You have made the
collective intent to awaken, but there is much foot dragging among you
due to anxiety about what your awakening actually means, and because you
are accustomed to the illusion and are familiar with all the problems
with which it constantly presents you. Many also fear that the
conveniences to which you have become accustomed over the last sixty or
seventy years will no longer be available due to energy shortages as you
use up the earth’s resources at an unsustainable rate. One aspect of
the illusion is a strong aversion to change because change has often
brought confusion, pain, and suffering, and so you choose to move ahead
cautiously because impetuosity has so often led to conflict and war, and
even now many of you are concerned about the possibility of a new war
in the Ukraine.
Intensify your intent
and determination to awaken! Doing so strengthens and enlarges the
individual fields of Love that extends around each one of you, and, as
you well know, Love is the solution to every
issue with which you have to deal. But one of the major problems is
that most of the time you do not believe it! And yet you can see
clearly that anything that is in opposition to Love can never succeed in
solving any of your multitudinous, and presently seemingly, insoluble
remember that you are all beings of Love. There are no exceptions!
And yes, many are behaving unlovingly, which is due to fear and lack of
trust. But maintaining those attitudes only accentuates that fear and
lack of trust. All your channeled sources, all your mystics and all
your wise spiritual advisers keep telling you that in the face of attack
do not defend yourselves.
you are beings of Love, Love is what you seek. But ingrained fears and
anxieties as a result of previous conflicts tend to encourage you to
approach each new meeting or interaction with suspicion and even
hostility. If you would let go of those fears and approach each
situation with loving intent you would be amazed at the calming effect
that you have on all involved, especially as more than you had hoped for
is achieved.
many people are permanently on the defensive and are thus enveloping
themselves in energy fields of distrust that threaten violence, and this
is felt by those with whom they interact. What this demonstrates is
that defence is a form of attack, or an unwise reaction to an expected
attack, or is even of itself a preemptive attack driven by fear that
merely increases the tensions people experience as they meet and prepare
to interact. Nearly all of you have experienced these kinds of
tensions, they are never comfortable, and often lead to tears.
you so often focus your attention on are your personal worries and
concerns, and by focusing on them you attract them to you, and in doing
so you upset the loving balance that stabilizes your individual energy
fields. So focus instead on Love! If you do you will find your lives
changing for the better, and an aura of peace and stability will envelop
you, and will be felt by others as they engage with your now loving
energy field. Your energy fields are very powerful, but due to the
limitations that your bodies impose upon you very few of you can
actually sense or see them, and so you remain unaware of the power that
you possess and project in every moment. You are effectively working in
the dark! (Pun intended.)
who can sense and/or see these energy fields have talked about them,
described them, written about them, and used them for healing, but
generally unless you personally experience these energies it is very
difficult for you to accept that they exist. Your science has made
considerable progress in this area recently, but for most people it is
as alien a field as electronics, computer technology, or nuclear
physics. What you cannot see or understand you tend to ignore.
is changing as the new generation, basically those under 35 years of
age, are beginning to extend their boundaries of awareness and feel the
energies about which many have talked and written but which few have
felt. This growing awareness is one of the reasons why so many are now
accepting the fact that everything is interconnected, nothing is
isolated, alone, or totally unaware of the whole. Therefore every
thought, word, or action affects the whole.
new awareness of the interconnectedness of everything has been
developing slowly for the last two or three centuries, and has become
increasingly noticeable in the last fifty years or so. Growing
knowledge about ecology, global warming, and the need to respect the
planet that allows human existence to continue, has led to movements and
organizations forming to encourage and then insist on individuals
taking responsibility for their behavior and life choices.
can easily be seen that your planet can provide abundantly for all of
you if you behave with wisdom and restraint instead of continuing with
the greedy and rapacious activities born of your industrial revolution
and the unrestrained operations of the multinational corporations that
this has spawned. Your technological abilities have, of late, grown
far, far faster than your wisdom and intelligence. That is now changing
as the younger and wiser among you move into positions of authority in
order to bring about the changes essential to humanity’s continued
survival and well-being on the planet.
is happening very rapidly now, and very few of you remain unaware at
least of that. The collective choice and decision to awaken has been
made and cannot be reversed. Your task is to hold that intent, to hold
your ever brightening Light on high so that all may see it, and you do
this by being loving in everything you think, say, or do. It does not
mean going out proselytizing, telling people that they are wrong, that
they need to clean up their acts, it means simply demonstrating love by
your words and behaviors, and by the thoughts you share.
is very simple, but can seem a little frightening if you have seen
yourself as a quiet, spiritual person leading a quiet and maybe almost
solitary life. Truly, many of you have found yourselves rather alone as
you have followed your spiritual paths, and now you have to be ready to
move forward into the brightness of the Light that you have been
carrying so steadily for so long. Daily meditation is an essential
aspect of your lives, now even more than ever, so do not let even one
day pass without engaging in it. And as you do ask for help, ask for a
love squeeze, and settle into the peace and joy that it will bring you,
knowing that you are most successfully doing precisely what you came on
Earth to do.
Your loving brother, Jesus.