I want to share today on the exchange of energies from each of us unto each of you. We, in Telos, are very connected to each of you on the Upper Earth and want to extend our sincere thoughts of love and blessings since the Autumn Equinox.
The Harvest is now here and it is our time to celebrate all that we have experienced up to this point. Is this something that you have thought about within you?
Isn’t it true that each of you desires to have your manifestations to come into your reality?
What is it that you have done up to this point that allows those creations to become you?
These are the questions that I want to pose to you since now is the most fruitful season of the year. Those of you that live across the hemisphere that are experiencing the essence of Spring truly are going through the same level of creation within your lives as you plant your seeds for your future.
So it is important to fully reflect within yourself how to embrace the walk that you have been taking in the past months. It will help you come to the fruition of your new essence expanding within you.
You see we don’t just create elements to occur without first having to understand the process that we have gone under to make them appear in our lives. We must first learn the lessons that our Higher Self is giving to us in order to fully receive the gifts of our labor.
So as we just moved through a New Moon and experienced the most powerful equinox on the planet; it is time for each of you to embrace all that you have achieved. As the more that you realize within yourself these achievements, the deeper will be your Harvest of the Self.
Take time to truly reflect the bounty of your life within you; then more can appear. Until you say thank you for the beautiful gifts you are receiving, then you cannot receive more. It is a proven fact.
The beauty of your life is not measured by your hardships, but how you walk through those challenging doorways to find the blissfulness of your essence to enfold within your Being.
I applaud each of you for what you are experiencing and processing in your lives. Let the old essence be thrown away that does not serve you. Put it into wholeness so that you never have to experience it again. Be the bliss that you desire as it is truly ready to be received. All you have to do is reach your arms out and feel all those gifts of joy, peace, and be the manifestor of your own destiny. Don’t hesitate to realize how far you have gone; then you gone continue the journey with less baggage and more excitement of who you have become. This is fully realizing the Bounty of Your Gifts being sent from your Higher Self unto your Physical Creation.
All my love from my Heart to Yours,
I AM Lord Adama, of the Telosian Council of Light
September 29th, 2014
Integrative Channel, Rev. Christine Meleriessee
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.
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