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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Los Creadores. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, diciembre 13, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Shadow Self - Dec 13, 2024

“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We know that you all have aspects of yourselves that you feel ashamed of, and we want you all to recognize that you carry those aspects of yourselves with you because you came into this life with a desire to explore certain themes and to heal certain aspects of your human self. So perhaps as a child you stole some candy, and you think of that now as an adult, and you feel ashamed. Or perhaps you have said things to other people that have hurt their feelings, even as an adult, and now you feel ashamed of yourself for having that moment where you allowed yourself to be hurtful to another.

martes, diciembre 03, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Your Blockages & Challenges - Dec 3, 2024

“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of non-physical beings and we are here to help.

We know that many of you are facing bigger challenges than you would ever choose for yourselves in this moment, and we know that you are missing the point of the challenge when you feel overwhelmed by it. The challenge is always there to get you to grow and to take the expansion that is being offered to you by the circumstances of your life. Sometimes you are meant to take a detour. Sometimes it is better for you to do something else than what you originally aspired to do.

jueves, noviembre 28, 2024

Daniel Scranton -The Creators - An Invitation from The Creators -Nov 28, 2024

“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of non-physical beings and we are here to help.

We come to you in this moment as helpers, as guides, as teachers, but in other moments we come to you as pure energy, energy that you can use to co-create with. We desire to be more a part of your creations, and we assist you at times with an inspired thought, an idea, an impulse. We don't just come to you through this particular channel with words of wisdom to share to you. We come to you in a variety of ways, and we are not alone.

lunes, noviembre 25, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Getting Close to the End of Your Ascension - Nov 25, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you are doing the best you can, individually and collectively, and that is why we seek to help you. It is because you sometimes need a boost to be able to see beyond where you have been looking that we come along to assist you and give you the necessary boost. Some of the boosts we give you are energetic and others are through teachings that we offer.

jueves, noviembre 21, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - We in the Higher Realms Are Working Overtime - Nov 21, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We enjoy helping you and that is why we do it. We know that you are always going to get to where you are going, and we would like to see you getting to where you are going with more joy in your hearts, with more of a skip in your step. And so, we come in from above lovingly, seeking to give you what you might want or need to make your journeys more joyous adventures. You see, you do have the capacity to see everything as an adventure, and you also can start to activate the belief that everything is created by you for you so that you can get to the next rung on the ladder of your ascension.

viernes, noviembre 15, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - But What About the Dark & Evil Energies? - Nov 15, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are making your way through different energies at this time, some of which are to your liking and some of which are not. Remember who you really are, and do not be afraid of the energies that you do not prefer. They are not there to be judged by you. They are not there to be diminished by you. They are not there for you to run away from, but they are there for you to see, to experience, to acknowledge, and sometimes to rise up in the face of.

martes, noviembre 12, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - When Will the Spaceships Come & Take You to 5D? - Nov 12, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are taking yourselves to a new level of consciousness, and as you do that you must make peace with everything that you have ever done, everything that you have ever been, and that holds true for the others that you are sharing this experience with you as well. That is why you are not escaping to the fifth dimension. That is why you are not just going to board a spaceship and go to another Earth-like planet to get away from all of the chaos and all of the people who are responsible for the chaos in your eyes. It is because whatever you are experiencing on your planet right now is meant for you to see, to acknowledge, and then to heal and forgive.

lunes, noviembre 11, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators Spiritual Warfare: Has the Light Defeated the Dark? - Nov 11, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are not in the midst of spiritual warfare. We do not even agree with the idea of spiritual warfare. We do not agree that it is possible to have spiritual warfare. We are spirit, and we are of the light, and we would never seek to defeat the dark. We do love the dark, we embrace the dark, we have compassion for the dark, we send healing to the dark, but we do not even need to forgive the dark because we have never condemned the dark to begin with.

martes, noviembre 05, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Can Awakened Souls “Fit In” & Be Authentic? - Nov 5, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that many of you are struggling at this time to fit in energetically, socially and in all of the other ways that you think you should be fitting in with your society. We want you all to know that it is important for you to be yourselves and that fitting in is overrated. So many people who desire to fit in are not being their authentic selves. They are not saying what they really think, they are not feeling what they really feel, and they are not acting as they would truly like to act, and this is the type of facade that is crumbling at this time.

miércoles, octubre 30, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Quantum Universe, Science & Spirituality - Oct 30, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are here to awaken within you that which was always there, but that which has not yet been known by your physical minds. We would like to broaden your minds by helping you with your concepts of self, of world, of Source, and of others. And as you shift these concepts, you shift who you are in the world, how you act, what you think, and what you say. And that will change your lives for the better. It will also give you a truer picture of the reality that you are experiencing.

jueves, octubre 24, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - End Political Polarization & All Disagreements - Oct 24, 2024


“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know you have your differences with one another, and we witness you in how you experience those differences. We want you to know that someone disagreeing with you on any topic doesn’t have to affect you emotionally. You don’t have to get upset because someone else disagrees with you. Instead, you can recognize that maybe it is true that there is something else here at work. It is a possibility that the reason you don’t see eye to eye with someone else is because the two of you working together could find a third option, a solution that was better than the one that either of you had fixated on and had assumed was the best solution.

viernes, octubre 18, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Need for You to Exist in Today’s World - Oct 18, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you have many aspects to who you are there on Earth, and we know that you choose to play many different roles, different roles at different times as well. And therefore, you can start to understand who you really are as a soul, because you don’t just have one identity as a human being. You have several. You change according to circumstances, tasks, the people you are around, and what your desires are in any given moment. You dig deep within yourselves at times to discover new aspects of who you are as a human being, and you uncover various gifts and abilities as they are required of you.

martes, octubre 15, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Rest of the Ride to the 5th Dimension - Oct 15, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We notice when you are struggling there on Earth with a particular subject, a topic that seems to haunt you in your day-to-day lives. And we know that you probably notice them as well, and you call them your issues. You say you are struggling with a particular issue, and it is true that you chose to explore certain themes within your life, certain themes that would challenge you to grow. So, the first thing you want to do when you recognize that you have one of these challenges is to not feel that there is something wrong with you or that you have been doing something wrong because you have that particular challenge.

miércoles, septiembre 25, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Your Relationship with Your Emotions - Sep 25, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We notice you when you are having your emotional experiences there on Earth, and we invite you to notice yourselves as well. We invite you to feel the feelings that you are having, and to also understand the feelings that you are having. Ultimately, you want to be able to choose what you are feeling, because in so doing you will be choosing your vibration and what you are actively creating and manifesting. And so, when you are feeling a feeling, get interested in that feeling. Get interested in its location, its intensity, the duration with which you feel it.

jueves, septiembre 19, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Two Assassination Attempts in the U.S. Presidential Election - Sep 19, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you love excitement there on Earth, and you like news that is compelling and gets your blood pumping, but you often take your attention off of what really matters when you are looking at the sensationalized news story. You have of course, there in the United States, a presidential election coming up, and you have two assassination attempts now on one of the candidates. And certainly there has been a lot of speculation about those assassination attempts, and there will be plenty of people out there who will want to talk about them, and there will be just as many people out there who have an opinion about them.

jueves, septiembre 12, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Get More Help from the Creator of This Game - Sep 12, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We notice you having your moments there of struggle, your moments of dissatisfaction, and we notice you when you are in those moments of despair, and we wonder how we can get through to you when you are having those moments. This is the type of challenge that you face in the twelfth dimension. How do you help? How do you get someone’s attention when they are so focused on the struggle, focused on the problem?

lunes, septiembre 09, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - This Will Propel You into the 5th Dimension - Sep 9, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We engage with you energetically all the time. We who exist in the twelfth dimension may seem as though we are in a far off place to those of you living lives on planet Earth at this time. But you are enlivened by the energies of the nonphysical. You are animated by us and by others who also exist in our dimension here. We love to see you tapping in to more of who you really are, and you love the feeling of doing so yourselves as well.

miércoles, agosto 28, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Should You Wait for Your Manifestations? - Aug 28, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We understand you even though we cannot relate to everything that you are experiencing there on Earth because it is so different from our nonphysical plane of existence. We invite you to consider the possibility that you can be helped by those who are living something quite different from what you are living. You know what you need, and you know you have the free will to create what you want to create. We will supply the energy as universal architects within this universe, to help you with those creations.

viernes, agosto 23, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Making the Impossible Possible - Aug 23, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you all have many moving parts in your lives to contend with, and we also know that you choose those moving parts very carefully. We want to assist you in seeing those moving parts as choices that you have made. They are the ways in which you have decided it would be best for you to grow and expand. Every moving part is an opportunity for you to know yourself more fully and completely as you really are. You are meant to know yourselves as Divine Beings of love and light, and yet you deal with the physical stuff that is in front of you in so many different ways.

lunes, agosto 19, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - A Call is Coming to Those Who Are Awake - Aug 19, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are making noticeable changes there on Earth. The changes that you make are noticed and felt throughout the entire galaxy and universe of which you are a part. Do not ever underestimate yourselves or your impact on the collective. And please do not ever assume that your impact must come through action or that it must be measurable to have the impact that you desire to have. You are making progress in the way that you experience your reality, in the conclusions you make about your reality, and in the ways in which you respond to the opportunities that come up for you as a result.