Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 12:12:12. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 12:12:12. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 15, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 12.12.19 ~ 22.12.19 Cosmic Light Activation Gateway - December 15, 2019

We are on a path of intensive karmic manifestation. A gateway, a Corridor of divinely fuelled Dreamweaving, Cosmic Light Activation. We are in a portal to our lives in 2020. We resist manufactured depressions. We knew this was never going to be easy. We salute all who got us this far, seed sowing, fighting the good fight. We meet fear with love head on, every single time. The Gateway will close 22.12.19 in fiery, new beginnings, transformative Solstice energies. The Solstice is our ancient springboard to release everything we don’t need, clear a pathway to

jueves, diciembre 12, 2019



December 2019


***333 in the month of December

***12:12 the Light of Mary
*** Chamuel Angel of Self Love

333 In the month of December

As the light lines up for this special holiday season all aspects of stellar light seems to be a little brighter, a little more magical. The Spirit of love seems to be alive knocking upon the hearts of lots of closet scrooges. If you were given one day to live over what would it be? Would it be this very day that is the true presence? We are architects of our life and it can be no other way. Sometimes you are given a project to infuse with light, healing the land and people and then you are asked to release it like a fledging eagle. Allowing it to be something else entirely, trusting the universe will take care of it.

miércoles, diciembre 11, 2019

Celia Fenn - Gemini Full Moon.- Dec 11, 2019

Gemini Full Moon.

The Last Full Moon of the Decade.

Within the 3/3/3 Portal/corridor and just before the 12/12/12


The Full Moon will amplify energies, especially on the mental and emotional level. Now is not a good time to get pulled into emotional "stuff". Stay calm and centered in the Heart. Connect with the Field of Love and focus on what is Peaceful and beautiful.

domingo, diciembre 08, 2019

Lauren C. Gorgo - The (13th) Garden Gate: trinity completion - December 7, 2019

How is it December already?? 🤨2019 was both the longest and shortest year of my life…and it is ending as emphatically as it began. This is another power-packed month of completions, one in which many will finally, fully and officially be “liberated from slavery“. Translation→ a massive purging of the enslavement template is already underway. 😰

Meg Benedicte - 12:12:12 Ascension Activations - Dec 8, 2019

12:12:12 Ascension Activations

In just a few days the 12:12:12 Gateway will surge with a powerful Ascension wave directly from the Great Central Sun at the galactic center. The annual 12:12 Stargate opens the etheric portal of the multiverse so we can access the stream of Crystal Light from the galactic vortex center. This year is a ‘12’ year (add 2019) so this is a triple ‘12’ activation.

sábado, diciembre 07, 2019

Natalia Alba - 12:12 Portal - Dec 7, 2019

Beloved Ones,

We are about to embrace the potent energies coming from the 12:12 portal, one that is not just a one day event, as it is often thought, but one that has been built during months and that will continue as we approach to the Solstice on December 21st. I do not resonate much with one-day portals, as I consider that they are created under collective human illusions, and hence have an impact.

Sandra Walter - Visions, Caves of Creation & Crystalline Realms - Dec 7, 2019

Blessings Beloveds ~

A heart-felt blessing of peace to all. This passage is delivering a brand new level of Embodiment, and we witness the effects on our consciousness. It has been a vivid week, and becoming more so as the 12-12-12 Gates open wider.

miércoles, diciembre 04, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Cosmic Gateways - Dec 4, 2019

Cosmic Gateways

Next week the annual 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway opens to the Great Central Sun at the galactic center, which is located at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius. This year is a ’12’and ‘3’ year (add 2019) that culminates with an amplified 12:12:12 Gateway. 12:12 is a sacred symbol and Ascension code that activates the divine crystalline 12 Strand DNA. Wrapped within the double helix strands are dormant crystalline strands waiting for activation.

sábado, noviembre 16, 2019

Meg Benedicte - 12:12:12 Ascension Gateway - Nov 16, 2019

12:12:12 Ascension Gateway

We are still integrating the recent 11:11 Gateway ascension upgrades into our personal lives and into the planetary collective. The powerful light transmissions initiated a global healing and clearing of deep primal fears of ‘not feeling safe’ plus more stored collective grief. These energies have been releasing all week. The 11:11 Gateway triggers a massive spiritual awakening in those souls rising out of the controlling 3D matrix simulation.

martes, octubre 29, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Null Zone Reset - Oct 29, 2019

I’ve recently been noticing significant shifts occurring in the planetary holographic field. At times the outer room flickers, rippling back and forth, until it regains solidity. It all happens in a moment. Other times I’m walking and the floor shifts under my feet, another ripple effect, like walking on an ocean wave, then it stabilizes. We are currently in the midst of a global timeline reset.