing of Love is within yourself - Feb 14, 2022


The deepest knowing of Love is within yourself, your own heart and soul.

Love Eternal within you.

The more open the heart, the more connected to the soul, the deeper the soul yearns for the ultimate connection, the true homecoming with another soul.

Yet ultimately, all homecoming starts within yourself, with love for yourself, embracing the deepest shadow and the highest light - you are both.

You can only truly love another soul, to the extend that you can love yourself.

sábado, diciembre 04, 2021

Aurora Ray - Twin Flame Union & Ascension - Dec 4, 2021


At this time of Ascension for the planet, All souls are being drawn to the light which is occurring through the planetary grid networks. The planetary grids are being activated through each person's energy field. Each person's light body is acting as a beacon to draw kindred spirits to them. More and more of you are feeling drawn to another individual, pulling you together.

This is not by chance or accident, nor is it a coincidence. You are being drawn to an energetic match on many different levels so that you may experience the greatest growth possible in this lifetime.

viernes, agosto 13, 2021

Judith Kusel - Loving Relationships Metamorphosis in all respects… - Aug 13, 2021


Loving Relationships Metamorphosis in all respects…

We are in the midst of the most dramatic changes we, as souls have ever had to navigate and this time, indeed we are given the choice to either ascend into the New Earth or disintegrate with the Old Earth.

Nowhere will this show up more than in intimate and close relationships, especially the Loving Ones.

lunes, junio 14, 2021

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - June 14, 2021

Many people are commenting on how the incoming energies are opening the Heart more and more.

This is seen in connection with Twin Flame relationships and with Love for Self in Inner Union and Grace. Which is true!

But I am so feeling it in relation to the Earth and All her Living Beings, especially the animals, the insects, the birds and the plants who are also our "relatives" as the Native Americans taught us.

sábado, junio 12, 2021

Judith Kusel - Heart Opening - June 12, 2021

Heart Opening:

An intense heart opening is happening as the shift now intensifies.

The heart will be cleaved open to the reveal the core of the Soul and the eternal Truth, which is indeed showing us, whatever still is there within us, which needs to be resolved, left behind forever, and indeed is still keeping us from totally stepping forward into the New and Much Higher Dimensional frequency bands and indeed way of life and living.

I am adding LOVING here.

miércoles, junio 02, 2021

Celia Fenn - The Presence of Mary Magdalene on the Earth and the Story of Sacred Union - June 2, 2021

Mary Magdalene by Denise Daffara

It was Mary Magdalene who carried the energy and the teachings of the Christ Consciousness into Western Europe through France.

When Mary Magdalene settled in France, she began the work of holding the Christ Light through her presence as part of the Christed “Twin Flame” energy, as well as sharing the energy of the message of the teachings of the Christ Consciousness. This basic message was Peace, Abundance and Unconditional Love, and the knowledge that a time would come when the Earth would be filled with a species of Humans who would carry the Christ Consciousness and who would manifest the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. In order to share the energy and the teachings, Mary Magdalene travelled extensively and worked as a Teacher and a Leader. The heritage of Feminine Spiritual Leadership and Divine Beauty that was her energy still lingers in the tradition of “Amour courtoisie” and the heritage of the Troubadours, musicians and poets who celebrated the joys of courtly love and the radiant beauty of the Lady.

domingo, diciembre 15, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 12.12.19 ~ 22.12.19 Cosmic Light Activation Gateway - December 15, 2019

We are on a path of intensive karmic manifestation. A gateway, a Corridor of divinely fuelled Dreamweaving, Cosmic Light Activation. We are in a portal to our lives in 2020. We resist manufactured depressions. We knew this was never going to be easy. We salute all who got us this far, seed sowing, fighting the good fight. We meet fear with love head on, every single time. The Gateway will close 22.12.19 in fiery, new beginnings, transformative Solstice energies. The Solstice is our ancient springboard to release everything we don’t need, clear a pathway to

martes, octubre 08, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Evolved Consciousness ~ The Meeting of Twin Flames - Oct 8, 2019

SO you think you want to meet your twin flame. You want to live in paradise and bliss. Full Union.

If you have not met your twin flame and you want to live in bliss, the great news is you can do so within your own consciousness.

In fact, evolving and moving into greater harmony and union within, is exactly what prepares you for your ascension and merging with your counterpart.

lunes, agosto 26, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Energy Update Twins Truthers and Transformation - August 26, 2019

We are riding 333 gateways on our cosmic surfboards, embracing upgrades, receiving downloads, processing our awakening. To say we are experiencing cosmic turbulence is an understatement. We are riding light waves in the eye of a storm of epic proportions, energetic warfare, karmic evolution, interdimensional ascension. Our thoughts and words are voice activation in the divine spaces of the fourth realm, we control the dial. The matrix once called the shots, not so now, the game has changed. We are master controllers here. We build up to this mantle gently, slowly, we learn to manage the responsibly of our energetic frequency before we take our existence to the next level, the fifth dimension.

domingo, enero 13, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - What Exciting Energies WE've Moved Into! 12D Template Info, A Little Bit of 2019, New Unity Template, NEW Everything! Energy Update: Pure Divine Harmonics. ☼ - 1/13/2019

Create, create create... inspire inspire inspire, play play play, explore and inJOY the beauty of each exchange, the opportUNITY to share light, to be light .... to shift anything ready and open to shifting, observing the energies present just to "see".... what our roles are and how each moment is meant to play out..... FREE FREE FREE.... the more we LIVE THIS MAGICAL DREAM....

domingo, marzo 04, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - My Holy Beloved ~ Thank YOU for Preparing Me - March 4, 2018

May all be blessed and Live in their sacred Union as Divine Beloved Love in form.

Taking a few slow breaths, relax and read slowly the following, to receive fully into your heart.

Feel the words as LIGHT entering your Heart as you read and breathe.

sábado, septiembre 16, 2017

Judith Kusel - The Illumined Mystic Alchemy and Sacred Union - September 16, 2017

Love always seeks to expand upon itself, to ever delve deeper into the depths of All-Loving, and seeks that mystical and sacred union with the Beloved in ever deeper and more profound ways.

There is a highest pathway of the True Mystic, which seeks the alchemical Marriage, that Divine Sacred Union, which goes beyond the norm and stretches into the very Mystery of Mystery, the infusion and the working, the co-creation with the Sacred Fires and the Kundalini or Serpent Energy.