viernes, octubre 18, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Need for You to Exist in Today’s World - Oct 18, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you have many aspects to who you are there on Earth, and we know that you choose to play many different roles, different roles at different times as well. And therefore, you can start to understand who you really are as a soul, because you don’t just have one identity as a human being. You have several. You change according to circumstances, tasks, the people you are around, and what your desires are in any given moment. You dig deep within yourselves at times to discover new aspects of who you are as a human being, and you uncover various gifts and abilities as they are required of you.

When you start to recognize this, you realize that you have a choice in who you are in each and every moment. And no matter what role you are playing for the collective you are a part of, you can always choose to infuse more of Source and of Love into who you are being and what you are doing or saying. Therefore, you can live many lives in one single lifetime, because truly that is the goal of each life that you live. The goal is to do more than just accomplish tasks and make money and perhaps have a spouse and children, friends and so on. The task at hand will always be to infuse more of Source, more of that love that you truly are into all aspects of you as a human being.

And so, while many people at this time are worried about what they should be doing or what they could be doing that they aren’t, a better question to ask oneself is, ‘How can I infuse more of the Love of Source into this situation and specifically into myself as the conduit of that Love?’ When you are asking yourselves that question, you are getting to the heart of your very need to exist in the form you are right now. We want to assure you that it is not to accomplish some physical task, some action in the material world.

But as you see yourselves as artists who want to use the color of Source to paint your reality, then you start to get an idea of what your existence is all about. And certainly everything that you do then becomes more powerful, more impactful, because of what you have infused into it. Certainly, you can strive to do things perfectly in the tasks that you perform, but you can do something quite imperfectly while intending to infuse more Source Energy into it and fulfill the purpose of the task in the first place.

All of this exists so that Source can know Source, so that Source can discover what Source is. And when you awaken to the truth that you have the ability to infuse more of that Source into everything, then you are working as an instrument of God, of All That Is, of Source Energy, and that will be the best-feeling experience you can have while in a physical body. It will also help you to feel more fulfilled and purposeful in your life.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”