sábado, septiembre 27, 2014
Karen Dover - Expanding into TRUTH at cellular level - September 27, 2014
As the New Earth now begins to birth into the physical waking reality of what is called the human life experience it is important to remember that you are altering not only your frequency but also your cellular structure. The WAYS in which you are interpreting the frequencies which are then translated into information at a human conscious waking mind level are altering at all moments of all moments. It may appear that as you look in the mirror each morning that you see the “same” person as you saw last time but this is but an optical illusion that prevents you from consciously acknowledging the vast shifts and changes that you are going through on ALL levels of your human vehicle.
The expansion that has now gained rapid momentum at a human level of the Planet Earth energies will now allow the birthing of various realities that have previously been denied at a human conscious waking mind level. To many of you this may seem beyond your comprehension, “how can anything change that much in my waking reality?” is the phrase that many of you may have allowed to emerge within your logical minds and yet ALL changes at ALL moments, just because you cannot physically see the changes does not negate said changes. For example your skin, your hair and your nails continue to grow and to change at all moments, you do not notice necessarily the changes as they OCCUR but notice when they have built to a level that you need to cut or alter your nails or hair. Looking at your hair intently in the mirror each day would not allow you to see the growth the hair undergoes and yet you understand and accept the growth.
So it is with the energetic and cellular growth and shifts and changes that are being experienced in this your human form upon Planet Earth. TRUTH JUST IS and as such is constant, you are at this time moving into balance with said TRUTH. Trying to ignore or filter TRUTH will no longer work for ALL JUST IS. The construct that is the old 3D Earth created reality is now being released from the cellular structure of your human vehicle, as this is removed then the CONSTRAINTS you have been TAUGHT exist will naturally begin to dissolve for they were never TRUTH, they were a CONSTRUCT that you were TAUGHT to not only believe but ACCEPT at a human waking mind level.
It is to be noted that the outer waking reality will now begin to shift hugely in order to come back into balance. The release of the lower dimensional frequencies may see a huge influx of what APPEARS to be very disturbing information, it is the release of the hidden agenda’s, the distortions that have been created due to the CONSTRUCT that was the old 3D earth created reality. It was never in flow, it was a CONSTRUCT that allowed for many distortions to be created due to the tight restrictions on the flow of said energies. Energy JUST IS, it naturally flows and moves, when this is prevented then the distortions are created. Therefore in the release of the distortions there will come a natural balance, I would guide you at this time to resist trying to change anything in the outer waking reality as it is akin to brushing only the hair of your reflection in the mirror.
The period of adjustment will be much easier to flow into, through and beyond when you relinquish the control that you have been TAUGHT to apply to your waking human life experience. There is a bigger picture that you cannot see from this current vantage point but which you are moving into. By remaining in BALANCE and FAITH and TRUST of SELF you are able to allow the outer waking reality to take shape and find its natural balance in a flow.
At a human conscious waking mind level you may feel at first a sense of panic, after all you have been TAUGHT in each old 3D earth created reality you exist within that you must “take control” of your life. In TRUTH you need simply to align with the natural flow of the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH, everything is by design and has a natural balance, this is what you are now moving into at a human conscious waking mind level after an eternity of being OUT of said balance.
For many of you now who have attuned to the necessary frequencies in order to exit the old 3D earth created realities there will be miracles that birth beyond your wildest dreams. For those of you who feel you are now ready to begin to work with the New Earth frequencies I offer various services that may be of benefit to you as you begin to move into expansion and TRUTH to cellular level. (Please visit www.karen-dover.com for further information)
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan