Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Reencarnación. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Reencarnación. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, enero 04, 2022
Kryon - "Attributes of Reincarnation" - 2021
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Lee Carroll,
sábado, enero 01, 2022
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación - 22 de diciembre, 2021 - Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 4
Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación – 22 de diciembre de 2021
Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 4
Miércoles de Sanación – 22 de diciembre de 2021
Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 4
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Puede que hayan estado siguiendo las canalizaciones de este mes. Tienen que ver con la familia. Apropiado para la semana de las festividades. Familia en otra palabra: reencarnación. Hemos dado muchos, muchos hechos. Algunos conocidos para ustedes por canalizaciones del pasado, y algunos son nuevos. Pero tienen que ver con un proceso, si quieren llamarlo así, un sistema, si quieren llamarlo así, en que un alma continúa viniendo a este planeta en expresiones diferentes. Expresión es la palabra que muchos usarían para la forma humana que ustedes adoptan para el alma que son.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Lee Carroll,
viernes, diciembre 31, 2021
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Miércoles de sanación - 15 de diciembre, 2021 - Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 3
Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación – 15 de diciembre de 2021
Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 3
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esta es la tercera de cuatro sobre un tema que es tan grande y tan confuso para muchos. Y como ya saben, si han sido parte de las otras dos hasta aquí, el tema es la reencarnación. El tema es enorme, porque tiene que ver, queridos, con muchas facetas de su alma.
El alma, como hemos discutido tantas veces, es enorme, es parte de la Creación misma, no es una cosa, como ustedes creerían. Es parte del Círculo del Doce; los llevamos a esta magnificencia de ustedes, y es interminable.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Lee Carroll,
domingo, junio 21, 2020
Diana Cooper - Why did your soul sign up for this lifetime? - June 21, 2020
Why did your soul sign up for this lifetime?
If you are reading this your soul almost certainly wanted to help birth the new Golden Age. You would have wished to clear any karma, both personal or ancestral. Your soul may have agreed to clear part of the collective consciousness. And apart from that you would probably have had several missions. Here are some possibilities but there are many more.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Diana Cooper,
jueves, mayo 28, 2020
lunes, mayo 18, 2020
Judith Kusel - The mastery lies in ALL bodies, and not just the one - May 18, 2020

"During an incarnation, you will be tested to the core, so that you will master your soul lessons which you have agreed to master, prior to incarnation. These will generally become apparent in areas or through persons, where you are most challenged. They will repeat themselves, until you finally master them, and then the next lesson will appear. Each lesson helps you to ascend to higher degree and so that you can become more light-filled, as your light quotient building increases. The more light you can assimilate, the lighter and brighter you auric energy fields become and the more illumined you are.
Your physical incarnation comes with the human vessel, which incorporates the physical form and the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Each of these bodies is designed to live in complete Unity and Oneness with all the others.
The mastery lies in ALL bodies, and not just the one.
Divine Love = spiritual body.
Father (Divine Masculine) = mental body
Mother (Divine Feminine) = emotional body
Creation = physical body
When we learn to master all these bodies and they are in balance and harmony with each other and are fully anchored in Divine Sound and Light, the soul can experience heaven on earth: - there is perfect joy, peace, harmony and Oneness (Unity). This is the higher state we are currently moving into, the 5th to 7th dimensional state. You become the Divine Love that pulls all else into harmony and balance.
Fear creates a disturbance in the mental body and a perception of separation between these bodies. When your mental body is free from fear, your other bodies will return to a balanced state.
When your emotional body is all congested with unforgiveness, hanging onto shame and guilt and blame, it creates separation from self and others while also separating from all the other bodies.
Any type of separation within, manifests in the belief of being separated from the Divine and the rest of cosmos and humanity at large.
In truth heaven and hell are created WITHIN us – not outside of ourselves. The outer world will reflect our inner world. Hell is of our own making!"
Judith Kusel Copyrighted
With acknowledgement to Diana Cooper
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Judith Kusel,
martes, septiembre 03, 2019
Teri Wade - Souls and the incarnation process... - Sep 3, 2019

Souls and the incarnation process...
We are all souls but some of you are more in tune with your memories of that eternal life brought on by many incarnations.
A soul is the real you, your eternal self, your higher self. We’ve all heard the saying before…
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience.”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Teri Wade
jueves, junio 06, 2019
Teri Wade - How to exit the Reincarnation system...- June 6, 2019

How to exit the Reincarnation system...
Every person that has had a near death experience or has been to those higher dimensions usually say they don’t want to come back. Meaning, the other side of the veil felt like home. So why do we keep coming back to this prison planet?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Teri Wade
domingo, mayo 26, 2019
Lisa Transcendence Brown - RE-ENCARNACIÓN EN LA NUEVA TIERRA: RENACER A TRAVÉS DE LA FORMA DE TU CUERPO FÍSICO ACTUAL (y toda la Densidad/Linealidad que aún contiene) - Abril 23, 2019
por Lisa Transcendence Brown
La NUEVA Tierra nace de nuevo desde dentro de cada uno de nosotros... en el silencio, en la paz y a través de la Presencia Pura. Son todas esas ideas creativas e inspiradoras... combinadas con nuestras capacidades y habilidades naturales, que son infinitas cuando estamos bien abiertos a esto...
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Cuerpo de Luz,
Lisa Transcendence Brown,
Nueva Tierra,
Reporte de Energías,
Seres de Luz
domingo, diciembre 24, 2017
James Tyberonn - Seasons Greetings ! Love, Peace & Joy to All - Dec 24, 2017
In This Holiday Edition of the Earth-Keeper Chronicles:
A Loving Message From Anne & Tyb
Ten 'Past-Life' Incarnations of Jesus
The Solstice - Horus & Jesus
Dear Family !! We wish you ALL every happiness this Holiday Season with health & joy in the New Year. We sincerely thank each of you from our hearts for your wonderful friendship & love.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Tyberonn,
viernes, agosto 18, 2017
Alcyon Pléyades 60: Patton Reencarnación, inmortalidad criogénesis, robotismo, Lincoln- Kennedy
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Alcyon Pléyades,
domingo, junio 12, 2016
sábado, marzo 07, 2015
Michael´s Teachings - Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution
Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution
According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls.
Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.
It is a long journey, but that’s okay because the soul is eternal.
Soul Evolution
The soul’s journey is really a process of evolving. This means growing in consciousness, steadily progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness.
How do we grow in consciousness? Through taking on challenging experiences in physical form. These cause us to make important, “soul-searching” choices and call upon us to discover our inner resources.
But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being decide to inhabit the physical realm with all of its limitations and difficulties?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
miércoles, julio 02, 2014
domingo, septiembre 01, 2013
Angelic Guides: Reincarnation - December 6, 2012 Taryn Crimi
The majority of all souls on this planet at this time are what you would term “old souls”, which means that your soul has incarnated here on Earth many times before. This is due to the resilience that would be required of you in these very challenging and intense times of change that you knew would take place; it takes a very seasoned soul to be able to handle this level of intensity. Now with that being said, some of you have been here thousands of times. All of these lives are going on concurrently from our perspective, although you would label them as being in the “past”.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Guías Angélicos,
Taryn Crimi
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