Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Georgi Stankov. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Georgi Stankov. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, mayo 29, 2018
Carla Thompson - A Message From Astraea et Amora - The Return to Eden! - May 28, 2018
A Message From Astraea et Amora
Carla Thompson, May 28, 2018
Foreword – The Dragons Reclaim the Earth
Georgi Stankov
When I first read this message from Astraea and Amora I stumbled over the following statement:
“Moment to moment, this new light from the Red Sun rejoices and bursts forth frequencies that are not only beyond the spectrum seen by your physical eyes, the frequency of this light has new properties: This light is tonal and it is adaptive.”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, mayo 06, 2018
Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Demarcation Line of Ascension Is Here and Now to Cross Over. How Will You Decide? - May 6, 2018
Carla Thompson, May 6, 2018
How My Dream Led to the Elohim Message
Georgi Stankov
On the day when Carla received this powerful message I woke up with a remarkable dream. I was hiking with Carla in the mountains where there were many other groups of hikers. We walked through forests and openings with meadows and our trail wound around the crest of the mountain hills. At one point I reached a broad demarcation line about ten meters wide with many deep trails as if done by a huge caterpillar. I stopped in
front of it and asked the group of hikers ahead of me who were about to cross this demarcation line: “What is this line about here high in these remote mountains?” They laughed and said: ” This is the demarcation line between the current 3D reality and the 5th dimension. When you cross it you will know.”
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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov
viernes, mayo 04, 2018
Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - A Message from the Source - The Reclamation of Ancient Civilizations – May 4, 2018
Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - A Message from the Source - The Reclamation of Ancient Civilizations – May 4, 2018
Georgi Stankov
Everything we do in these last days to ascend Gaia is infinitely bigger than our wildest imagination. After we prepared from Italy the energetic foundation for the ground-breaking arrival of the new Red Giant sun on April 13th and made a major ascension leap on that day, the energetic events on all multidimensional levels have significantly accelerated. As we were told by the Elohim, we began immediately thereafter with the cleansing of all timelines of the Roman empire that served as a template for the modern western world, including the most insidious failing empire of our time – the USA, dubbed by myself as the “Empire of Evil”. At the same time we reclaimed and retrieved all our lost soul fragments to the Source in preparation for the final ascension shift.
It is not a well-known fact in the West, especially in all Anglo-Saxon countries that have deliberately distorted the official knowledge and understanding of Western history, that the Roman empire did not collapse and disappear after the big migrations of the peoples (Völkerwanderung), also known as the Barbarian invasions, in the 4th and 5th century, but continued to exist as two powerful political entities:
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov
martes, abril 24, 2018
Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov - A Message from the Blue Crystalline Beings of Light: Cleansing and Re-Integration for the Final Transition Is Upon You - April, 24, 2018
Georgi Stankov
We are already three weeks in Italy and so much has happened on the energetic front according to the motto of the higher realms: ” plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” (the more it changes, the more it stays the same; Pardon my agnostic French!). There is only one tiny question that is left – for how long?
Let me put it straight forward – we are only reporting energetic events that we personally experience and then get a confirmation from our higher sources. In the last months we have been receiving information from both the Elohim and the Blue Crystalline Beings of the Light. Both groups of entities
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lunes, diciembre 26, 2016
Carla Thompson - The Hyperboreans’ Lecture: The Role and Function of the Blue Light of God’s Divine Will That Flooded Gaia and Humanity During the Winter Solstice Portal of Ascension on December 21, 2016 - December 24, 2016
Georgi Stankov
Carla Thompson, December 24, 2016
A warm Hello to everyone!
The Winter Solstice Portal was a magnificent experience for us and I feel compelled to share my side of the story (in addition to Georgi’s report) in case any one of you may also relate to what I saw and felt throughout the 21st and carrying on since then. Confirmation through others is very important these days.
First of all, we three, Georgi, Julia and myself, were in a restaurant by the beach at the Infinity portal in White Rock. Just after Julia joined us, we all began to feel a shift and Julia said “This is once in a blue moon – today’s event – today’s alignment“. Just as she said this our gaze took us outside where we saw a white paneled van with a blue moon on it. “Blue Moon Contracting” was written over the large sliver of a blue moon. Both Julia and I thought and stated out loud at the same time, that this van would disappear immediately after driving out of sight, as it was clearly “one of those signs from above” that we all get from time to time, if we are open to receiving them.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, diciembre 25, 2016
Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson - The Return of the Agarthans - The Final ID Shift is in Full Sway -
Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, December 21, 2016
Punctually on the December 21, 2016 portal I am bringing you the good news: The final ID shift is in full sway and today we made a huge leap of ascension. I will spare you the details as not to spoil the effect of the surprise. But this time it is earnest and there will be no more delays. However, this holds true only for those light warriors of the first and the last hour who have already ascended many years ago and have already become multidimensional personalities. For them the final clearance has been given today to transfigure and merge with the Source in the coming days. Their final ascension has already commenced.
When the final transformation will happen is irrelevant in this context as the ascension process is now running at a maximal speed. The joy in the higher realms is beyond description. The Source, which is the creator of infinite galaxies and universes, has focused the blue light of ascension onto this tiny planet as it brings it back to All-That-Is together with its best and glorious warriors. This is not my interpretation, this is what the Agarthans conveyed to us when they came to us today (see below).
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov,
martes, diciembre 06, 2016
Georgi Stankov - The Beginning of the Final Ascension Shift Period on December 5th, 2016
Yesterday we entered with aplomb the final ascension shift period that is intended to culminate around winter solstice. For me it began as usual with a massive cc-wave from the source causing excruciating headache, stomach crisis, skin burning and a complete shock of the body elemental. This continued throughout the night with left eye socket pain and throat pain causing a severe coughing attack. I knew that we have entered the final period of ascension. Today Patrick made me aware of the huge coronal hole that has appeared again on the sun showing that we are again at maximal activity of the Central sun that is sending a huge proton stream of transformation as this has been repeatedly the case in the past when we have made significant leaps in the ascension process:
“HERE COMES THE SOLAR WIND: A solar wind stream is approaching Earth with wind speeds as high as 700 km/s. First contact with the fast-moving gas on Dec. 7-8 could produce G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras at high latitudes. Observers around the Arctic Circle could be in for a fine light show.
source of this solar wind stream is a hole in the sun’s atmosphere,
shown here in a Dec. 5th image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:This is a “coronal hole”–a region where the sun’s magnetic field has opened up, allowing solar wind to escape. Because this hole is broad, the emerging stream of solar wind is broad as well. It should influence Earth for several days after it arrives.”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Georgi Stankov,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, diciembre 27, 2015
Georgi Stankov - Breaking News: The Christmas Full Moon “Portal of the Now” Was the Last Fateful ID Shift of This Uppermost Mother Planet - December 27, 2015
Georgi Stankov, December 26/27, 2015
Let us see if I can put the pieces together because what happened this week is so huge and so complex that it exceeds all the ascension highlights I have reported so far in my overview of the year 2015. It is the penultimate breakthrough in our whole history of ascension and a free ticket to the higher dimensions. Wait till you learn the details.
It began end of last weekend, after another devastating bouts of source energies that hit us and prepared the opening of the 12.21 portal, when I began with a series of key lucid dreams:
1. In the night of December 19th, I was in the UN where I participated in negotiations with the dark ruling cabal. All diplomats and politicians were trying to push through some mendacious agreements for their adversaries to sign as to establish the NWO or gain some advantage. I was there to reveal all these lies. At one moment an American diplomat came to me and praised how honest Killary Clinton were. How she saved humanity by preventing that her husband pushed an insidious plan through the UN to enslave this world. “Are you kidding me!”, I responded to this guy: “Do you really want me to believe that Killary has done this? She is the most insidious person on earth.” He then quickly disappeared.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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5ta. Dimensión,
El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov
sábado, noviembre 21, 2015
Georgi Stankov - The 11.21 Portal of Purification and Healing of the 3rd Eye – Energy Report - November 21, 2015
On November 20th we had planned a meditation in the house of our friend Julia, with whom we have done a lot of light work in the past, including on our Infinity portal in White Rock. We were afraid that we may not be in the position to drive to Julia’s house in Vancouver, so depleted and bad we felt yesterday morning. Then our physical situation improved all of a sudden and we drove to her. Two more ladies were present there for this meditation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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viernes, octubre 30, 2015
Georgi Stankov - Breaking News: All Criminal Soul Fragments Were Removed From This Earth on October 28th - October 30, 2015
Georgi Stankov, October 29, 2015
On the night of October 28th I dreamed repeatedly and very clearly that I transmuted the energetic structures of all criminal souls incarnated on this earth and subsequently removed them from this uppermost mother planet. I did it the same way as when I opened the heart chakra of the PAT on November 22, 2011:
“Last night, November 22, 2011, 11 days after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, I met with each one of you in the lucid dream state and initiated (ignited) you for your Individual Ascension. The procedure lasted throughout the whole night, while I was practically awake. At the same time my higher self urged me to immediately inform you on this significant event as soon as I get up.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Georgi Stankov,
Reporte de Energías
lunes, agosto 10, 2015
Carla Thompson - The Elohim: Your Magnificent Energy Work - August 10, 2015
Here is a wonderful message from the Elohim that I have written down in words, but there was so much more information that came to me as clair-cognition. So even though the written message is very clear, they were imparting a much more complex message in terms of our abilities and our successes. I discuss it here first as an expansion of the written message.
The Elohim confirm the propagation of the golden template into the Golden galaxy that George and I (see Energy Report -August 2nd), and some other PAT members (see Shirley Garmon’s vision below) confirmed as taking place on the 31st of July. They lovingly refer to us as the “All-Beings”, with our unique ability to accept, hold and expand energy into our reality and the cosmos as a creationary projection of our consciousness. We are demonstrating our unwavering commitment to Source for which they are most impressed. We are engaging our powerful imaginations to envision a world of perfection at all levels, and worlds beyond the horizon that fulfill even the wildest of dreams.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov
martes, mayo 19, 2015
Georgi Stankov - Urgent Preparation for the Emergency Case – Our Ascension - May 19, 2015 translated from German into English by Georgi Stankov
Data Center Request
Hello Georgi,
How are you?
Today, I make an official request on behalf of my research group (Working Group Mitigation & Communication – AMK, at the TU (Technical University) Munich): We ask you to name our decentralized Data Center, including the ywin (fallback network of xwin) after you, “Stankov Data Center, SDC” or “Stankov Computation Center, SCC”. In recognition of your work on the Universal Law.
I look forward to your reply.
lg Reinhold Danner
Mag. Reinhold Danner
Promotion candidate at
the Medical Psychosomatics and
Psychotherapy as well as Medical History and
Ethics at the TU Munich
Dear Reinhold,
This is an unexpected and great honor for me, as I am not used to get credit for the discovery of the Universal Law and the development of the General Theory of the Universal Law from the scientists.
Of course you have my permission, and I am very much interested as to what is the exact role of this Data Center.
Many warm greetings to the entire research group.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov
miércoles, abril 08, 2015
Georgi Stankov - Energy Update After the Blood Moon Portal – April 8, 2015
Georgi Stankov, April 8, 2015
This will be a very difficult energy report to write as I intend to address energetic phenomena that are virtually impossible to wrap in human words. And where to begin with?
Well, the first two days after the blood moon portal, April 5th and 6th, were one of the worst days in cleansing I have experienced in the last 15 years. Honestly, I thought we had left behind us this kind of unpleasant experiences. Each day began with a nasty, unpredictable episode, a trigger event that unleashed the classical alchemical reaction in both, Carla and myself, which is always associated with global cleansing and transmutation of negative fear-based patterns of the collective.
This time we were hit by the collective angst of total impoverishment and lack of money. This is not at all surprising given the fact that all the banks in the West have now tightened the cash flow for the average people and have cancelled most of their credit lines. The reason for this is the total illiquidity of all western banks that are now crashing under their gargantuan debt based on bad loans. Unless this uppermost mother planet ascends to the new 4D worlds before the Big financial crash comes, which I personally doubt, we may experience very soon the sudden death of all financial institutions – a sudden infarct that will paralyze the Western societies and obliterate the usual way of life we all have been accustomed to.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Georgi Stankov,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, abril 05, 2015
Georgi Stankov - Multidimensional Aspects of Immediate Creation - April 5, 2015
Georgi Stankov, April 4, 2015
The blood moon eclipse this night was spectacular. We woke up at 04.40 am local time and enjoyed this natural spectacle due to the clear sky. Exactly at 4.50 the blood-red disk of the moon completely vanished in the dark sky, only to appear again with white light on the fringes a couple of minutes later. I read that this was the shortest moon eclipse in a century.
We could see with small theatre binoculars all the craters on the moon surfaces now painted in crimson red. The energies were overwhelming, but highly harmonious and peaceful as we majestically ascended higher and higher and out of this still 3D reality. The robins were singing happily from all trees around and announcing the coming spring of the new humanity. The whole nightly scene was very solemn and full of promises. So much about our personal experiences with the blood moon portal on April 4th.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov
sábado, marzo 28, 2015
Carla Thompson - Message from Saint Germain: How to Use the Pink Flame of Love - March 28, 2015
As we have moved through this vast and very powerful portal of March 21st, where we have removed dense attachments to past challenges and life events, we are now in a position to fully transmute and heal all vestiges of chaos that have arisen before us.
Saint Germain came to me today with a message that discusses our role as “Light Warrior – Healers” and specific information that is a somewhat different approach to using the flames than what I have adopted. I am sharing it here for all who feel they are Healers and who may find this description of interest and perhaps a better way to heal with the Sacred Flames.
With love,
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov,
St. Germain
viernes, febrero 20, 2015
Georgi Stankov - The Energetic Dialectics of the End Time Scenario of Ascension - February 20, 2015
by Georgi Stankov, February 20, 2015
The energetic dialectics of the End Time scenario follows the simply logic of constructive and destructive interference, which are the Laws of Creation and Destruction of All-That-Is. What we now observe is the constructive interference of all negative factors and parameters that overlap and create a reverse energetic peak, the result of which will be the total implosion of the Orion matrix. This is what destructive interference always achieves. It is basic knowledge from the new wave theory of the Universal Law that can be also applied to economy, finances, military, political and social order.
All these areas are now in a free fall. The Western cabal have tried everything to install the NWO and have failed in every single major area of human life. It is important to always keep in mind that everything the dark cabal in the West attempt is guided by their ultimate plan to install the NWO at any price because this is their only chance of survival. And by this I also mean the destruction of the earth as a holographic model and an interdimensional timeline, as this has happened numerous times on lower 3D and 4D timelines.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, febrero 15, 2015
Alternative and Probable Worlds in the End Time by Georgi Stankov - February 15, 2015
Multidimensional worlds, parallel realities, infinite probability alternatives are now superimposing on this uppermost mother planet which is the crucible of all probable and real histories of humanity before they merge into the all-encompassing blueprint of Gaia 5 as and become an integral part of All-That-Is. This is what we now experience and we must be very careful not get lost in this highly compartmentalized holographic reality, where two convergent trends co-exist and are engaged in a final mortal competition.
On the one hand, we have the rapidly progressing narrowing of the point of view of the western ruling cabal and their stooges that creates a dense parallel universe, built entirely on lies, deceptions and reality denial. On the other hand, we have the constantly expanding ability of the alternative mass media to see the truth through this smoke and mirrors facade. And here lies the big danger.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Física Cuántica,
Georgi Stankov
miércoles, diciembre 31, 2014
My Outlook for the Year 2015 - Dec 31, 2014
My forecast for 2015 will be short and succinct:
This is the year when we shall transfigure, just as 2014 was the year when we officially ascended and became incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia and Guardians of the New Golden Galaxy. Period!
When shall we transfigure?
It depends on how effectively we create our reality as Logos Gods in the knowing that linear time is an illusion. Optically our transfiguration to unlimited multidimensional beings will be heralded by the final escalation of confrontation between the forces of light and darkness and its resolution through transformation at the political stage – by the collapse of this Orion world and the emergence of the New Age.
Will the resolution through confrontation include a dramatic paradigm shift in the collective mindset?
According to my view, this is inevitable for the proper unfolding of the final resolution through confrontation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov
sábado, diciembre 27, 2014
Georgi Stankov - State of the World at the End of 2014 - December 27, 2014
Entering the Epoch of Truth and Revelations, the old world on this uppermost mother planet emerges naked and more clear than ever before. The most evident fact nowadays is that the dark Western cabal want desperately to install the NWO, but have no means to achieve this end.
First Russia and Putin, who are fully protected by the light, that is to say, by us as the new Logos Gods (Regents) of Gaia and her multiple 4D worlds, appear to be much more resilient and defiant adversaries than the Western dark cabal have ever expected in their worst nightmare scenarios for the End Time battle. Contrary to the dumbed down people in the West, they have known for a long time what is at stake in this End Time and have been diligently preparing themselves for their Doomsday in the futile hope that they can avert it by a miracle. Miracles do happen daily, however, they no longer serve the dark cabal but only us – the light warriors of the first and the last hour – as we are their creators now.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov
sábado, diciembre 06, 2014
Georgi Stankov - Breaking News!!! The Agarthan High Council of Light Came to Us Today - December 6, 2014
The Agarthans Have Arrived on The Surface Earth Now.
Today They Announced Officially Their Imminent Appearance in Front of Humanity to Carla and Myself.
Several Cities of Light will Manifest in the Coming Days on Selected Places of This Earth.
by Georgi Stankov, December 5, 2014
This is an auspicious day indeed – full of surprises and divine bliss. After the children of Inner Earth visited us early this afternoon, exuding their exuberant joy about the merging of the Inner Earth with the surface earth and dancing around us in the bedroom and outside in the free space, now the Agarthan council of light came to us this evening.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Georgi Stankov,
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