This powerful and unique portal opens with today’s total
solar eclipse in the final degree of Pisces followed closely by the
spring equinox. Astrologically speaking, this is the most powerful
period of 2015 and today is the most intense day of this period. You may
experience a powerful release and feeling of completion during this
time followed by the sense of new doorways opening in consciousness.
Patriarchal vs. Divine Feminine
The language of endings and beginnings is very clear in
this eclipse/equinox combo. The destructive, soul crushing patriarchal
perspective that has ruled this planet for millennia is falling away as
the era of the divine feminine ushers in a time of greater love,
compassion and intuition. Spirituality and creativity are major themes
of this shift which represents a further movement into the new time on
planet Earth. We experience the higher frequencies of this shift and the
new, gentler qualities it brings to the extent that we embrace our
feminine side.
Total Solar Eclipse/Equinox Combo
The total solar eclipse at 29° Pisces is magnified by
the spring equinox. A solar eclipse acts as a supercharged new moon. A
Pisces new moon, especially one on the border of Aries, represents
endings and new beginnings. An eclipse in the final degree of Pisces in
the last degree of the zodiac brings entire cycles of time to completion
and ushers in major life changes. The final degree of any zodiac sign
is a significant point that offers unique potentials as well as
destabilizing energies.
The energies of the solar eclipse will extend into
September and beyond but they will be especially potent in the upcoming
lunar cycle. A total lunar eclipse at 14 degrees Libra takes place April
4, punctuating the powerful influence initiated by this solar eclipse.
Both of these eclipses are total eclipses which are relatively rare
events. Many eclipses are partial or penumbral. Total eclipses are by
far more potent, casting a powerful sphere of influence.
Your Astrology Chart Reveals an Eclipse’s Impact in Coming Months
To understand areas of your life that will be impacted
by the energies of this eclipse over the next several months, study your
astrology chart. Examine where Pisces is in your chart. This is the
part of your life where you will be releasing and making room for
something new. Find Aries in your chart. This is where the new will be
arriving. Houses in astrology reveal the areas of our life most impacted
by an eclipse. Natal planets, progressions and other aspects conjuncted
by the eclipse bring further insights into what is being asked of you
during this time.
Lunar Nodes Reflect your Spiritual Purpose
The lunar nodes and this week’s Uranus-Pluto Square figure prominently into the astrology of the spring equinox.
The placement of lunar nodes in a chart point toward our destiny and purpose in this lifetime. Our south node reflects gifts and baggage we brought with us into this lifetime while the north node reveals the nature of our intentions this time around. In this week’s mix, the lunar nodes provide us with the impetus needed to immediately set about making the sweeping changes needed to move toward our spiritual purpose. As we sit in meditation during this time we’re able to receive a clear vision of our purpose and the present-moment potentials that allow us to take significant steps in the fulfillment of this purpose.
The placement of lunar nodes in a chart point toward our destiny and purpose in this lifetime. Our south node reflects gifts and baggage we brought with us into this lifetime while the north node reveals the nature of our intentions this time around. In this week’s mix, the lunar nodes provide us with the impetus needed to immediately set about making the sweeping changes needed to move toward our spiritual purpose. As we sit in meditation during this time we’re able to receive a clear vision of our purpose and the present-moment potentials that allow us to take significant steps in the fulfillment of this purpose.
Eclipse Energies and Conscious Reality Creation
This is a time to summon forth all we have learned in
recent years about consciously creating realities. Hold in awareness
that you gravitate toward whatever you focus on. In a sense you become
whatever you focus upon. Now is the time to examine where you place your
energy and focus and to cultivate thoughts aligned with the realities
you wish to create. Begin with your inner realities, keeping in mind
that whatever you incubate within your own consciousness you make more
accessible to all others.
Surround yourself with positive, uplifting and loving
environments. Consciously choose the people and activities in your life,
holding in awareness that we tend to become like the people we spend
time with and the energies in which we immerse ourselves.
Radiating Love to All-that-is
Send love and light to others and to all-that-is. As we
shift to a higher vibration, we hold a space for others to shift to
higher frequencies. As we heal ourselves, we open a space for others to
heal. The love we radiate outward impacts the universe in unseen ways,
gathering energy on the inner planes to fuel the revolution of oneness
that is awakening us to deeper levels of the new time.
Stepping into the Portal of Divine Potential
We can expect to see new themes and patterns emerging in
coming days, weeks, and months as our lives come into sync with the new
flow and direction of evolutionary awakening and powerful new
beginnings looming on the horizon.
We are witnessing the closing days of a cosmic cycle.
It’s time to reflect on the passing away of an old way of life that has
shaped us up to this point. As we embrace and release who we have been
as well as opportunities missed and taken, we turn our focus to a new
and expansive present leading to a future we have encountered in dreams
and imagination. Cosmic energies over the last few years set events into
motion that now empower us to take our first step into this divine
portal of potential that is now opening, inviting us to begin our ascent
into the new time.
©2010-2015 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved http://www.celestialvision.org
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and
distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please
be sure to include the author & source website link. via newsletter 21 March 2015 received