lunes, octubre 21, 2024

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - We all feel the building energy - Oct 21, 2024

We all feel the building energy that has not dissipated since the walloping April 8th solar eclipse this year. Solar maximum has officially been reached, and we will stay at maximum for about 1-2 years. Strong solar activity helps raise our frequency and wakes us up. But I think it got really interesting with this last full moon. It had amplified incoming cosmic frequencies even more and launched another phase of our inner work. We are in a cosmic soup of vital cosmicly infused energy, which is now flowing into Earth's ley lines, sacred sites, and other portals all over the Earth. The effects on our consciousness are quite tangible now. We joined up for this transformational experience to be victorious, and we have got this! 

Another big pluse of energy that will rip through our kundalini like a freight train is the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal, from NOVEMBER 5TH to the 24TH! You can't make this stuff up. I can't even express the crazy timing of this synchronicity. It begins on the USA's unbelievable, head-scratching, weird election day. It is almost comical in a way. But in all seriousness, I know how these days create a make-or-break sequence of events, and I know what will come this time will be a unique surprise, much like the “I didn't see that coming” vibe. This time portal returns every 260 days. I have been watching the huge impact of these 20 days since 1990! This cycle is going to be very powerful. I’ll be praying for peace a lot these days. 

(I have written extensively about the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal and the five pluses within the portal in the past. I will repost it at the bottom of this post. If you have read it before, please ignore it.)
The current cleansing waves are triggering a collage of leftover bits of experiences we need to face and heal. Many have shared about odd, fragmented dream times and seeing deep and painful bits and pieces being cleared like dust in the corners of our consciousness. We are experiencing these “life reviews” as if this is our final hour, but this is not the end; it is just the beginning. We are about to embody what is next! 

Our work will manifest in two main themes. We will either have the courage to face the things coming forward for us to heal, or we will avoid personal growth and continue to use the old ways of blaming and playing victim. This acceleration will affect us personally and globally. This phase will involve all sentient beings, but we will all work somewhat differently. Because we’re all going to work differently, there will be no genuine support for things we are going through. This portal will insist we listen to our hearts and intuition. Trying to avoid this phase could harm all versions of relationships and could accelerate world chaos and intensify the ongoing war. We have a lot of work to do, and quickly. Please do not underestimate the undeniable power of the light we carry!

This process will be profound for those who have chosen a life with much isolation. We want to stay single much longer and take more time for ourselves. This process creates pure open space within us so we can make a home for the massive incoming light that is now downloading. We might feel more committed to avoiding any outer distractions and feel called to deepen or widen our service in the world. Maybe this cycle will help us understand what this wider work will be. 

If you are in a committed relationship, you must up your game. Show greater respect for each other, consciously listen, deepen truthful communication, and change unhealthy core relationship behaviors and habits. Offer each other quality space when they need it. Equality, space, honesty, and new healthy boundaries will be created. This time will change the collective blueprint for relationships and our perceptions of romantic love. Trauma bonds have been confused with love for so long, and this time could change this unhealthy pattern. This work will take courage, insight, and trust to rebuild the foundation of a relationship while still in it. 

I pray for those still playing the usual games with the lower frequencies. I don’t think they’ve noticed that much of Earth's consciousness has already passed them by. It will be a huge catch-up for them if they decide to move forward. We can see a frantic scrambling and nearly unhinged stress in people we see around us. 

On a global scale, we see heightened tensions between countries with more intensified clashes. This is especially true in the Middle East, where the sacredness of the area has been intensifying unhealthy reactions. These times are affecting most political/governmental systems of the world. 

Many souls are still lost in an odd addiction to lies that seem to elude their pure, god-given, instinctual common sense. This comes from mainly the unawareness of not trusting themselves and choosing to listen to outside information sources. Just like drugs or alcohol, being addicted to outside sources of truth can be detrimental to our evolution. Many outdated sources hold people back and place them in a victim / blame mentality instead of evolving into a healing phase of accountability and self-responsibility.

No matter what, we need to honor each person wherever they are on their journey. We must continuously operate in a place of non-judgment and enlightened neutrality. This will add to the healing energy of peace in the collective consciousness and will literally calm our reality's whole collective field. Right now, we need huge waves of peace and love entering the collective field of consciousness more than ever. Division, separation, and us-them mentality push us to irreversible breaking points. Living in old programs will not be survivable in the new frequencies, and we are seeing those systems crumbling all around us. 

We are moving into pure trust and flow
… with the universe
… as the universe. 

This amazing new phase is upon us; we are doing it even as the uncertainty is challenging. Courageous ones are breaking away from old limiting ways, behaviors, patterns, and responses and building a new foundation for future generations. This is significant work, but it makes more logical sense as we go further down this path. Much of the past realities simply do not make logical sense to us anymore. I wonder if it ever did. The past does not feel real anymore.

Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, be kind, and be at peace as much as possible. Know that you have pure, unlimited potential within you that the world needs…. right now. 

” Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.”

— Barbara Marciniak