Waking and nighttime dreams are preparing you to embrace
more fully your true identity as an infinite and divine being. Working
with dream states now helps you develop future vision, a tool that can
help you chart your course into fifth-dimensional life tracks. This tool
helps you intuitively see where a situation, choice or idea will take
you in the future. It helps you look at a situation and see straight
through to the intention that created it. Viewing potentials before they
manifest allows for course corrections and fine-tuning of intentions
and visualizations. Opening to future vision makes it easier to “plug
in” to the expanded energies now abundant on the Earth plane. These
energies are helping an ever increasing number of beings experience
moments of expanded vision.
Future Vision reveals the Simultaneous Nature of Time
Future vision opens a window into the inner workings of
consciousness. Through this window we are able to witness the
simultaneous nature of what we think of as time. Future vision takes
place when we bring our vibration, intention and focus to a
synchronistic intersection that allows us to access visions of our
future. The future moments we view correspond with our present-moment
focus, our intentions for the future, and the degree in which we are
aware of and open to our field of possibilities. One way in which the
future creates the present moment is through glimpses of future
Future Vision brings Elevated States of Heightened Perception
Future vision allows us to see through anything that
obscures the true essence of our being. It’s not difficult to recognize
moments of future vision. They are accompanied by a heightened sense of
perception and elevated feeling states. They may only last a few
seconds, but within each second, all of eternity is revealed. In this
way, time is experienced differently; one second can equal days, months
and even years of linear experience.
Future Vision brings Awareness of Soul Contracts
Through this lens, our purpose is revealed; the future
of life on Earth as well as the next step in our spiritual path becomes
clear. Future vision also sharpens our ability to recognize friends from
other lifetimes and brings awareness to soul contracts we share with
others. Older souls who have shared many lifetimes together are here now
to meet once again in a ‘reunion lifetime’. Those who have felt this
lifetime to contain several ‘mini’ lifetimes are experiencing a reunion
lifetime. Early on, past friends from denser lifetimes were encountered
so past misunderstandings could be healed. Later in life, friends from
more awakened lifetimes are showing up to join their light with yours
and fulfill your mutual purpose of anchoring new waves of energy to the
Dreams and Dimensional Bleedthroughs are Primary Sources of Future Vision
Dreams are a primary source of future vision. Images of
future life tracks can be downloaded more easily into consciousness
during sleep states. These images trickle into your waking mind with
divine timing. There are other sources of future vision. Your higher
self regularly downloads future insight into your consciousness. Another
source of future vision comes through the fluid nature of time which
can result in ‘dimensional bleedthroughs’ that allow us to communicate
with past and future aspects from other lifetimes as well as aspects
from our past and future within this lifetime. Dimensional bleedthroughs
are energetic portals that open when there is sufficient resonance
between life tracks.
Future vision is possible because each being is
multifaceted, multidimensional and multiconnected. When you open to
consciously embrace the many-layered nature of your being, you are able
to tap into a much wider and deeper range of conscious perception. All
moments exist parallel to our present and become accessible to us when
we enter fifth-dimensional consciousness.
Future Vision is a Tool for Shaping New Realities
Future vision is a valuable tool for navigating
potential timelines because it brings a subtle experience of potentials
starting to crystallize in your future. If you remain alert and awake to
these subtle shifts, you are able to use this feedback to fine tune the
futures you are creating.
Energy flows in all directions so events crystallizing
in your near future are always sending out waves of energy that cast a
sphere of influence extending in both directions – past and future.
Future happenings affect your life and awareness as much as past events
do. In some cases, you are more affected by future events because they
exist in your subconscious and are not always accessed in the way you
are able to “pull-up” past times and understand the influence they are
exerting on your present.
Quantum Awakening and the Timelines of the New Earth
It is by opening to moments of future vision that you
are able to align with the expanded timelines of the New Earth. Your
powers of perception and precognition are important tools for navigating
future life tracks where the technologies of the human spirit are more
widely known and practiced. When these technologies are awakened, we
will easily see through anything that has held us back – bottlenecks of
unprocessed emotions, parasitic thought viruses, limiting belief systems
and more. The quantum awakening of many incarnated beings will trigger a
deeper experience of the timelines of the New Earth where unconditional
love and inner peace are primary frequencies.
This and much more is available to us when we choose to
stand in the truth of our infinite being. When you bring your focus to
the images future vision brings, you are able to perceive events setting
up in your present moment and follow their development through time to
view the shape of the New Earth. When you better understand the changes
currently taking shape you will understand your role and purpose within
the transition times ahead.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved www.celestialvision.org
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