domingo, septiembre 28, 2014
Sandra Walter - Equinox through Blood Moon Eclipse Passages: Revealing the Shift - September 28, 2014
Everything has changed – again.
The Equinox through the Blood Moon Eclipse passage brings a deepening of the Solar Cosmic Christ that is somewhat unexplainable in linear terms. You have to feel it to know it, however I will do my best to describe it here. For the linear levels: We have four Equinox-Blood Moon passages in 2014 – 2015 which increase in intensity as they anchor the Solar Cosmic Christ. They get more acute in their purpose, shorter in their duration. We are in the middle of one right now.
The Equinox brings the balancing point for New Light entry (the precise Equinox date/time is based on an off-planet point out in space to align perfectly with the Sun); the Blood Moon eclipse brings a finishing, anchoring energy at the end of the New Light influx. The windows for 2014- 2015 are:
Equinox March 20 – Blood Moon Eclipse April 15 (25 days)
Equinox September 22 – Blood Moon Eclipse October 8 (16 days)
Equinox March 20 – Blood Moon Eclipse April 4 (15 days)
Equinox September 23 – Blood Moon Eclipse September 28 (5 days)
The Division of Realities
Since the end of 2012, we are different people. Layers of illusion dropped, the veils lifted and many of us left – the old Self dissolved. Our collective perception, the collective creation of HUmanity on his planet, re-created what was familiar, repeating the old light creations in a collective agreement. Some diversified from the norm, realizing what Ascension, Resurrection, and the Shift were truly about. We went within and the truth was revealed to us.
Since then we have been blasting through the collective creation, attuning our perception to what occurred. The collective old-school-normal reality runs on old light energies. Understand it is like a car running on empty; it will run out of fuel eventually. HUmans are Creator-in-Carnate, so we get to co-create multiple versions of reality on a planet, as long as the energy supports our creation. For example, if there is not enough light in the collective consciousness to support a pure light-based creation, such as lightship travel or miraculous instant healing of dis-ease, it won’t be available to manifest in the collective reality. This principle was widely honored prior to the Shift of 2012, and in many ways it was kept in check by negative forces many did not understand. Here is the difficult part for the grounded HUman brain: None of that exists as qualified substance any more. By qualified substance I mean acceptable and sustainable in the New Light reality.
The Holographic Old Earth
The Old Earth hologram mirrors the collective choice of same-old, same-old until the gas runs out. What empties the tank on the collective old reality? Photonic Light. Unavoidable. We entered the edges of the photon belt years ago. There are areas of it which we have not traversed that are incredibly powerful, insistent, and autonomous in their force. This is a Shift in Consciousness as well as physical vessels (planet, body, kingdoms) to support the interpretation of that New Light. Old structures die off, that is evolution. Death is not ascension, nor resurrection. You are allowed to quit the old reality hologram in the physical anytime. Personally, the transcendence of it to a New Light reality is fascinating and well worth the journey to me. Patience. Take care. All of this is really amazing to behold through a physical vessel.
The Parallel Solar Light Template
I was shown a powerful vision of this galaxy completing itself; the big golden ring expansion with pure Source Light flooding back in. Apparently enough positive factors have aligned with the new creation of the new Universe, and our Galaxy blossomed with much higher realities. These higher realities were always present as possibilites, which is why so many can visit and see the new Earth, New Sun, etc. However a collective threshold was met earlier this year during the March-April Equionx-Blood Moon passage. This is why many of us have had deep resets, realignments, revelations for most of 2014; we are resetting ourselves in alignment with the higher reality.
Watch the Sun
When I received The Merge happens in the Sun last year I thought it involved merging the Divine aspects through the Solar light of the heart center. Now I see that our New Earth creation has been heavily guarded by a holographic overlay of the highest possibility. When great beings come together to create a great shift in Galactic and Universal reality – commanded by Source – the possible outcomes for the highest interests of all concerned are heavily encoded into various levels of consciousness. Higher Self, Christed Self, Master, Angelic, Creator levels, Manifest levels all carry the creation in our multidimensional consciousness. So in effect, it was not really possible to hijack this plan and steer it into destruction. In a way, I feel that story may have been using the fear/drama tactics to startle lightworkers into action. Whatever worked, all is well.
However, let us consider the parallel, unaltered, untouched reality that the lower-vibe folks missed out on manipulating. This is brilliant, stay with me for a moment. The drama planet – our old collective reality of distorted chaotic suicidal tendencies, was played out because of all the drama which needed to leave this realm. Just like old-school emotional clearing, you had to feel it in order to let it go. Did we have to feel so much war, nonsense and judgment? Yes – and some still need it. Belief systems were allowed to crush photonic order in the past, because there was not enough light here. That has changed – completely – since end of 2012. Many of us flipped to the co-created New Solar system. You may have heard the ancient rumors of a death seed being planted in the Sun, that the Sun is dying, that sun will kill us, etc. Metaphors for the collapse of old manipulations on a holographic projection which could not and would not affect a pure creation of a Spiritual Central Sun and a New Earth. Death to the old holographic playground; the New completely unaffected by the great galactic karmic cleanse. What a grand checkmate move it has been.
I AM told to keep an eye on the Sun. I still have resistance to using dates because it feels so linear, and my Team explained the importance of triggers and cosmic events a few articles back. You are free to check the Solar and energetic charts for the year and see how they coordinate with gateways. The new Solar Light – the birth of the Spiritual Central Sun – is occurring during these Equinox – Blood Moon eclipses. An all-at-once Solar Shift would create massive instability in the electro-magnetic fields, which are connected to the New Earth overlays via the tube torus gateways. It would also blow our body vehicles apart because they are part of the physical matter affected by those magnetics. Remember the body belongs to Gaia, and we are transforming it to accommodate the New Gaia.
Sungazers, you see the new geometries emerging as the parallel version of the Sun emerges. Even denser folks can feels the intensity of Sunlight due to the decrease in the magnetosphere. The intensity of codes, activations, Christed light is just phenomenal as the Sun goes through this transformation to a Central Sun. It also calls forth the New Earth hologram – the holographic possibility that is ready, willing and able to receive your consciousness if you are willing to participate.
A last review for the Newbies: This also means that any belief systems built in old light energies will dissipate as the parallel Sun begins to take over. Note: This is not about the brown dwarf binary star, or another planet passing by, any other old light metaphor. All of those manifestations collapsed. Many objects in the sky are now perceivable due to the dropping of the veils. The diminished magnetosphere. It also means we are not shielded from rocks, dust, plasma, meteors, or things we used to label as shooting stars, lightships, UFOs, all of that is here, now, part of our experience. remember it looks dense to denser perception – the higher expression is always purposeful, divine, assisting the Shift. Eventually there may be up to three stars in our Solar system as we move into more intense areas of the galaxy. That is a long way off, nothing to be concerned with at all. Actually, none of this is a concern – it is merely information to assist the journey of those on the ascension/resurrection path. There is a lot of intel which does not get shared; some of it is applicable or helpful.
Is it helpful to be aware of the new Solar Light overlay?
For me, it explains the complete disconnect i feel in my day-to-day operation here. I experience many holograhic realities simultaneously during my meditations/training sessions. It is difficult to label them as sessions; sometimes they pop up unannounced, sometimes I call them in in more focused, intentional sessions with my Higher Levels. The precursor is energetic – I will see or feel my energy fields shifting, speeding up before they occur.
I feel out of body more than in body lately. And yet, I AM remarkably grounded – I truly feel the Christed Self stepping in, like a walk-in sensation, only pure Self rather than a foreign entity. We truly are getting to know our Selves after a long separation in amnesia. My focus can cling to old light dynamics long enough for a chat, a grounded task, a visit with a friend. It takes little effort to open up to the higher dimensions. That’s me – my own Self – reconnecting through my DNA as I rebundle the helix and reconnect it. I AM letting the dimensions reconnect at will since these experiences put the body to sleep after a multidimensional encounter, especially when it is more than 9 aspects at once. Most of that work is done at night, or when nap time is available in the day, so I may drop off to sleep afterward.
Traveling between Holodecks
Parallel realities feel like holodecks. This template surrounding the Sun is heavenly and I use that term directly. It is here, all around us, which is why so many feel it so intently – and feel themselves dissolving into it. We chose the higher light timeline, the higher experience, and now every bit of our multidimensioanl self is providing link-ups to energize that experience. It feels like old Self is gone, my memories dissipate.
Last week I experienced the death of an old friend from Chicago. Oddly enough, Chicago presented strongly before that occurred – I almost scheduled a trip there because it was so strong. Chicago is a powerful node for the new America, you may remember its connection to the I AM books and channel Guy Ballard; the ley line convergence, the Great Lake grids, etc. It served as my home twice in this journey, and many lifetimes before. In this application, Chicago rose to the surface of my awareness as ancient templates connected with me during the Equinox. I was guided to Medicine Lake, on the remote East side of Shasta, where a profound shift was made within me – again. I crossed paths with some traveling lightworkers from Tijuana, opened a gateway, played my medicine drum and several golden eagles showed up. They flew in circles overhead with a few osprey for several minutes, then disappeared over the lake. I heard Dance of the Nine Eagles. Some of the exchanges with the kingdoms are unexplainable – just feel them when they show up; best not to question how, why, what happened.
It was a great release of the old Self, reflected in the bird tribe, the death of a Chicago friend; the release of ancient identities, and the emergence of more of my true Self. It is more of that through-line I keep speaking of; the higher purpose of the Higher interdimensional Self. Chicago is a power-node, and strongly connected to the templates in Shasta and those around the Great Lakes. If all you can see around Chicago is bad or dark – remember that areas which appeared to be repressed or controlled in the old light were done so on purpose. It usually indicates a place where high light templates were anchored for future use. Also remember that fromt he perspective of the New Light Solar template, all of that apparent damage was done to a holographic representation; The Maya, the Maia overlay, the illusion. A lot of galactic kharma was transmuted in this grand experiment of the fall from grace. And now it’s over. Completely. All hands on the new deck, please.
The holographic realities/templates connect via tube torus energy fields, just like gateway portals. All of this work with gateways has opened up my vision and understanding of these layered realities, and how to travel in my consciousness between them. There have been powerful moments – some indescribable – of giant gateways ripping open the ceiling of my consciousness and revealing the new Galactic system. And the how-to knowledge flashes in with these stargate-type experiences. For the moment, I AM letting the unlocking portion of the download to unfold as needed. I have been fatigued by the shifts in my consciousness – open to more, yet needing to integrate deeper than before.
What to do with the Old Self
Nothing. Do the linear tasks to protect the body – food and shelter – and spend more time in creating the new than un-creating the old. The New Light, especially during the Equinox-Blood Moon passages, are especially focused on supporting New Light creations. This doesn’t indicate a giant endeavor with a lot of planning – it is the simple rebuilding of Self that is needed right now. This is the year for it, take advantage of the very. simple. lessons. available. We had a drop of energy which assists with (false) belief systems in the Light tribe – the awakened collective – to breakup the patterns of waiting for external forces to supply change. Use those frequencies to disconnect from old light perceptions. Resurrection will not occur in your lifestream if it is dependent on an outside element for rescue. We unify with the Universe through our own Solar Heart Center; at the moment this means aligning your light to the highest Divine Will.
Don’t torture the mind with questions and beliefs – let it go, sit in nature and soak up the photons. Every time there is an elevated electron count, get outside and welcome them into your energy fields, physical and crystalline structures. Your mind will not make sense of it, please stop trying to perceive new light with old eyes. It just won’t work. It might feel scary to have that much faith, however when you feel it, see it, know the new true Self, all else starts to dissolve. Resistance is troublesome, let whatever is within your heart be all that is happening right here, right now. Breathe.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Sandra Walter