We have communicated with you now, through this channel, for over two years. You have been an audience that has both grown and remained loyal as the clarity and purpose of these messages have grown. Some have expressed dismay that the messages have become fewer even though lengthier. At times this has been due to much other work which has been begun, and this will not be changed. We have, however, been quiet here for almost this entire month. We have allowed you to assimilate and to have a respite from the energetic tidal wave, at least as much as possible. Most of you have chosen to continue seeking whatever information that you could find anyway, and that is a good thing. It shows your determination and dedication.
Now we return. This will be a rather short message, but not an unimportant one. The new sources you have found, or in some cases, come to rely more on, are telling you of the immense import and the impending change that is now upon you. We are here to tell you now that this is absolutely true. The universe is gifting you with an alignment of energy which has not been seen before. And the result of that will be what you have not imagined before. We are not giving you a warning. We are giving you an accolade. We are extending our sincere congratulations.
We do have one last thing to recommend to you at this beginning of your ‘wild ride’. This is what you have asked for, prayed for, and worked for many, many lifetimes. You know by now that many of these things do not come to your physical selves without some discomfort. You know also that your nature is to feel discomfort and doubt when things begin to change around you. You know that there are those around you who are sure to sound all the alarm bells and raise all the fears that they are able. We therefore wish to remind you to visit your deepest inner selves and be in a place of acceptance, gratitude, and knowing that the result of all of this will be what you have intended and nothing else.
It will be the tiniest of beginnings, and yet, what occurs for each of you has the potential to be amazing. Open your arms. Open your hearts. And allow the full potential of what is yours to be accepted. Let gratitude be your watchword. It will not be so long now before we speak again. Good day, dear friends.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/ link to original article