Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies
So why are we talking now about energies that are a few
weeks out? One reason is that many lightworkers are sensitive to
energies and begin to experience the powerful shifts an eclipse brings a
month or more prior to the actual event. Another reason is in order to
make the most of the opportunities this powerful passage will bring we
need to revisit our intentions and visions prior to this time of
magnified energies.
We can begin now preparing for this period through
dreamwork, journaling, meditation, dietary and other changes. By
focusing our intentions, we ride the waves of these powerful energies
into future life tracks where we experience more of our divine nature.
The September 22 Equinox seeks to balance Mind, Body and Spirit
The upcoming equinox will boost our preparations for
October’s transformative energies. In the northern hemisphere, it’s time
to balance mind, body and spirit and undertake cleaning and clearing in
preparation for winter. Clearing clutter and bringing order to our
environment is important to finding balance. This is a good time to
begin new dietary regimens and health practices that build our immune
system. This balancing and clearing will support our journey into
October’s Mercury retrograde and eclipse series.
Visiting Future Life Tracks in Dream States
The next few weeks are a time to examine if some of our
intentions are outdated and no longer valid. This is a time to open to
new ideas and visions and begin energizing these as the energies amplify
and accelerate. In coming weeks, nightly dreams will become an
excellent source of new visions as our subconscious mind is drawn to
travel to future life tracks in order to examine the field of potentials
crystallizing in our future. Practice writing down dreams and you will
begin to remember more of your nightly travels.
The period just prior to an eclipse series is a very
rich time for dream journeys. You can set your intentions before going
to sleep to travel to potential new life tracks. Just before bedtime is
also a good time to review the questions you are working with and ask
for guidance to come through your dream travels. This is a time of
heightened energies when lucid dreams are more likely. To cultivate
lucid dreams, practice lucidity in your waking life. Be mindful where
you focus your attention prior to falling asleep as this focus helps
direct the flow of your dream travels.
Journaling, Automatic Writing and Meditation
To make the most of upcoming energies, its helpful to
begin an intensive introspective period in the weeks prior. You may find
it helpful to journal if you don’t already. Journaling helps you gain
perspective and insight into your “waking dream.” Daily journaling also
helps you bring awareness to stuck emotions so you can clear them. When
you journal, give yourself the freedom to write whatever flows into your
mind. Journaling is a good housecleaning tool to assist you in
processing emotions and bringing awareness to the landscape of your
mental and emotional bodies.
Once you become comfortable with daily journaling, you
can begin to incorporate automatic writing. One way to begin automatic
writing is to write out questions on one side of your notebook and allow
answers to flow onto the opposite page. When you begin writing things
you don’t consciously know, you have tapped into the deep well of your
Meditation is another excellent tool for getting in
touch with the flow of your internal world. Meditation can bring
awareness of potentials crystallizing in future life tracks. It also
helps with internal housecleaning. Meditation raises your vibration and
over time, can help break loose stuck emotions, allowing them to bubble
to the surface of your consciousness to be released. If you don’t
currently have a meditation practice, begin now. Sit for at least 15 to
30 minutes every day, releasing all thoughts and relaxing and stilling
your mind. Allow whatever happens to be perfect for you within the
Our Astrology Chart Depicts the Personal Impact of an Eclipse
We will all feel the effects of the upcoming Mercury
retrograde and eclipse energies. The exact way in which you experience
them can be understood by examining your astrology chart. The type of
impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls
in a person’s astrology chart. If an eclipse falls within 3” of a planet
or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is
of special significance to you. The nature of the planet impacted by
the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead. Each house
in astrology points toward an area of your life. Knowing which house in
which an eclipse falls in your chart will help you get your affairs in
Mercury stations retrograde from October 4-26,
journeying from 2 degrees Scorpio to 16 degrees Libra. This is a potent
Mercury retrograde because it activates the October 23 Solar Eclipse
point of 0 degrees Scorpio, intermingling the energies of Mercury
retrograde with the solar eclipse. You can examine where 0 degrees
Scorpio lands in your chart (and points within orb) to see how the
October 23 eclipse will impact you. There will also be a total lunar
eclipse October 8 at 15 degrees Aries with the sun opposing at 15
degrees Libra.
On September 26, Jupiter begins a trine to Uranus that
lasts several weeks. Jupiter in trine to Uranus opens a portal to good
fortune, positive energies, and new and interesting people. This is a
great time to bring forth new visions and new creations. Artists,
writers, inventors and visionaries of all kinds can ride waves of
success during this period. This Jupiter/Uranus trine leads us into a
grand fire trine (with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus) conjunct the October 8
Lunar Eclipse. We will talk more about these energies as we draw closer
so stay tuned.
Creating a Unified Field of Intention
Once you lay the groundwork and choose your intentions
for this upcoming period, you can work with all aspects of your
consciousness to bring unity and agreement to these intentions. If some
aspects are not on board with these intentions you will not have the
unity of vision that brings the laser focus and concentration needed to
make the most of these energies. To harmonize and unify all facets of
your consciousness, visualize an inner circle of love during meditation.
Bring inside this circle all your aspects – younger selves from this
lifetime as well as past and future selves that exist in timeframes
parallel to your present moment. Inner peace and harmony with all
“selves” allows you to create a unified field of intention to help you
navigate the upcoming energies.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
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