Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo Arcturiano de la 9a. Dimensión. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo Arcturiano de la 9a. Dimensión. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, enero 11, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - The Awakened Collective: Change is Upon You - Jan 11, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing, been noticing, been witnessing all of you there in your new year of 2025, and we are very pleased with the way that you have been embracing that which is new. It is important for you all to welcome change with open arms because change will always be upon you. It will always be coming, and nothing can stay in one place. Nothing can stay static, even if it seems that way to you.

martes, enero 07, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Is Anyone Trying to Stop You from Ascending? - Jan 7, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing your progress there on Earth, as we always do, and we want you to know that enough of you are progressing to make all the difference in the world. When you think about all the things that must change on your world, you can easily get overwhelmed, even if you are only thinking about the changes that must take place in your own home or in your own psyche. Therefore, we want you to recognize how powerful each and every moment is. Remember that you have all of the power within you, and remember that you don’t need to change the world out there, because the world out there is a projection of your consciousness anyway. So then what can you change? What do you have access to?

sábado, enero 04, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The 4 Paths to the 5th Dimension - Jan 4, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sympathetic to the challenges that you face there on Earth, and we know that sometimes you are compassionate when looking at someone else in their struggle and other times you are not. And it is harder for all of you to be compassionate when you think that the person brought something on themselves. But when you realize that you are creating all of this, and so is everyone else, then you know you can cut that person some slack for having created what they created, because whether they are doing so with their choices in the lifetime, or before the life began, everything is a choice. And yet, living with one’s choices can be very hard, and that’s why it is important for you to have compassion for everyone, because everyone is carrying their own cross.

viernes, diciembre 20, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - What the Volunteers Really Volunteered For - Dec 20, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been noticing how many of you there on Earth are bearing witness to yourselves and to others in your lives without rushing to judgment, and we want you to know that this is a huge sign of spiritual evolution. Any time you are resisting the knee-jerk reaction of judgment, you are growing and evolving. And because you are not choosing judgment, you are choosing compassion, or at least acceptance. We want you to know that there is great power in just accepting yourself as you are, others as they are, the world as it is. Once you make peace with yourself and others, then you can make better decisions.

jueves, diciembre 19, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - All You Need to Know About Life on Earth Right Now - Dec 19, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been following all of the events there on Earth in every moment of every day. We do not just tune in to the trauma and the tragedies of life on Planet Earth. We feel into all of it at once, and overall, you are continuing to raise the level of the collective consciousness there, and you deserve to feel very good about how you are evolving as individuals and as a collective. Now, do you have to get your house entirely in order there on Earth before you can feel good about life on Earth? The answer is of course, no you do not. Everyone is carrying something and working on something. Everyone is evolving out of something and shifting from something else. Therefore, you must look for those opportunities to laugh and sing and dance and play, in spite of the fact that you still have your challenges.

lunes, diciembre 16, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Arcturian Role & the Human Role - Dec 16, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very fortunate to know you all at this time, because we get to experience you as you are now and you as you will become. We get to experience the ride, the journey with you, and to see your growth and be a part of it is tremendously rewarding for us. We want you to know that we do have something that we get out of all of this. We do get to experience the journey with you and proudly notice when you take something that we have offered and use it to become more of your true and whole selves. We like illuminating the path for you.

martes, diciembre 10, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Awakened Collective is Being Asked to Step Up - Dec 10, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite capable of feeling into your collective vibration, and we do so often, not only to determine where you are in your ascension journey, but also to determine what you need from the likes of us. We know that you can all benefit from energies that uplift you, that give you a sense that everything is going to be all right, that give you a reason to feel hopeful about your path and the overall path of humankind, and we sprinkle those energies in from time to time, especially when they are being asked for in greater numbers.

viernes, diciembre 06, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Galactic/Cosmic Energies Coming In - Dec 6, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to tell you about the galactic energies you have coming in to support you on your journeys to the 5th dimension. The support you have is magnificent. It is enormous, and it is unending. Cosmic energies coming in at this time are, oddly enough, coming for very earthly reasons. You are all needing to feel more stabilized in your bodies and more connected to your planet. You are needing to experience more groundedness, more openness, more heart-centeredness, more balance, and all of these things are going to help you to grow spiritually.

viernes, noviembre 29, 2024

Daniel Scranton' - The December 2024 Energies & Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The 9D Arcturian Council - Nov 29, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to give you this update on the energies that you are experiencing at the moment and the experience you will have of the energies for the month of December in the year 2024. You are gaining more access to your spiritual gifts and abilities at this time, as there is an acceleration of the ascension amongst those of you that we call The Awakened Collective. As you continue through the month of December, you will find that if you already have gifts and abilities, they will be sharpened, honed, and expanded. And for those of you who have yet to access your spiritual gifts and abilities, they will be coming to you in a myriad of miraculous ways.

domingo, noviembre 17, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Are Humans Actually Doing on Earth? - Nov 17, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been admiring humanity for quite some time, not just because of your progress, but also because of how many challenges you took on by lowering your vibration to the extent that you have to be able to exist in that reality. It really is something that you all need to acknowledge about yourselves, because you did decide to go out there on the leading edge of creation where the vast majority of the work is being done for the entire galaxy and the entire universe. And so, you may look around and see your wars and your violence and bigotry and pollution and think that you’re not doing so well as a collective, and you might wonder why anyone would take an interest in humanity at all.

domingo, noviembre 10, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Act Upon These & Live Your Soul’s Purpose - Nov 10, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are welcome to explore any aspect of life on Earth as it is right now. You do not have to give in to the prevailing belief that you are supposed to do something or that you are meant to do something there. You have more freedom than that, and most of you have satisfied all of your pre-birth contracts and agreements to get you to this place where you are truly ready to ascend to the fifth dimension. Now, you are following your soul’s desire when you listen to those little impulses, those inspired ideas that you get from within you. Those are not coming from out of left field, as you might say. They are coming from within you, the deepest part of you, the soul aspect of you, which is a more whole and complete aspect of who you are.

viernes, noviembre 08, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The 11/11 Energies & What They’ll Do - Nov 8, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have some very good news for all of you there on Earth. As always, help is on the way. You are undoubtedly aware of the 11/11 date on your calendar, and you know that November 11th brings with a portal that you can receive energies through. The energies coming to you now are for support and to assist you in stabilizing yourselves on all levels and in all possible ways. We are talking about mental and emotional stability of course, but we are also talking about aligning your chakras, aligning all of your bodies, and aligning you to the help of Mother Earth that is coming up from her core.

miércoles, noviembre 06, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Don’t Worry…Everything is Going to Be All Right - Nov 6, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite certain of your ascension. We know that it is happening, and therefore we know that everything will be all right there on Earth. You don’t have to worry about humanity. You don’t have to worry about going in the wrong direction. You simply cannot. It will not happen. This is a universal ascension, and you all are included. You are rising up energetically and vibrationally, and that which is physical will come last, because of its density. So please do not worry about the circumstances of life on Earth as they are right now. They cannot help but change with the changing consciousness that resides within each and every one of you and each and every particle that comprises the atoms that make up planet Earth, and all of your bodies, and all of the trees, and the entire solar system.

jueves, octubre 31, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - More People are Awakening Every Day - Oct 31, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the way the consciousness is shifting there on planet Earth, and we want you to know that the ripple effect is felt throughout the universe every time you make a choice that supports the greatest and highest good of all. You are shifting the consciousness of the entire universe every time you even hold the intention for the greatest and highest good of all, because in that moment you are in alignment with Source. We are all seeking to experience more of that alignment with Source, because as extensions of Source, we are capable of so much more in that alignment.

viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Type of Lightworker Are You? - Oct 25, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are the ones who are leading humanity through its ascension, and therefore when you look at yourselves and your lives, do take that into account. Do not diminish your contributions to the ascension in any way. In fact, always remember that you are doing so much more in this life than just trying to survive, or even thrive, throughout the decades that you have there in a physical body. You are taking consciousness where is has not been before. You are up-leveling the spiritual nature of the human being. You are leading humanity to the fifth dimension through your example, through what you do, and think, and say, through what you believe and by being who you are.

miércoles, octubre 23, 2024

Daniel Scranton -The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Let Abundance Flow to You - Oct 23, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have so much evidence around you that tells you that you live in an abundant universe. You have so much evidence showing you that abundance abounds there on planet Earth, and all you have to do is focus on how much abundance there is in order to tap in to more of it. You don’t have to figure out where yours will come from. You don’t have to know what it is you will do in order to receive it, and the reason those statements are true is that you cannot possibly understand with your physical mind all of the avenues that exist for money, abundance, to flow to you.

sábado, octubre 19, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Earthquakes, Fires & Other Cataclysms - Oct 19, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been watching and noticing what has been transpiring there on your planet, on your home, and we want you all to know that you are doing wonderfully well with handling all of the changes that you experience there. We know that it is easy, and somewhat of a natural tendency, to look for someone to blame when there are tragedies that occur there on your Mother Earth. We know that there can be a lot of finger pointing going on whenever there is a disaster of any kind. With any cataclysmic event that occurs there on Earth, you’re going to have the theories as to why it occurred and who is to blame.

sábado, octubre 12, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Time Works in Your Favor Now - Oct 12, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have so much to offer you in so much of your time, because we are aware that the amount of time that you have before you complete the shift in consciousness is long enough to get a lot done. You sometimes think in very linear and third-dimensional terms when it comes to time, and you think about how much time it’s going to take to build this or repair that. You look around in nature, even in nature, and you see how long it takes for things to grow, and you may think that spiritually speaking, that must also be the case.

miércoles, octubre 09, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Most Important Place on Earth - Oct 9, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been observing you, witnessing you, and recognizing your growth and evolution, and of course, we have some comments to make about what you are living there on Earth as well. We see how beautiful humanity can be in your desire to help one another and in your willingness to feel for others who are suffering in some way. We see every disaster that you experience there on Earth as another opportunity for you to grow the amount of compassion that you have within yourselves. And of course, there is usually also an opportunity in that to forgive.

lunes, octubre 07, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Earth’s Progress as Seen by the Arcturians - Oct 7, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been explaining to many of you who come to us in the astral plane that everything is working out there on Earth, and we want to say it to you while you are in your bodies as well. We want you to understand that the ascension of consciousness is happening no matter what and that it is a universal ascension and an ascension of the entire multiverse. Therefore, no one has anything to worry about. We invite you to focus on the aspects of your life and your world that are reflecting to you that truth that everything is indeed all right and going according to plan.