For several years we have been giving you messages that have been meant to prepare you for great change. Our last message was no exception.
domingo, abril 04, 2021
Ron Head - The Council - Blessings Be - April 4, 2021

domingo, febrero 28, 2021
Ron Head - The Council - Time to Rejoice - Feb 28, 2021
We wish, at this time, to update those who follow our messages in order to somewhat prepare you for the revelations regarding what has been happening and what is very shortly to occur.
It has appeared to many that nothing extraordinary has been transpiring during the period of weeks since the beginning of the year. We tell you now that this is exactly how it was meant to appear, but it is also exactly not the case.

miércoles, diciembre 16, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - There is a new world just over the horizon - Dec 16, 2020
Over the past months, while we have not communicated with you, you have noticed, if you are indeed aware, that much of what we have spoken to you about previously has come to pass. And, again if you are aware, you will have noticed that the tempo of these changes has increased dramatically. Now we will give you what you call a “heads-up”.
Between now and the early days of your new calendar year, massive unprecedented change will occur. We have told you over and again that it will possibly be very hard for you to experience. You have also replied, “Bring it on.” Be prepared to help those around you to cope. This will NOT be easy. If you wish to personally make the most of this, consider it to be an opportunity to...

viernes, agosto 14, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - “You never say anything” - Aug 14, 2020

In order to put today’s message into the correct perspective, we must reference a comment that was posted about or to us about our last message. The commenter said, “You have been sending these messages to us for years and you never say anything.”

sábado, julio 04, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - The Most Difficult Times of Your Lives - July 4, 2020

You find yourselves in the what would seem to be the most difficult times of your lives. And we would do what we can to aid you in getting through those times. However, we wish you to be prepared for what is to come.

martes, junio 02, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Time to Shine - June 2, 2020

You are in the midst of a great deal of turmoil right now. This is the time for you to shine. You have often asked the questions “What am I here for? What should I do? What can I do?” This is it. Now is the time.
You are a being of light. You call yourselves light workers, light warriors, way showers. Now is the time that you knew the need for your light would be the strongest. Lanterns are not needed in the daylight. This is what you came for. Shine your light so brightly, hold your vibration so high, that you change the world you are living in for everyone.

miércoles, abril 08, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - This Time of Great Change - April 9, 2020

We speak to you now in this time of great change, great stress, and for you, great uncertainty. These changes have been a major subject of our messages for several years. You had, in fact, grown impatient and weary of the topic. The stress is caused both by your inability to see an outcome, and by the rhetoric you subject yourselves to daily.

sábado, marzo 28, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Why would you fear your own power? - Mar 28, 2020
It has been said that humanity’s greatest fear is that it will find its own power. We will agree with this assessment. And let us explain to you why. Why would you fear your own power? There are many reasons. We will discuss some of them.
One of the greatest is that, if each of man were to truly allow the knowledge of his powerful self to surface, he would immediately need to assume responsibility for what he had created, and he has no problem seeing the great mess he lives in. But if he is powerless, he cannot change it, nor can he be accountable, at least in his mind.

sábado, marzo 21, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Be Calm and at Peace .

Your function at this time is to be calm and at peace.You have indeed entered the beginning of the chaotic time we have been speaking about for quite some time, preparing you for, for quite some time.
Understand, please, that almost everything you will hear from your media is designed to put you into fear. When a populace is in fear, it can be easily manipulated. Holding the reins of the media gives immense power.

domingo, marzo 15, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - You are, in fact, multidimensional - Mar 15, 2020
You are a very complex being. You are, in fact, multidimensional. That is something that you will, or perhaps will not, experience soon. But, in the meantime, perhaps we may show you a little something.
Our question for you today is, who is looking out through your eyes? Is it the person who is being made late because of the rain on the streets? Or is it the person who sees the life and love that is nourishing the flowers and trees?

miércoles, marzo 11, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - On Consciousness and The Event - Mar 11, 2020
We intend today to speak a little more on the subject of consciousness and what you are calling The Event.
We told you that your kitties would become more kitty and it caused some amusement and loving feelings. Good! That is what it was intended to do. But now we would like to explore that a bit more deeply.

sábado, marzo 07, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Several issues that are causing upset and fear - Mar 7, 2020
We have been asked to address several issues that are causing upset and fear for a great many of you at this time. We have been speaking of this for some time now.
Now that the chaotic energy that we have warned of is beginning to manifest in earnest, it is, as we said, causing so much fear that some are almost going into panic. We will address the underlying issue. There is only one.

viernes, marzo 06, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - May we help? - Mar 6, 2020
Are you having symptoms? Meeting obstacles? Running into blockages? Confused? Worried? May we help?
This is an extraordinary, wondrous, almost instantaneous Event, dear friends. You, and everything around you are being transformed, just as you have always planned it. But, also as you have planned it, you experience change in sequential now moments. You call this time. Isn’t it fun? It gives you so many chances to explore the infinite possibilities.

sábado, febrero 29, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - The path you choose - Feb29, 2020
You are in the midst of an energy wave that is going to be somewhat confusing for many of you. You will find yourselves with quite a lot of choosing to do. Which path is the ‘right’ path? We will say that the path you choose will be the right path. Let us give you our reasons for making such a statement.
First of all, there is the fact that there is no wrong path. There may be a long and a short path. There may be a high road and a low road. But, just as ‘all roads lead to Rome’, in your case, all paths will eventually lead to your only possible destination.

viernes, febrero 28, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Reality - Feb 28, 2020
Have you been told that you need to face reality? Or that you need to see reality? Or that you have lost your grip on reality? Of course, the person who told you this assumed that they had a grip on reality and you did not. Let’s explore this reality that some think they have.

sábado, febrero 15, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Shaken, Stuck, Adrift - Feb 15, 2020
There are a great many of those who have been following these messages who could pick one of the words in this title. shaken, stuck, and adrift, to describe the way they are feeling now. We will address each of these in turn in order to bring you an understanding and move you back into what has become familiar energy to you. First, give yourselves a great deal of credit for making grounded, joyful, and appreciative energy feel familiar. That is exactly what is remaking the world you live in.

domingo, diciembre 22, 2019
Ron Head - The Council - The Coming Year - Dec 22, 2019

How often we have said to you that ‘it is time’. How often we have asked you to make full use of your powers of discernment. We will speak now to both your incarnate selves and to the greater, higher if you wish, parts of your beings that some of you ‘hear’ and most do not… yet.

martes, agosto 13, 2019
Ron Head - The Council - The New Is Beginning - August 13, 2019
The new is beginning. Allow us to use yet another metaphor. We will use as our illustration the building of a structure. There are certain steps that always are, in fact must be, taken if success is to be expected. You do not rush into a vacant piece of land and begin throwing materials together if you want something strong and lasting to be the result.

miércoles, julio 24, 2019
Ron Head - The Council - The Change - July 24, 2019
There seems to be some lingering question among our readers about whether or not ‘we are actually into the change’ – whether or not you are into what most have come to think of as The Event. Let us explain this. Yes. You are. This is.
Now the changes are many and extremely complicated. The event, like any other, can be broken down into component parts and is therefore a process. Although there will be a climactic happening. Isn’t there always?

domingo, julio 07, 2019
Ron Head - In Reply – A Personal Note - July 7, 2019