viernes, octubre 04, 2024



Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are so happy to have this opportunity to share and communicate with you. As many of you have sensed, there has been an enormous evolutionary shift in your world and in the inner experience for many of you during the last two weeks…in the midst of the Eclipse Cycle.

We want to be clear that this shift will unfold over time. It’s not fully available to you now, but it has been “set in motion” shall we say? The anchoring in of that which empowers a new level of being has been realized for humanity and thus too, for Earth.

Because of this you quite rightly feel and sense something very significant is at hand and it is.

Your evolution continues and will continue throughout your whole life expression here on Earth and yet there are still, nonetheless, significant milestones and this is one of those.

The inner light you embody is now operating in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and low level 7th dimensional frequencies. This is a big expansion and that is what you are sensing within you when you sense a big change is happening, or has happened.

To embody your 7th dimensional wholeness is the fulfillment of integrated ascension and 7th dimensional ascension. It is the highest individual level of soul expression available in embodiment and it’s never been so widely present as it is now and in so many all at once.

This is changing the era of humanity and initiating an era of peace, love, divine knowing and true expression. It’s both a completion and a new beginning and there is so much to be experienced, felt, said and understood about it and that will develop as you focus into resonance with these new higher potentials and begin to learn how to practically live in these expanded, transcendent states of being.

What is possible now is so far beyond how you started out in this life that we wish to make very clear: there is NO precedent for this, in your experience. Which is why it may feel so challenging to put into words the inner changes and the significance of what is opening up which you so rightly sense.

So we hope that what we are sharing now, gives you something to use as a touchstone, and then, if you wish, we’d like to co-create with you in ways that allow you to activate that new potential and begin to live it.

Quite splendid, don’t you think?

We hope you feel how wonderful it is to know that your inner devotion, your willingness to work with your own consciousness and your experience has led to such a beautiful evolutionary shift being created and made manifest…

And now it will begin to anchor, integrate and expand within you, adjusting and clarifying, evolving and elevating all the energy in every system of your physical body. All the energy in every pattern and habit of your emotional and mental bodies and every particle of energy and light in your spiritual body.

And as this occurs, you move into an expanded capacity for unity with All That You Are. Liberating your ancestors and humanity, as you do so and as this new capability spreads, deepens, is activated by your presence and begins to be claimed by more and more of you!

This shift into higher light as a more integrated way of being opens the doorway to a feelings of bliss, to feelings of profound and expansive ALL IS WELL-NESS, and to feelings of inner joy and joyful expansion.

It expands and shifts your awareness upward into states of higher vision, into perspectives that see and feel the underlying truth of SOURCE ENERGY being everything and knowing: I AM THAT.

We know that you are already feeling some of these things but we want to tell you clearly -- you’re barely beginning to experience the implications of this! There are so many gifts to allow and receive.

What is landing now will continue to expand and unfold within your experience, and do so, as you allow it.

Now, more on that. This new potential opens, unfolds, anchors in, integrates and transforms you as It (Infinite Intelligence) knows to do, and as you allow it.

As we said earlier, you now have access to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional energies and you tune yourself, consciousness as energy, by what you think about and how you think about it, by what you give your attention to, by what you focus upon.

You are also significantly affected physically, by what you eat and drink, how much sleep you get, how nourished you are emotionally, socially, creatively, and by the way you respond to bumps, challenges or difficulties in experience and to inner conflict or tension.

How do you, currently respond to challenging experiences?

Do you wait them out? Or do you harmonize and love yourself through them as the energy flows, then dissipates and then arises and elevates, naturally — Do you know how to do that?

How do you respond to your own emotions when they are triggered or whipped up? How long do you feel badly before you do something to care for yourself? Not with some desire to deny or push away your feelings, but out of love, and with skill knowing how to elevate your view, understand what’s going on and in that clarity, free yourself.

Learning to skillfully love yourself, and generously relate to yourself is a key to embodying the higher light of your own Divine Self and the corresponding 7th dimensional templates of energy and light that empower your own integrated ascension.

When you tune to lower frequencies you simply slow this process down. You create resistance which impedes the flow of finer, higher light.

When you’re in pain -- emotionally, mentally, physically, you also impede this flow. And you know it by how you feel. Pain is a very challenging aspect of your experience. We’re talking about this because many of you have aspects of your physical health in which you feel pain. There is also emotional pain, or mental pain. All kinds of pain, are challenging to work with… So the key here is not to make any of that disappear, although of course, lessening it is wonderful for you, rather to use your knowledge of frequency and expansion, your knowing of who you truly are, to elevate your view and soothe yourself.

You can feel pain and be hopeful, peaceful, relaxed and resting. You can feel pain and know that your life in general is improving. You can feel pain and feel despair, discouraged, scare yourself and create worry, anger, or even respond to pain with so much resistance that you feel resentful and bitter.

All feelings are helpful. They’re indicators of how aligned you are with what you want and who you truly are.

Some feelings indicate you’re allowing your flow and some tell you that you’re in resistance and diminishing your connection. Learning to read your emotions in terms of what they’re telling you about the flow from the WHOLENESS OF YOU, to the Embodied You, is a key.

To embody your own higher light at the levels we’re speaking of here you will need to raise your standards for the frequency state you’re in.

To embody your own higher light at the levels we’re speaking about here, you will need to learn how to comfort yourself, you’ll need to learn how to harmonize with whatever you feel and also know that feelings are indicators and given what you’re aware of in feeling them, bring yourself upward in frequency so you can feel the love and connection with All That You Are.

You already know many spiritual and energetic practices for working with your own energy and consciousness. Use them. And also? Begin to learn how to comfort yourself. Both by accessing a clear understanding of what’s going on and by accessing thoughts that soothe you and feel better to you.

Learning how to be more aware of what is going on in the deep levels of consciousness and emotion within you and to bring all of that into unity, and harmony and through your loving kindness and your own generous warmth to yourself, learn how to bring yourself into states of exquisite joy and blissful ease? That’s some of what we sense would serve you now.

What we’re pointing to here, is an opening into an experience of transcendence.

And ultimately an ability to be in a state of spiritual transcendence while present in the world in your day to day life.

This might be understood in different ways for each person, but in essence, it’s a feeling of being so connected to the Infinite, to the All, to Source, to your Divine Self, that you feel that Oneness with Everything, underlying everything you experience.

Ailia feels this in a way where she loses focus on herself and yet she isn’t even conscious of that. She is just experiencing such beauty, such expansive feelings of appreciation, such deep awareness of the Divine Perfection, the Divine Order of All That Is, that she feels kind of a perpetual flow of awe and reverence and sometimes at the same time, a feeling of exuberance or even delight.

Sometimes when you’re in a transcendent state of bliss your foot will just start moving on its own. You’ll find yourself smiling of laughing for no reason. You’ll feel a kind of radiant inner pleasure as you feel the lightness of being that is who you truly are, here.

This is what you are evolving into; a state of transcendence in which you are who you truly are, and more and more know yourself as this and then are present here, able to fully embrace and enjoy the world and skillfully choose how you participate and what you give your attention to, such that you can sustain these more exquisite and flowing states of openness and connection.

Ultimately this is an expanded states of Oneness with All That You Are.

And the rest of this year, will reveal more and more of this to those of you who are ready for this.

And for those who are still integrating their own 5th dimensional ascension, know that this is here for you too, and you’ll move into it perfectly! Those who anchor this in and embody it first, make your way, easier and more accessible, and you will do the same for others.

The evolution of your world and each of you is Divinely designed and Divinely orchestrated and you are the key holders who control the speed and what you’re available for, by how you create, dynamically, your own energy presence, day by day by day.

The momentum of your choices makes certain ways of being more readily accessible and so breaking through to a new, less familiar, and higher frequency state of being takes intentional focus on allowing and aligning and cultivating states of inner harmony and Oneness, more often and for longer periods of time, to bring about a fluid and natural exaltation...

But that is within reach for some of you now and it is with that in mind that we invite you to join us, now, for a new Conscious Evolution program: Living Transcendence.

This is an invitation to be the most exceptional version of yourself, here, and we say that from a Spiritual perspective; from an understanding of what is most empowering, most liberating, most beneficial, and that which underlies and empowers everything else.

Spiritual transcendence is first and foremost about beginning to isolate and understand transcended states, and then to discover how to tune yourself to them, and then practicing this. Acclimating to these states of being so they begin to feel like YOU, to You.

So much so that you begin responding to challenges that arise and bringing inner devotion to your experience of presence, in ways that center you there…and return you there, again and again — this is a shift into living an experience of transcendent flow.

This is an experience of multidimensional living, in which you have access to resources and clarity far beyond what lies within the boundaries of your own prior experiences.

This is the practical application of and living in ascended states of being. And for the way showers and early awakeners to the ascending life, this is a portal available to you now to enter, if you wish.

If this excites you, elicits feelings of joy and a desire to move into these states of being, then please by all means, join us.

Enter the coming days being willing to change how you relate to yourself, your world, your life and your ways of being. For a whole new level of experience and expression has landed and is available for you to move into and expand upon.

We are joyous and expanded as realize this manifestation with you and communicate to you, awakening within you, your own knowing of what we are sharing here…

Trust the Light within you and all you feel in response to this transmission.


And — We love you very much.

We are complete.

I AM Archangel Michael, with Ailia, Ashira, Akyraiel, Naeshira, Mira and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Melchizedek the Universal Logos, the Sirian Archangel Hermes, Archangel Metatron, Serapis Bey, Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael, Gaia, The Gautama Buddha, The Lemurian Light Masters, The Shambhala Masters, Sanat Kumara/Vywaymus, Kuthumi, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.