viernes, octubre 04, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - October 2024 Energy Report - Oct 4, 2024

It’s October now and we move from the 8 of September to the 9 energy of October (10 + 2+0+2+4 = 9) and we see the number 9 in terms of closure and endings. Well this one is a little different because it is not just closure we’ll get, it is endings and the end, as in it’s over, fini, fertig, finito, done, closed, and completely over. It is interesting that 2024 began with a 9 month, January 2024 was a 9 (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 +4) and October brings us full circle and full cycle from where we started on January 1, 2024. January was also a 9 value month and Pluto was at the same degree as it is now and getting ready for the final steps in its long transit of Capricorn. (everyone shout hooray)

I am not talking about the end of the world apocalypse here, but something similar, although that is what the people whose land and homes were flooded are dealing with. What must be over will end, in one way or another, and we may be able to get closure, but that is not necessary for endings. Remember Capricorn is the end of the 3D path and Aquarius, the next sign, is the 5D sign leading us into full spiritual congruence. The ascension journey is nearing completion of this particular cycle.

Beginnings require endings or we have a mish mash of events, situations, people, relationships, and the like that are no longer relevant to us today but we still have some connection to them so we keep them close by even though they add no value or benefit to us, our path, or our life.

It reminds me of the junk drawer that everyone has in their kitchen, which contains a collection of old keys, random parts, cords, batteries, and objects that we once had or used. While we really don’t know what they all belong to any more we’re afraid to throw them away in case that thing shows up and we need that part or cord.

So we continue to add to the junk drawer year after year until one day we decide to clean it up and discover exactly what is in there. The results are surprising because we find things that we were looking for, get rid of a lot of things we know we no longer need, and sometimes we find surprises. I did this with my daughter on my last visit to her house and we found a lot of things in the kitchen junk drawers including enough loose change to buy an ice cream treat for the entire family!

As I am writing this on October 1 we just had an X7 solar flare, a rather large one that explains the anxiety, headache, and restlessness that I have felt all day. Of course since I am in North Carolina, I am also processing energy from the huge amount of devastation that was left behind Hurricane Helene too. I often visit that part of the state especially in the autumn because the Blue Ridge Parkway is so beautiful but not this year.

Many of the roads I have traveled before are gone – washed away – or the towns I visited are gone or heavily damaged. Even the Biltmore House, the Vanderbilt property that is a central figure in the area, is closed. It is very sad but the people here will recover. They are strong and resourceful and very committed to their communities. And a lot of us will help when we can and when it is safe to travel to that part of the state.

One of the things that I have mentioned over the last 20+ years that I have been writing, sharing, and leading the ascension movement is the creation of compassion vortexes. These are powerful energy centers which are opened when there is a disaster or very serious event and people are injured or there is some kind of devastation, as we witnessed in the USA last week.

With the sadness, sympathy, empathy, and shared sorrow of the world focused on people who are suffering, a compassion vortex is opened which brings in very high energy and unites humanity with a common focus so the high energy is extended to everyone. 
Compassion vortexes really help with the ascension expansion even though they involve suffering and trauma for the people involved.

The energy themes of October are endings, karma, and divine recalibration. It is time for an energy reset now that the awakening has gone full force. We have far exceeded the upper limits of energetic participation and have the soul unity, which I have also called the ‘un-animus’, to create powerful intentions for ascension. We are witnessing the full scope of the depths of evil and the darkest aspects of 3D that revels in creating misery, suffering, and chaos this week and if that doesn’t compel you to turn on your light then I do not know what will. And we have also seen courage, caring, empathy, support, and compassion from countless people who are doing whatever they can to help those in desperate need. It is the juxtaposition of light and dark, good and evil, with the ever widening energy gap in between.

Two terms that are important to remember now are critical mass and critical momentum. Critical mass is anything over 50% and critical momentum happens when so many people are working together that a movement cannot be stopped. We are there now and we must continue. To say that the fate of humanity rests on our efforts now is not an overstatement. If you do not think that what happened in Western North Carolina cannot be repeated anywhere in the world, and already has, then you have not been paying attention for the past 20 years.

October 2 features a solar eclipse in Libra and this one has all kinds of extra surprises attached to it. This new moon solar eclipse is packed with energy that touches all of the buttons. Every planet is involved too! First we have a very close conjunction with Mercury and that brings in the karma element. Mars trines Venus, which gives Mars some motivation it needs as it gets through Cancer, a sign that is not empowering for it. Venus in Scorpio encourages us to be more self-ish and take care of ourselves. Jupiter in Gemini is adding extra positive energy to the new moon and one added bonus is the trine (120 degrees) between Uranus and Pluto. Uranus is in Taurus reminding us to increase our value standards to a higher frequency.

Don’t forget Saturn’s presence in Pisces, holding that space for spiritual balance, integrity, and congruence for us.

This is the integration of spirit, not necessarily being more ‘spiritual’. And with Neptune holding its place at the final degrees of Pisces, as the nodes move to the zero point of Aries, we have a full on Alpha Omega Portal that is going to take us through the end of the year and into early 2025.

That’s just the first two days of October. Are you ready for the rest?

Let’s look at October’s themes of endings, karma, and divine recalibration. And for that I want to go back to the Pluto in Sagittarius years, from 1995 to 2008 and before that the Pluto in Scorpio years, 1983 to 1995. If you remember those years they were times of huge excess, think of supermodels, designer bags and clothes, recreational drugs, wall street wizards and dirty deals, because that is when those trends started. We did have great music at that time. I still play my cds from that time, do you?

Sagittarius can be a sign of excesses and we certainly saw during Pluto’s transit of that sign. Then Pluto went into Capricorn and it was time to pay the piper although that was not immediately evident. We did not realize that we paid for our excesses with our emotional and energetic freedom and we are just realizing now that the excesses and extravagances of those years did not bring us joy and that they were distractions.

While we were watching reality tv, buying flat screens, and worrying about which color granite to choose for our kitchen countertops our world was being slowly energetically poisoned and it wasn’t until a few years ago that we realized that we had been asleep at the wheel and if we didn’t wake up we would lose everything.

If I am sounding like an alarmist here I am not trying to but this is true and you know it. I know it, and everyone else is beginning to know it. Those of us who have been at the forefront of the ascension movement for the past 20 years, and I am one of the few left who is still doing the work that I began in 2003, have been holding this energy for decades, initially without help or support. And it’s a good thing that people are finally stepping up because we are tired and we can no longer do this work by ourselves.

I have talked about the movement from light workers to light beacons, that it is time to pass the baton because the ascension path is a relay race and not a marathon, that new generations of energy healers, workers, and mentors must step up and that time is here.

We are entering a new phase of ascension that is multi-dimensional and we need people on both sides of the 4D bridge. Those who are in 3D helping people across and those who are on the 5D side, helping people acclimate to this new paradigm. Everyone’s role is important so whatever you are doing, it is the right thing in the moment.

This is where October’s theme of endings come in and remember we have a 9 energy in October which is about endings. Now endings and closure do not go together. Sometimes we get an ending and no closure, it’s what happens when someone decides they are finished with us but we are not necessarily ready to be finished with them. Or we arrive at closure but we are afraid to end something because we do not want to hurt someone’s feelings.

Endings are necessary for beginnings so the question to ask, when you feel you can’t manifest something, is not ‘why can’t I manifest’. It is to ask ‘what needs to end for this beginning to happen’.

And there’s the karma theme in October. With Libra, the astro sign in October, we look for balance and that is not fairness. What do balance and karma have in common? We try to balance the energies in karma by giving what we think is missing rather than seeing that the imbalance is the karma and that is the problem that we can never fix. And that is our karma lesson.

Sometimes getting balance means things are very unfair to us and we have to create balance within ourselves emotionally and energetically to accept others’ choices and rectify the imbalances we have allowed to happen. By the way, this means to stop giving where you are not receiving and to stop feeling responsible for others’ life issues.

Are you in a relationship or situation where you are giving more than you are receiving?

Are you holding on to beliefs that are limiting your energy flows and your joy?

Are you waiting for acknowledgement or validation from someone else even though you secretly know it is not going to happen?

You need to create some balance and this month you will get the energetic resources to do that – or the situation will be created so you have to do it. When we do not act the Universe can get very pushy.

Karma has been a big theme for the year and it continues this month. In fact, karma is the purpose of this lifetime and if you have been following me since the beginning of my journey in 2003, you know that I have always said our reason for being here in this lifetime and at this time is to end our karma. That is why we chose so many karma lessons and our most difficult karma teachers. If you have ever wondered why so much of your life is so hard and so complicated, that is why.

But it’s not permanent (unless you make it permanent) because we have an option to live karma-free in 5D energy space but first we have to implement the karma release work. That’s why I get a little excited when I see an active Mercury because this is when we get to do the real karma release work.

Having an active Mercury for the past few months (Mercury rules karma) has helped but so has having Saturn in Pisces. In fact Saturn dominates the scene right now and is facilitating ascension like a big player. It is the modern ruler of Capricorn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and it is currently in Pisces where it will be until mid-2025.

Saturn is the karma teacher that holds us to our promise to deal with our karma in this lifetime, something I have been writing about since the beginning of my work in 2003. What is karma? It is the energetic result of emotional trauma that we have experienced in many lifetimes that causes us to return to the same soul group, soul cycles, and karma groups that we have been with for all time.

Our focus has always been to resolve or to heal the karma and that is not exactly going to end it. Instead we need to focus on closure, completion, and clearing our energy field of all of the blocks and limiters that have prevented us from fully crossing that 4D bridge.

One of those is grief and if you have taken my Grief Healing Program you know that this energy is sneaky, pervasive, and it infiltrates every aspect of your life. You can find out more about the program here and there’s a special discount for October because this process is so necessary now.

And finally we have divine restitution, which is the rebalancing of spiritual and material, the recalibration of the energetic polarity of the earth as we move from 3D polarity to 5D duality, the establishment of the paradigms and protocols to assist us xxx integrate our divinity into our humanity.

The Universe is not going to rescue us, it is going to provide us with the tools and resources and situations that we need to recognize and acknowledge our own energetic imbalances and set our intention for what needs to be balanced. There is no divine mandate or standard for this, it is up to us because we need to find our own path to joy. And that is what our life path and ascension journey are all about.

Another big energy event in October happens on the 12th and that is Pluto turning direct in Capricorn, at 29 degrees 39 minutes, nearly the same place it was when this year began on January 1, as it prepares to move forward into Aquarius on November 16. This is a huge event because it signals the final steps of the Pluto in Capricorn era which began in 2008. The cycle of completion is completing. October is an important month in this process.

The October fun is not over, we have a full moon on October 17 which is not an eclipse but it harnesses a number of significant energy points including Venus at 29 Scorpio. If you remember back in 2015 we had Saturn retrograding at the 29 Scorpio point for months and it was a really tough time. That was 9 years ago, funny how the number 9 keeps popping up this month.

We end the month with Halloween, a festival I do not celebrate mainly because it is not something we did in France when I was growing up. It just was not a day to celebrate as it is in the USA. I have mixed feelings about Halloween, it is a sacred festival but also has a very dark side to it. Use your own discernment.

October flows into November and the big event of the year and the decade – Pluto going into Aquarius until 2044 never to return to Capricorn in our lifetime.

September was a tough month and it shook us all up. October is more of a shake out that brings us to the precipice of November and the question that is on everyone’s mind, where the world will be next year and beyond because we are definitely at the precipice and what happens now determines our 3D path for many years to come. We are truly in the battle between the dark in the light so keep your light shining and make sure you set strong intentions every day, keep your vibe high and your lights on.

Be a spiritual warrior, not a worrier and remember you are an emanation of light for the light Source, a light that is part of the Soul Source, the vast sea of light that every light emanates from and this makes you powerful beyond measure.

Have a great month.


Copyright (c) 2024 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited including using this article as part of a paid subscription or service which consolidates articles from various authors.