The steps we take along our spiritual path during this
opening will shape the rest of our lives. This is a period that offers
the opportunity to simultaneously step free of old energies that no
longer serve us and to take a step forward solidly on the path of what’s
next for us individually and collectively.
Eclipses bring about massive change intended to set new
patterns in place. This is a time to break down old patterns and build
new ones. It’s not a good time to make significant changes as our
perspective, understanding and insights may be dramatically altered in
the weeks following an eclipse series. The influences of this eclipse
series are most intensely felt this week but will not end until the full
Moon in Taurus November 7th.
Because eclipses bring a concentrated, intense
experience, a great deal may be packed into the space of just a few
days. Things that were on hold, blocked, failing to manifest in recent
weeks and months may manifest now with warp speed. Revisit and update
your intentions daily. The period now until early November will be a
major period of self-discovery and self-development when the universe
will greatly support all efforts to build significant growth in your
life. Take advantage of this period. Approach each day as a great gift
and a renewed opportunity to live the life of your dreams.
Clear your Calendar and Journey into Nature
Our natural rhythms will be out of sync during this
time. Clear your calendar as much as possible. This time will signal
significant endings and beginnings. If you are in direct alignment with
this eclipse you will experience an amazing transformation. Another
reason to take time from your regular schedule is that many will be
feeling the energies intensely. This will trigger releases of raw
emotions, violence and negativity. There will be a great deal of chaotic
energy swirling around, especially in the more heavily populated areas.
Accessing your ‘Spiritual Excrow’ Account
The period surrounding an eclipse is a good time to go
to the countryside, into a remote area away from power lines if
possible. Meditate in a quiet location to download all that is being
held in your spiritual escrow account. This account contains all you
that you have asked for, all that you have earned that you may not have
sufficiently opened to receive over the years. Access to this escrow
account is easier now than ever before. You can download significant
upgrades in your quality of life, your field of potentials, vibrational
frequency, a wealth of new ideas and information that allows you to
access new portals in consciousness, and new waves of abundance and
Your spiritual escrow account contains what you need to
boost your immune system, access amazing powers of regeneration in your
physical being and all parts of your life that are depleted. Remember
health is always your number one priority. Many lower-vibrational
realities will be transmuted during this time. Potentials are ripe for
profound mystical experiences, downloads of new knowledge in kjdream
states, unexpected, magical new connections, new levels of spiritual
freedom, expanded networking, and breakthroughs in all realms of
technology. Less understood areas of esoteric knowledge will now become
easily accessible.
Work with the Symbols of Nightly and Waking Dreams
This is a good time to work with automatic writing or
experiment with channeling into a tape recorder. Spend time in nature,
with animals, near water, drink green juices and shift to a purely
alkaline diet. Study your astrology chart to understand what is being
asked of you during this time. Set your intention to remember your
dreams. Work with the symbols of nightly and waking dreams, write
poetry, bless and release every past moment that comes before you.
Accept the lesson and the blessing of everything you have created in the
past. Now is the time to cultivate a strong relationship with every
aspect of yourself.
We must be open, aware, awake and poised to respond to
the opportunities as they unfold day by day. Those who understand the
power of the present moment will be able to act impeccably to make the
most of these opportunities and take quantum steps on their spiritual
paths at this time.
Spiritual Frequencies are Encoded into this Eclipse Series
While all eclipses trigger change, unique frequencies
are encoded into each eclipse to calibrate certain types of change.
Contained in this week’s eclipse are energies calibrated to:
▪ Transform business and personal relationships.
During this time connections may be upgraded or ended. Some partnerships
and relationships may begin during this time. When connections begin
during an eclipse, you can look to see how the eclipse falls in each
person’s chart as well as their synergy chart to understand the purpose
and outlook of the relationship. Some relationships begun on the wave of
eclipse energies only last for the duration of the eclipse influences. A
connection begun in association with this eclipse series may be over by
early November. Co-dependent relationships will suffer, as well as
other unhealthy forms of relationships, especially those based on
manipulation and control. This is a time to enter into new relationships
with eyes open and use discernment in all connections.▪ Inspire identity shifts. Many may feel the desire for a redo of some kind. For some, reinventing themselves may involve a new hairdo, a new wardrobe, or some other form of self-image enhancement, while others may shift to a new identity along a new timeline. Some may step into a new and deeper interpretation and experience of their spiritual mission. Some will experience a combination of these. Many people will feel drawn to undertake a new and healthier diet regimen or a new form of movement or exercise. Fitness centers and yoga classes will be filled in coming weeks as the drive for mind/body alignment is strong during this time when physical changes will be created to reflect the massive changes going on within.
▪ Expand awareness and psychic abilities. During this period, new channels in consciousness will open. New spiritual teachers will be activated. New voices will come forward to deliver messages about changes on the horizon. Those who provided insights and guidance in past decades will step back now to allow a changeover, so to speak, as a new generation of seers arrives on the scene. This generation will focus on teachings designed to empower each person in opening to channel their own guidance.
▪ Expose hidden secrets. Parasitic thought viruses operating in collective conscioiusness will be brought to greater awareness which will begin to shut down their effectiveness. As a person gains awareness of thought viruses operating in their consciousness, they can launch their own “virus detection software” to isolate and remove the viruses. Any way in which parasitic energies prevent us from experiencing our highest and best will be exposed now; any attempts to manipulate, control and enslave human consciousness will be brought to light. Those who operate from a narcissistic perspective causing harm to those around them through deception and parasitic intentions will suffer. Those who believe they are entitled to use and manipulate others make a conscious choice that will lead them to experience greater health challenges, personal difficulties, roadblocks and barriers than in the past.
▪ Expose old ‘sorcerers’ and deceptive gurus. It will become much more apparent than ever before who those spiritual teachers are who seek the highest and best for all and those who operate from a self-serving place of control and manipulation. Numerous gurus have come forth throughout the history of the human potential movement to use their spiritual abilities for self-serving agendas. These souls are old sorcerers who incarnate at key moments in time to experience the praise and adulation of seekers. The energies of the new time will make it clear which teachers are operating from a place of integrity.
▪ Clear emotional energy at a deep level. This is an important time to work with emotional clearing. If something comes up for you during this time, observe it, bless it and release it. If you re-engage with it you will re-energize it into your life experience. This is a time to cultivate emotional stability – a time to embrace and integrate our shadow selves rather than deny and conceal them. Those who have cultivated spiritual energy without undergoing sufficient emotional clearings will suffer during this time as eclipse energies amplify unresolved emotions in order to clear them.
▪ Re-energize forgotten dreams and visions. Past dreams and visions that were put on hold or thought to be unrealistic or unreachable, may resurface during this time. If you begin feeling urgings or desires for unrealized dreams of times past, know it is because the energies now are very much in support of calling forth these dreams deferred and renergizing, empowering and realizing them with the turbocharged energies of this time.
▪ Bring awareness to the power of words to heal or harm. Mercury is conjunct the solar eclipse, placing emphasis on all forms of communication. The power of words is especially important now. This will be a time when new seers and new spiritual channels come forth with powerful new messages. By contrast, those forms of communication that are intended to control and manipulate will see a lessening of influence. We will become more aware than ever of how words heal us or tear us apart.
▪ Spotlight humane perspectives on the treatment of animals. The treatment of animals will come front and center during this time as many will become aware of how animals are tortured and treated cruelly in food, clothing, cosmetic and other industries. Cruel and inhumane treatment of animals will come to the forefront as hidden secrets are exposed on the world’s stage. This will trigger a call for reform at all levels of society.
▪ Trigger new levels of re-membering we are divine beings holographic to all-that-is. Re-membering during this time will be strong. Many will receive vital pieces of the puzzle in sleeping and waking dreams. These pieces are part of a new mosaic of human consciousness. As each person brings their segment into play, an image of the new time emerges that creates a symbol. When enough pieces of the mosaic are in place, this symbol will trigger great waves of re-membering throughout human consciousness.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved / link to original article
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.