Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ashira. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ashira. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, agosto 06, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Pathway Empowering the Shift of the Ages - Aug 6, 2024

Divine Ones,

The newest creation within your world that we would like to point out to you, is the expanding stream of energy in which human beings are feeling that being who they truly are, MATTERS.

This is a powerful shift within your species and one that reflects the increase in frequency that many are allowing and creating.

domingo, octubre 22, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Ascension Update: What We Notice About You - Oct 22, 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. It is beautiful to connect with you now, in this way as you are in this state.

The light within you is not only continuing to increase in frequency and also in information, but it is acclimating you to living in higher awareness. Notice the sense of peace and well-being that you are able to access nowadays, so much more readily, than in the past.

miércoles, agosto 11, 2021

Ailia Mira - The Call to Remember Your Greatness - August, 11, 2021

Infinite Ones --

We speak to you as your expanded presence, right now. We invite you to feel into the energy within you that is continually expanding and knows Life, as whole, resplendent, self-perpetuating and continually expressive.

This YOU, is made to thrive. Within this intelligent concentration of energy -- the signature of energy that is your soul — there is everything you need, want and desire. Everything energetically that you feel as the vision of Life that sings out to you, comes into your awareness through your connection with the vastness of your being.

martes, junio 29, 2021

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Receiving the Expansion - June 29, 2021

Divine Ones,

Living in the world now, is a new experience. The world is opening up to greater expression of diversity. This is being empowered by many different types of human beings refusing to suppress who they are anymore. And with this courageous authenticity, the world is opening up. More people are daring to honor their unique beauty and expression is becoming more true, more authentic.

sábado, junio 12, 2021

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with Ashira, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light - A Time for Participation, and Inner Devotion - June 12, 2021

Divine Ones --

The inner call to more Life is within you, singing out. Singing to you. Invoking the most liberating ways of being, and the possibilities.

For you, now. For all of you, now.

This inner call sings out to you in words and images or feelings and a sense of knowing -- it’s personal. It knows how to make your heart leap and your energy soar. It knows not only how you will thrive, but what path will be most accessible to you and most beneficial to you.

jueves, abril 30, 2020

Ailia Mira - Quan Yin, Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light - Expanded Potentials for Participating - April 30, 2020

Message from Quan Yin, Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is a time of tremendous change. You know this. Yet the changes are happening on many levels, and the changes are also happening in different spheres of experience. What you perceive of that, varies. We would like to explain a bit about that now and invite you to intentionally orient as you wish.

viernes, abril 24, 2020

Ailia Mira - Quan Yin and Ashira with the Council of Radiant Light - Initiating Oneness - April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020

Divine Ones -

We greet you in love.

All connections in your world take place within the quality of love, for your world, is energetically structured in the quality of love.

What this means is that the fundamental quality of light, is expressing as love, in everything you know as your world and this is, in fact, true for your entire universe. Love is the most powerful energy in your world because love is the basis of your world.

jueves, marzo 21, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira - Emanating the Stability of the Equinox - March 21, 2019


Photo by Stacey Gabrielle Koenitz Rozells on Unsplash

Hello Divine One,

We greet you in love. Heaven and earth are in a splendid state of balance today. Can you feel that within you?

It is good to have these moments of conscious connection with you. We appreciate you, and take great pleasure in observing and participating with you, in this embodied experience.

sábado, marzo 09, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira - Life Is With You and For You, Always - March 9, 2019

Photo by Teddy Kelley on Unsplash

Message from the Vastness of Being, through Ashira

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Dear One,

We are here for you, always.

We want to start out today, with that - with you considering how you feel in relationship to considering our ever-present support, love and comraderie.

We want you to know that we are always aware of you. What you are feeling, what you are thinking, how you think things are going and how much you are aware of the vaster you.

jueves, febrero 21, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira - Your Guide to Living Well - Feb 21, 2019

Photo by Dan Stark on Unsplash

Message from Ashira

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Beloved,

We greet you in love.


There is nothing more for you to do in life, than to follow your own flow.

When you allow yourself to flow, life becomes easy, fulfilling, free and effortless.


jueves, febrero 14, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira - An Attunement: Ascending Energy & Your Vastness - Feb 14, 2019

Photo by Seb [ P34K ] Hamel on Unsplash

Message from Ashira

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Letting go of specifics can bring you home.

It’s a wonderful aspect of your innately multidimensional life, that when you focus in different ways you create different experiences.

Today we offer some words that you can feel into as you read, and use to tune to your vastness,

miércoles, febrero 06, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light - Conscious Connection with All That You Are - Feb 6, 2019

Conscious Connection with All That You Are

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

Message from Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are here, today to speak with you about self-care. Self-care in an expanded way - a way that is about you living here in conscious connection with all that you are.

Each and every day we encourage you to start your day, listening to you. Tuning into you. Acknowledging the vastness of your being, Your Source, and inviting that vaster field of awareness to infuse you, lift you up, guide you, love you.

jueves, enero 31, 2019

Ailia Mira - Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light - Awaken to the Perfection that is You - Jan 31, 2019

Awaken to the Perfection that is You

Message from Ashira & the Council of Radiant Light

Divine Ones,

We want to invite you today, to make a very bold choice. A choice to see your own perfection.

We know in your world ideas of perfection are limited. Most people would hesitate to think of themselves as perfect. We want to turn that notion upside down.