As we have moved through this vast and very powerful portal of March 21st, where we have removed dense attachments to past challenges and life events, we are now in a position to fully transmute and heal all vestiges of chaos that have arisen before us.
Saint Germain came to me today with a message that discusses our role as “Light Warrior – Healers” and specific information that is a somewhat different approach to using the flames than what I have adopted. I am sharing it here for all who feel they are Healers and who may find this description of interest and perhaps a better way to heal with the Sacred Flames.
With love,
” Greetings dearly beloved, I AM Saint Germain and I come to you today to bring forth the understanding of the perfection of the Violet Flame within the context of the sacred Pink Flame of Cosmic Love.
Together, the Violet Flame of transmutation and the Pink Flame of divine love, both created together in one braided energy stream shall firstly transmute any and all human miscreation and through its alchemy within the context of the pink flame, shall then heal all discord, all emotional, mental and physical hurt, all shame, all misunderstandings that have plagued the world for centuries.
As an energy is transmuted by the Violet Flame, the newly created element that remains now needs the alchemical reaction of the Pink flame of divine love.
First the Violet flame is flooded into a body, or a thought, or a difficulty, and then the luscious pink flame is brought in to engulf the issue in order to heal with love, the disconnection.
The Violet Flame then floods the situation again, in order to fully re-set back to the wishes of God-Source.
A full clearing (Violet Flame), healing (Violet and Pink Flame) and re-set (Violet Flame) is a powerful combination of actions.
As you prepare for the many up-coming healing sessions, you must know this truth:
Pure healing stems from the conscious recognition and activation of the electronic (prana) tube of light that enters your body through the Pineal Gland (or through the left brain portal in ascended light warriors, note George) and moves directly into your heart space.
Invoke this light and weave the violet and pink flames [and any other flames that we intuit as necessary for a particular healing] into it, to begin a complete healing of lower vibrational and dysfunctional situations creating imbalance within all of the four bodies, physical, emotional, mental and etheric.
Know in advance of your healing session: What is it that you wish to achieve? Of course, any conscious desire for the highest good of all involved is perhaps the most gracious approach and realizes a most desirable outcome, and leaves great allowance for the divine to solve any issues in a most dynamic and fruitful way.
I will attend all healings with you, you only need to invite my presence. I thank you for your service and for the Service of those joining you in this sacred endeavour.
There are great shifts now occurring and much is coming up for clearing and healing. It is to be remembered that the human collective is now processing great past tragedy and the implications upon the Ascension are potent. While many issues seem to be centred around an individual problem, these issues are always representative of collective karmic healing.
Great strength to each of you! Great Strength!
I Am Saint Germain and I look forward to working with All!”