Concluded from Part 1
A lot of things about Stead’s experience was similar to his experiences on earth, he admits, including he and his father’s clothing.
“My father and I, with my friend also, set out immediately. A curious thing struck me. I was clothed exactly as I had been, and it seemed a little strange to me to think I had brought my clothing with me! …
“My father was also dressed as I had always known him. Everything and everybody appeared to be quite normal – quite as on earth.
“We went out together and had refreshment at once, and, naturally, that was followed by much discussion about our mutual friends on both sides. I was able to give them news and they gave me information about our friends and also about the conditions ruling in this new country.” (1)
Stead also shares two revelations that I personally think are important. One is that everyone we’ve ever loved who passed away will be waiting for us in the fourth dimension, and the other is that animal products aren’t consumed there.
“When the newly arrived have had many friends, relatives, or those whom they have loved on this side, they find them waiting for them. [Dad and I] stayed [in a domed building] some time and had refreshment very similar, it seemed to me, to what I had always known, only there was no flesh food.
“Everything appeared quite normal there, too, and the absence of some things which would on earth have been present was not noticed.
“The curious thing was that the meal did not seem at all a necessity – it was there, and we all partook of it lightly, but it was more from habit than need – I seemed to draw much more strength and energy out of the atmosphere itself. This I attributed to the color and air.” (2)
It goes without saying that eating’s basically unnecessary in the higher realms.
Why eat as a necessity if you no longer have a physical body that requires food for nourishment? As Stead admitted, he and those around him ate the food more out of habit than anything else, and when we’re back in the higher realms, we’ll find that we only eat healthy, uplifting foods for personal enjoyment.
We wouldn’t need to eat an apple or a mango, but we’d do so out of sheer enjoyment and appreciation for their good taste and their uplifting vibration. We obviously won’t need or want to consume animal products of any kind, and those who do want to consume them can create them all day long before they eventually become undesirable.
Nothing’s necessarily forbidden or prohibited in the fourth dimension (such as eating meat), but we’ll naturally resonate with the vibration our desires are on. If we want to eat meat, for example, we might be required to lower our vibration to a state of consciousness where it’s more acceptable or required.
We aren’t prohibited from eating meat, but everything boils down to vibration – no matter what realm we’re in.
Stead shares that the place he had the meal with his father at was a ‘resting home’ for the recently deceased.
“Looked upon as a meal – a lunch out – it was the longest one I have ever known and without question the most interesting. I learnt a great deal in those first few hours with my father. It was all conversational, but it was of great use to me and of vast interest.
“He explained to me that the place we were then in was a temporary rest house, one of many, but the one most used by newly-arrived spirit people. It was nearest to earth conditions and was used because it resembled an earth place in appearance.
“There were other buildings used for the same purpose as well as for other purposes; by that I mean there is more than one of each.” (3)
Again, some fourth-dimensional realms like the Borderlands closely mirror the earth, while others are almost nothing like this world. The fifth dimension, which obviously lays beyond the fourth, is so unlike the third and fourth that it’s basically unperceivable.
It’s on its own level, as are the higher fourth-dimensional realms, but the recently deceased are taken to realms that are comfortable and familiar so they can gradually learn about their new dimensional home and adjust from there.
They’re given all of the assistance they require to adjust, and while it can be difficult for some, it’s probably much easier for others who either believed in life after death on earth or, as I said earlier, made a continuous decision to live selflessly and embody positive, loving qualities.
I’ll continue to faithfully and passionately write more Spirit World Chronicles installments, because I’ve been through a lot of things that affirmed my connection with the other side and my desire to know just what it’s like.
Plenty of my relatives, some distant and some considerably closer, have found a home in these realms and now look upon me and the rest of my family, so I’m excited to learn what their new homes are like and, if possible, how they’re adjusting.
Maybe some of you have similar desires, and the installments we’ll read in the weeks and months ahead will continue to shed light on this fascinating subject. The main purpose of these reports is to display that death isn’t the scary monster it’s been made out to be, and in most cases, the departed are just as alive as they’ve always been.
They’re obviously in a very different place, but most of them are thriving in ways they would’ve never been able to on earth.
People who went through dysfunctional lives on earth could very well thrive in the fourth dimension after a little bit of work and patience on the part of their transition guides, and no matter what, we’ll all eventually thrive in the higher realms.
We’ll eventually be back with all of our departed friends and family, and when we are, the fun can really begin.
- William Thomas Stead, The Blue Island. Experiences of a New Arrival Behind the Veil., 46-7.
- Ibid., 50-1.
- Ibid., 55.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
While you’re surfing various spiritual websites, you can also check out Oversoul Teachings, which is a blog I created for the messages I channel from my higher self/spiritual guides. / link to original article