SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda, and i come to be with you at this time in these amazing times that you are in right now, not that you are approaching, not that are down the road; so to speak, but that you are in right now because every day every moment can be amazing, it can be whenever you deem it to be, wherever you desire it to be, wherever you intend it to be.
But intention is needed, intention is necessary. Yes, you do have to have action as well but first comes the intention to desire the want, then that leads to the action that is needed to be taken for whatever it is. For as in your discussion earlier you are on a journey we are all on a journey together all of us; myself included, the journey never ends my friends the journey is always the journey. It is always moving forward one step after another with no final destination, no final station to reach; as in your discussion. Is always the journey to continue to move forward always being in the moments, yes certainly you can look to the future you can look to create a better future for yourself for your children for your children’s children. But do it in the moment now don’t wait don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen now whatever it is whatever your heart’s desire is. Find within yourself the action that you need to take to make it happen whatever it is. If you desire abundance create abundance, if you desire good health create good health within you as someone said earlier it is not outside of yourself it is always within yourself. Always within yourself the kingdom of God the kingdom of your higher God self is within you always so move forward don’t look back.
Don’t hold on to the past, don’t hold on to the stories of the past, let it all go. Don’t only focus on what’s coming in the future because if you continue to look for the future for your life and you are continually missing that life. As someone earlier said “life is in the now”, so be in that now be in that moment, now. Live your life as you want to live it, always knowing that you are experiencing exactly what you are creating it is never the other way around. Life does not create you, you create life. To create it, be it, now.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and wellness and that you continue to move forward always step by step always knowing that if you are living in the perfect now moment, then your next moment will be perfect as well, and the next one after that, and guess what then? your life ahead of you will be as perfect as you want it to be.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Questions & Answers
Master OWS
Om mani padme uma, om mani padme uma, om mani padme uma, uma om
Greetings to you, One Who Servers here, Shoshanna is here and we are ready to assist you in answering your questions if you have them, would there be questions here for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?
Ok, I have a question then.
Master OWS
I worked for a while in a group home for developmentally disabled individuals, you know some at a cognition level of maybe two-year-olds, ten-year-olds, you know adults but you know having that cognition and then I’m seeing cognition issues of course with my mom so what happens with people with the attention with people with cognition issues, are they still able to ascend will they then have that go away or would that keep people from ascending?
Master OWS
Dear sister it is important now for you to, not be so concerned about others and be looking more within yourself now. Do not worry about their life path whatever that might be for it is their life path, it is what they have chosen their blueprint if you will but they are following whatever that might be.
And if they take detours here and there then so be it. They take those detours just as you yourself take detours at times along your path, your mission path here, so we would say to work on letting go of the analyzing of others path and focus on your own and what you are wanting and what you are needing to do. So if there is something that you want in your life, create it; just as Sananda said in the earlier message, create it don’t wait for it, make it happen. Whatever that is, and we know within your own personal situation you are waiting so do not wait any longer create it whatever that is and move forward step by step in action.
We know that you do take action in various things but you are very discombobulated, is that the right word here? in terms of many different things going at one time rather than crystallizing the focus of what you want and then making it happen. We think you understand what we are speaking of here.
Shoshanna do you have something to add here?
SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
Master Shoshanna
Well we wish to answer the question if we may dear sister?
Yes please.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister we find that this idea of cognition is truly a third-dimensional construct. The idea that the individual that cannot express themselves
in a way or learn in a way that seems what we call in the construct normal then they are somehow disabled. But this is the furthest from the truth you see, the expression in the third dimension in cognition is simply the brain. The brain is fragmented is reacting to not quite wanting to be here not quite understanding the vibration of the third-dimensional construct not really wanting to jump rope not really wanting to get in there you see so they come with, these beings come with a brain that is not not really wishing to interact within this dimension you see, so it seems odd why can’t we get them to understand us why can’t we understand them it is because they do not wish to be, you see.
So cognition has nothing to do with ascension that is that, that does not have anything to do with higher consciousness whether your brain operates, that lump of butter operates efficiently or not, is it relevant to ascension, ascension is consciousness. So we will tell you that the beings that is loving that is compassionate that is that is understanding that is giving that is, shows mercy all of those things is the level of consciousness that is required to move forward it is not the way the brain operates.
So it is always consciousness it is not cognition, does that make sense to your sister?
Yes, but I mean yeah I mean it’s still trying to change the two I mean I understand this too because, I mean it seems like it’s it’s the brain saying well let me do this compassionate thing or this loving thing or this that thing, but I guess maybe not.
Master Shoshanna
Yes it is the heart it is the heart that moves it being not the brain right it is it is the good heart, namaste dear sister.
Thank you.
Master OWS
Very good do we have further questions here?
I have a question
Master OWS
I do meditations and they talk about let it you know adding crystalline light to ourselves and lightning lighting up all ourselves and I wonder what that has to do with DNA? Like reactivating our DNA does it is it related?
Master OWS
We will say here that there is definitely a relation to this, for the more light that you bring into your body, the more light that you are able to anchor in your body, it begins to more and more crystallize crystallize your DNA or rather your cellular structure which then also works on reconnecting your DNA processes as well. So they are very much connected in one in the same in some ways here. That is a very simplistic explanation perhaps Shoshanna has more that she can give on this?
Master Shoshanna
We do not.
Master OWS
Very good and we will say here just take this simplistic understanding of this for now.
Thank you.
Master OWS
Would there be other questions here?
You have another quick question, oh sorry go ahead.
You can you can go ahead if it’s another question related to what you just asked.
Well sort of but not exactly necessary but it’s pretty quick. I just wondered if our if Gaia was in 5D now or is it just variation of degrees?
Master OWS
We will say that Gaia as the being Gaia is certainly in a 5D and higher expression but is holding a place a holding a three-dimensional experience yet for those that need to continue to be in that three-dimensional experience. There will come a time though when the third-dimensional experience will be no longer needed here so all of those that are able to move through the ascension process and fully ascend will be joining her in that fifth-dimensional and beyond expression. So for the time though, there is a third-dimensional construct or matrix that is still here and we’ll be here as long and she will hold that here as long as she needs to. That is how we will say that.
Master Shoshanna
We agree with that, we will agree with that, and we do not have a larger or broader perspective, but we will add if we may dear sister?
Yes please.
Master Shoshanna
Your planet is providing a third-dimensional construct so you can live here, because you are part of that third-dimensional construct. Your earth as well as the entire universes of planets are multi-dimensional just as you are and they reside in many dimensions not just the third dimension, but you find yourself here in the third-dimensional construct and you cannot live here unless the earth, the Gaia provides that illusionary construct for you to learn and grow, and experience what you need to in this dimension you see.
So there there is not parts of the earth parts of Gaia that reside in the fifth dimension, there is all of Gaia that resides in the fifth dimension. It is multi-dimensional there are you there are you beings that reside in the fifth dimension, that are constructs of you and on, and on, and on, you see. So it is never partially there, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and further questions?
Yes, the question is; somewhat similar the more I guess, but um it just came into my head is we’re always, you know i get this messaging a lot so i clearly admit that i am not doing it enough but i’d like a third explanation, when we visualize energy coming down from grand central sun universal central sun hitting our crown and through our body, can you explain more about why it’s important that we literally stand on earth Gaia, and that that energy goes into her, like it’s one thing to anchor the light onto us, but i keep reading like no, you gotta to anchor the light into Gaia, and then she shoots light back up through you, and that goes all the way back up similar to what we do in meditation. What i’d like is i’m more you know people talk about grounding and you know earthing and, and this stuff’s been around for quite some time, what i’d like is a more higher level explanation, about why it’s important for my feet to connect with Gaia and what is the process that actually happens there in a way that you know we speak i don’t i don’t know the final part of that question, but i was saying what is what is the actual process?
Master Shoshanna
We will answer your question
Master OWS
I knew you would Shoshanna
Thank you
Master Shoshanna
May we can go first?
Master OWS
Yes please.
Master Shoshanna
Dear brother may we ask a question?
Yes absolutely.
Master Shoshanna
Dear brother did you see the James Cameron movie about the blue beings?
Avatar? Yes
Master Shoshanna
Did you see that?
Master Shoshanna
Well we will ask you then why did the the being that existed, join with its dragon or it’s it’s bird or dragon whatever those were, why did it join with that to move to move through the skies why did it connect?
Really good question um sure there’s a deeper answer than what i’m going to give but um i would say that that those beings uh are of a similar frequency or even of the similar unity and by bringing those two beings together they’re more powerful.
Master Shoshanna
Well yeah so so so to demonstrate one is to demonstrate the oneness you see, all things are one.
Master Shoshanna
To demonstrates oneness and to understand that when when we join with another in oneness the power of our individualness becomes exponential with the other you see, so when you ask does that make sense?
Yes that totally makes sense.
Master Shoshanna
Yes so so you can answer the question for us then, why do you stand upon the planet and bring the light from the central sun through your body into the planet why do you do that?
Well this is exactly kind of what you just said right so uh connecting with Gaia who’s the dear old friend of mine and um also making sure that you know she’s getting the light that she needs the she’s anchoring in the light the she needs it possibly is only coming through my unique DNA structure, that was the part i was kind of looking for clarification on it but ..
Master Shoshanna
It is all one dear brother it is all, you are merging into the oneness so that when you stand upon the planet and feed her with the light from the central sun, from beyond the central sun, you are merging with the consciousness of Gaia you are bringing her consciousness into you and you are giving her conscious, your consciousness up to her you are merging as one you are experiencing the oneness so that is what this is all about that is what it has always been about to experience the oneness with everything, and that is what Avatar was presenting to us. Was experiencing the oneness with everything, because as you experience the oneness with everything what happens to your emotional body? what happens to that?
It balances out completely.
Master Shoshanna
And it understands everything within that balance it understands everything, so you cannot understand with your brain. People think they understand with their brain they do not they understand with their consciousness, with their immersiveness, with their merging. That is how they comprehend that is how they become one we hope we have answered this for you.
Beautiful answer thank you so much.
Master Shoshanna
Master OWS
Very good then, are there any further questions here before we release channel?
I have one question
Master OWS
Since today is the day of the Super Bowl, I’m just wondering if there’s anything you can pass along to us to expect, to happen at that event?
Master OWS
And we would ask you what would you expect to happen at that event, if anything?
Master Shoshanna
We will answer here to brother, may we answer maybe give our perspective?
Master Shoshanna
Dear brother someone’s going to win, we just don’t know.
And someone’s going to lose.
Master Shoshana
And someone’s going to lose because that is the transactional process of competition. When there is competition someone retreats and someone moves forward, something retreats and something moves forward. Do in the process of and joining yourself with this entertainment, you will once again reprogram yourself to lose or to win, you see.
So it is a program, that we are watching unfold. Now wouldn’t that be interesting if the human being changed their perspective from competition to cooperation. If that happened there would be no sports, you see. There would be no there would be no competition so just understand that this is a cultural program playing out so that you will notice that some are winners and some are losers.
But we disagree with that. We disagree with that premise you see, so that is what will happen and what also will happen, is what your consciousness within yourself allows to sip-in, so all of it is lessons, all of it is consciousness you see, so let us see what you think about it, what you experience. What we would ask you to do if you are going to participate is feel within your emotional body what you are experiencing so that your consciousness can become elevated, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good then we are needing to release channel here.
Shoshana do you have parking message here?
Master Shoshanna
Well we we cannot we cannot advise what each being should or should not do, but in every process that is partaken in the being should look for the highest intention for the other. The highest compassion the highest love for the other, whether it is having breakfast with your best friend or standing upon Gaia and merging with her within your consciousness, find the highest intention and the highest intention is always love, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good and we would say to continue on your journey knowing that it is a journey along the way, and those things that happen along the way are just part of that journey.
Shanti peace be with you, be the one!