Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta DL Zeta. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta DL Zeta. Mostrar todas las entradas
miércoles, mayo 06, 2015
DL Zeta - Awakening Cellular Dreams with the Powerful Wesak Moon - May 6, 2015
Inside you, encoded in your DNA, sleeps the dream of the new time. Many of you have been awakening to this vision as its stirs more strongly within you during this powerful time. You agreed to awaken and join together at this time to bring the Earth to the new time when the healing energies of the divine feminine bring about many transformations.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta
sábado, marzo 21, 2015
DL Zeta – Solar Eclipse/Equinox Combo Opens Portal Of Divine Potential – 21 March 2015

This powerful and unique portal opens with today’s total
solar eclipse in the final degree of Pisces followed closely by the
spring equinox. Astrologically speaking, this is the most powerful
period of 2015 and today is the most intense day of this period. You may
experience a powerful release and feeling of completion during this
time followed by the sense of new doorways opening in consciousness.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta
domingo, febrero 08, 2015
DL Zeta – Our Lens Of Perception Determines The Nature And Quality of Our Experience – 8 February 2015

There has always been so much more than what we have
seen. If we expand our current level of seeing a million times we would
only see a speck of what there is to see. Our potentials and
capabilities offer our best window into the infinite nature of the
universe. This divine pattern flows around and through us. Every
particle of existence is alive with codes and information. These codes
have always been available to those who were ready to awaken inside the
dream of their earth life. This awakening enables new levels of inner
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
martes, enero 20, 2015
DL Zeta – Re-Dedicating Ourselves To The Light Activates Limitless Potentials – 20 January 2015

Individually we have followed our internal GPS to many
moments of awakening, some small, some large. These moments are becoming
more frequent as we awaken to a greater vision of our limitless
potentials. This deeper awakening naturally moves us beyond limited
identities and allows us to forge new, expanded identities that bring a
greater experience of the New Earth.
We have always held the frequencies of the New Earth
within us. Our destiny is coded into our energetic templates. Awakening
codes sleep inside us until they are activated by frequencies of light.
These activations take place over months and years as we expand our
capacity to receive and hold greater frequencies of light.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
lunes, diciembre 01, 2014
DL Zeta – Aligning With The Version Of ‘You’ That Can Transport You Into The New Time – 1 December 2014

We’re first always seeking to manifest the version of ourselves capable of existing along the timeline we wish to access. In a sense, we’re not truly creating or manifesting reality, but aligning with a timeline that already exists parallel to our present moment.
Steps to Aligning with the ‘You’ most Strongly Aligned with the New Time
When you reach toward your highest potentials, you allow the “you” most strongly aligned with the timeline where your vision exists to transport you there. We offer here some steps you can follow to align with your highest potentials.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
lunes, noviembre 17, 2014
DL Zeta ~ Reading the ‘Coded Formulas’ behind the Energetic Matrix of our Realities - Nov 17, 2014
It is easier now than ever before to see the energetic
matrix of our realities. Once we begin to see these energies, we are
better able to transform the “coded formulas” behind them. These coded
formulas consist of our life lessons, spiritual contracts with others,
spiritual purpose and our current desires and intentions. Other factors
in this calculation that play smaller yet significant roles include
diet, exercise, daily environment, physical health, belief systems,
personal preferences, astrological influences and bleedthroughs from
parallel realms where other “selves” exist.
Intuitive Openings and Psychic Phenomena will be Daily Occurrences
Multidimensional portals are more accessible now. During
the next several weeks many will experience intuitive openings, lucid
and vivid dreams, encounters with souls we know in other times, and an
array of psychic phenomena.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
sábado, noviembre 01, 2014
DL Zeta – Timelines Of Transcendence Transport Us Into The New Time – November 1, 2014

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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
jueves, octubre 30, 2014
DL Zeta - Your Soul Volunteered to Help Shift Human Consciousness -
Now more than at any other moment in human consciousness you are asked to live in a state of constant change. Your soul volunteered to come here at this time and help shift consciousness to the paradigm of the new earth. There will be times when you will move easily through these changes and times when you will feel resistant to them. When you experience resistance, stand back and observe yourself, and hold in loving awareness those parts of your being that feel threatened by the change. These are younger parts of yourself that need your patience and understanding just as you seek the guidance and assistance of your higher self.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
domingo, septiembre 28, 2014
DL Zeta – Future Vision And The Awakened Timelines Of The New Earth – 28 September 2014
Waking and nighttime dreams are preparing you to embrace
more fully your true identity as an infinite and divine being. Working
with dream states now helps you develop future vision, a tool that can
help you chart your course into fifth-dimensional life tracks. This tool
helps you intuitively see where a situation, choice or idea will take
you in the future. It helps you look at a situation and see straight
through to the intention that created it. Viewing potentials before they
manifest allows for course corrections and fine-tuning of intentions
and visualizations. Opening to future vision makes it easier to “plug
in” to the expanded energies now abundant on the Earth plane. These
energies are helping an ever increasing number of beings experience
moments of expanded vision.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
domingo, septiembre 14, 2014
DL Zeta – Dreams And Eclipse Portals Transport Us To Future Life Tracks – 14 September 2014
Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies
So why are we talking now about energies that are a few
weeks out? One reason is that many lightworkers are sensitive to
energies and begin to experience the powerful shifts an eclipse brings a
month or more prior to the actual event. Another reason is in order to
make the most of the opportunities this powerful passage will bring we
need to revisit our intentions and visions prior to this time of
magnified energies.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
miércoles, septiembre 10, 2014
DL Zeta: Stand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens - Sep10, 2014

We are at a transition point when energies of the new time are strengthening inside future moments. Realities crystallizing in not-too-distant future time frames are created from increasingly different templates. These templates are infused with greater frequencies of love, peace, harmony and compassion.
Increasing numbers of souls are awakening thanks to these powerful transformative energies. The other side of this is that the energies are also triggering tidal waves of resistance. We can expect in coming weeks and months to see waves of higher energy clashing with denser energies, much like two storm fronts meeting in the atmosphere.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
sábado, agosto 30, 2014
DL Zeta – Stand Strong In Love As The Shadow Hastens – 20 August 2014
Increasing numbers of souls are awakening thanks to these powerful transformative energies. The other side of this is that the energies are also triggering tidal waves of resistance. We can expect in coming weeks and months to see waves of higher energy clashing with denser energies, much like two storm fronts meeting in the atmosphere
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
lunes, agosto 18, 2014
DL Zeta – Spirit Journeys To Future Timelines – 18 August 2014
Our consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Lightworkers have known this for some time and we are still finding new horizons for exploring the potentials of spirit travels. The energies now make it easier than ever before to travel time and dimensions to facilitate healing and make expanded realities more accessible to others.
As shamans of the new time, lightworkers are able to undertake spirit journeys by entering a meditative trance state and traveling through the doorway of the imagination. The information from these journeys in consciousness has the power to transform the spirit traveler at all levels. Sometimes these journeys yield gifts the traveler shares with the world. A single image shared from a spirit journey can open doorways for many.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
domingo, agosto 10, 2014
DL Zeta - Merging with Peace and Oneness in Dimensions beyond Words and Time - Aug 9, 2014
"Ego is no more than this: identification with form, which primarily means thoughtforms." -- Eckhart Tolle
we move further into the new time, more souls are stepping past
limiting identities that previously held them to lower-vibrational
timelines. The transformative energies of the new time have the power to
carry us into deeper waters of consciousness beyond realms of thought.
These inner dimensions exist beyond thought-based constructs such as
time. Inside these dimensions we experience ourselves as more than an
endless stream of words flowing through our minds. Here, our awareness
expands beyond the world of form, allowing us to step past limiting
identities, beliefs and thoughtforms.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
sábado, agosto 02, 2014
DL Zeta – Soul Synching with Past And Future Selves – 2 August 2014
Your future selves exist on the map of your consciousness in locations you have not yet experienced. The order and location of your present-moment self on this map is determined by your proximity to energies of awakening. Proximity allows you to retain a greater degree of “other life” memories. Selves that hold less “other life” memory awareness are generally considered past lives while those with a greater amount of other life awareness are generally considered future life selves.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
sábado, julio 26, 2014
DL Zeta – Setting Our Internal GPS For Timelines Of The New Earth – 26 July 2014
With the July 26 New Moon in Leo joining forces with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, this is truly a time to begin anew. This is an excellent time to begin a new spiritual practice, expand our creative horizons, forge new connections with others, start new health regimens and re-invent ourselves in some new and daring way. Our efforts toward expansion are greatly supported now. For lightworkers, this holds special significance as we allow the gentle winds of this time to speed us along on our journey of self-realization.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
sábado, julio 19, 2014
DL Zeta ~ Creating new Realities based on the Frequency of Love - July 19, 2014
Self-love, forgiveness and a healthy dose of patience
are essential during times of accelerated change. As our awareness
expands, we see ourselves more clearly than ever before. Front and
center are any past tendencies toward avoidance and scarcity thinking.
Any way in which we have given into thought viruses and their fear-based
world view now comes onto the radar screen of our awareness. Anything
we have created from fear-based intentions begins to disintegrate and
fall away.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
domingo, junio 01, 2014
DL Zeta – A Call To Lightworkers: Amplify Your Light And Join In Consciousness – 1 June 2014
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
miércoles, abril 30, 2014
DL Zeta – Eclipse’s ‘Portal To The Divine’ Reveals A New Mosaic Of Human Consciousness – 30 April 2014
The steps we take along our spiritual path during this
opening will shape the rest of our lives. This is a period that offers
the opportunity to simultaneously step free of old energies that no
longer serve us and to take a step forward solidly on the path of what’s
next for us individually and collectively.
Self-Discovery and Rapid Manifestations mark this Time
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
domingo, abril 20, 2014
DL Zeta – April’s Cardinal Grand Cross Triggers A Quickening Across Timelines And Dimensions – 20 April 2014
In case there is still any doubt, we are standing inside a moment that is seeding extreme change in human consciousness. The extraordinary shifts we are experiencing now are the most powerful and transformative yet. This is true not just for this timeframe or this lifetime; these changes are tracking back across recent arcs of incarnation. The energies we are experiencing now cast spheres of influence that extend in all directions: into future timelines, into past timelines, and into adjacent and parallel timelines. These energies are impacting us inside all timelines and at all levels. They are helping souls unite aspects of their being across lifetimes and enter a completion phase.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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DL Zeta,
El Gran Cambio
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