I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light. We are happy to be with you once again.
Let us all take some deep breaths together so that our Hearts can merge within each other as we, in Telos, are so very happy to be able to connect with you in this manner.
We are in the midst in this time of the cycles of change representing this Full Moon and the Festival of the Christ which is allowing every individual to go to a deeper part of themselves that they have not experienced previously. So it is important that each of you understand what it is that you are experiencing. But believe me, there is so much more involved than you can ever realize.
The fluctuation of the energies that are increasing at this time are affecting each of you in many different ways. Some of you may be affected physically, emotionally, mentally, are just trying to find the balance in your world. The reflection that is occurring presently from this group consciousness that I am feeling that everyone is going through something within themselves that increasingly takes them into a new space, a thought process.
If you are feeling elements physically, it means that there is something within your bodily structure that needs to be removed in order for you to have the higher frequency that your Higher Self wants you to attain. Now this can occur on many different levels. It does not mean that everyone is on the same level of experiencing these types of symptoms. Notice where the affliction may be occurring within your body and how you can best get through it. It may be issues from this lifetime or it may be other issues. It may be more of a higher level of your Core Essence that you have never tapped into before that you are experiencing.
So it can result in confliction and for each of you that can happen in illnesses or painful parts of yourself that are erupting. I urge you to continually reflect that these energies are not just a physical symptom; therefore, to look at other ways to get through the process.
You’re on this Mastery Pathway. You are becoming an enlightened being and the bodily function cannot handle any 3rd dimensional way of healing itself. So these are elements that you must consider as you are going through these processes. Otherwise it will keep you stuck into the lower forms of vibration. What actually is occurring for you is your body is catching up to your consciousness. For some of you, this may be quite intense because if your consciousness is at quite a higher level. That means that you really have to work doubly hard within your higher levels of intuition to heal it in that way; without the use of the old way of third-dimensional healing that may not work for you any more. (NOTE: This is in reference to non-medical condition symptoms, sensations and feelings that will respond to using natural herbs, oil and energy. WTC does not offer medical advice or assistance. Always seek licensed medical care providers for any required medical help.)
Those of you that are feeling things emotionally or mentally are just as challenged; maybe even more so, because the symptoms on those levels may not be as acute for you to handle. So it’s like this, if you have something painful within your body, you probably already know what you need to do within yourself; that you need to put in some vitamins or maybe increase your ability within your immune system to fight something. You may already have the ability to tap into healing modalities to assist you whether it be herbal, whether it be homeopathic, or whether it be energetic. But when you are dealing with things in an emotional or mental level it takes more diligent effort because the pain may not be as acute. So the reflection that is occurring within you in these moments is to purge it. That is why it is happening, no matter what level you may be receiving it within yourself. (Note: WTC does not offer medical advice or assistance. Always seek licensed medical care providers for any required medical help.)
It is important to understand that when these elements occur within your life to go into a deeper part of yourself. Take the knowledges that you have acquired what you have learned through your tools and go to a deeper level to assist your physical body to accept the transparence of Light that is occurring for you. This is really, really important.
The other aspect that is essentially critical is that you realize that you would not be experiencing these symptoms within yourself if you were not ready to move forward into a higher level of existence. So in a sense, it is a gift. It may not feel like a gift in these moments, but truly it is as you are going through the purging process in many different levels. I believe each of you are experiencing something that is causing you some distress or some element, not to think or feel the way that you have previously. This is all part of the process of you becoming your multi-dimensional self.
So in these moments, it is important for each of us to understand one another. The only way that we are going to do that is to communicate what you are experiencing to others so that you can receive the support system that you need from the right individuals. But also, because it is important to reflect where you are coming from and where you are going.
As you know I always like to bring forth these guideposts to assist everyone to understand that the process that they are undergoing presently may not be at the level that they think it is. So it is all part of the Divinity of Light incorporating within you. As we stand in the middle of these energies presently, I ask of you to continually raise your vibration into a higher level; to not allow your thought forms or your feelings to get in the way; to continually work with the frequency within yourself and change it so that you can have easier moments of transition.
Please know that these energies are going to be very powerful for quite some time as they take us into Wesak. This all means what is occurring for you in your personal experience presently, is helping you to accept more for the Wesak energies which are going to be quite powerful. We know that the power of this Moon is beyond our understanding; but yet, there is a part of us that does understand because we are receiving it and we are feeling it.
The other aspect to remember is not to hold onto it. This is so very important because when you hold onto elements too much then they become an overwhelming feeling. Then you can get entrenched in that moment of grief, that moment of pain, that moment of exhilaration. Everything needs to be put into balance. Remember you cannot understand what tranquility is until you fully allow your physical body to receive it. At times, the physical part of you will not be willing to accept it due to the emotions and the thoughts that are occurring within your consciousness. So everything is evolving just as it should; to allow these energies to come into full creation; to allow this frequency of Light That We Are to become One because without it we cannot do it. It is imperative to continually understand what these processes mean within our personal existence so that we can understand what it creates in our outside existence.
The transition of our Light together is beyond our capability to understand. All that we can do within ourselves is to walk each step as clearly as possible. Feel the energies that take you into that step and allow those frequencies of Light to fully exist in a completely different way than they have previously. This is an important aspect that we have within your Beingness. It will help you create the balance that you are searching for. It will help you to understand what it is that you are fully incorporating within your world.
As you awake every day, your Higher Self has been guiding you through the night to accept more of what you could not do the previous day. But yet, in those circumstances you may feel agitated; you may feel frustrated; you may feel sad about some parts of yourself that don’t fit within yourself; or that don’t fit within others. This is all part of the Divine purpose of your Higher Self to be more fully activated within you. He/She is fully pushing you into a different paradigm of understanding to fully allow your physical body to receive the Essences that the Higher Self desires to incorporate.
The more that you do, the more that you will be able to accept your energies and the frequency of Light in your pathway and within this physical Earth. The transitions are happening as they are on a slow-by-slow basis because this is what is truly important for you to accept each moment as it comes. Understand what is yours and what is not yours and to really see the reflection within your Heart Center.
Is it coming from another?
Or are you sending it out?
Is it be reflected back to you?
So these are the most important elements that I want to share on this day of this high accelerated phase we have stepped into together. Yes, we are here together. The Telosians and ourselves fully commanding these energies so that each of you can feel it in a completely different manner than you have previously.
It is my divine pleasure to share with you my knowledge, my expertise, but most of all my Love to each of your Hearts.
I AM Lord Adama at your service.
Many Blessings in Love, Light, and Joy.
Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.
This is an excerpt of our weekly class on April 16th, 2014, “New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities” in which Lord Adama is our host to guide us into one of the Etheric Golden Cities of the 5th dimension. Lord Adama always gives a lecture on the present energies. If you are interested in participating in this LIVE telecall on Wednesday evenings, please see the details, http://walkingterrachrista.com/classes/golden-cities/.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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