April 2014 will go down in my personal her story book right next to the Divinely epic Three Days event of December 21, 22, 23, 2012. Seriously, April has felt that intense, that
life and reality altering as the Three Days where. We individually and
collectively have, once again, been changed, evolved into something very
NEW and improved… even though it doesn’t remotely feel or look like it
at the moment. Quite the contrary actually.
But once the April 2014 cosmic energy
tsunami dust settles a bit (don’t expect much settling however because
we’re in the NEW now and its just going to be different ), more
people will come to realize how much sweeping change—by change I mean
improvements—have actually happened. I’m acutely, and at time
frustratedly aware however of how much it doesn’t yet look or feel or behave out there in the physical world like anything positive has happened at all, but, please know
that old patriarchal structures, beliefs and controller type people are
being deconstructed and removed from their old positions of “power over
others” etc. It is happening even though it doesn’t entirely look, sound, smell, act or feel like it 100% yet.
Know that the two things are happening
simultaneously and it’s taking some time to unfold in this physical
dimension. All things considered, it’s unfolding VERY quickly actually,
but more patience is required from the Aware folks around the world. The
unaware folks will get with the NEW higher frequency programs
eventually, but you and I must not mistakenly think or believe that
these changes (improvements) are not happening because they’re not
manifesting fast enough for our liking within this dimension. Any faster
and the wheels might pop off of a lot of things and people so please
hang in here with me and know that everything is unfolding now and very intensely… like I needed to say that! ;)
The cosmic Plutonian Street Sweeper is, as always, arriving on-scene shortly after each
of these cosmic energy tsunamis to sweep away the latest collapsing,
expired patriarchal trash & Co. These people’s time running this
planet and humanities consciousness has expired, they just don’t know
this fact yet. Some crusty patriarchal bastards do but are carrying on
as usual, pretending all this isn’t really happening, but it
is, and they’re falling by the wayside faster than ever before despite
their best nasty efforts. View with your Higher eyes; feel with your
Higher Heart; sense from your Higher and greater level of perception and
you’ll know that these global changes (improvements)
are indeed happening in 2014 faster and more completely than they ever
could before. Also, give the cosmic Street Sweeper time to do its job
too and clear away the old corrupt, rotting, greedy and deranged
After thousands of years of intentional
disempowering of humanity by Team Dark, it’s going to take some major
Divine interventions and “fixes” to help humans get back into the higher
frequency Divine groove once again. And, one of those Divine “fixes” is
us Forerunners starting to now live, move about, create, function,
exist etc. as NEW empowered Beings in human bodies. We
are the NEW Human Angels that are and will be helping humanity by
embodying the NEW in all ways ourselves first. For we Forerunners to do
this NEW level of Ascension Process work, we must use our Higher tools
and Higher Consciousness ourselves and stop habitually looking outside
ourselves for answers, solutions, insights and so on. Remember, ‘We are the ones we’ve waited for’, and we are ‘the Second Coming”, so this is where we must start using and trusting our own inner Higher abilities and stop waiting for or expecting someone else or something else to come and do it for us. We are the NEW help,
plus we’ve got tremendous Unseen Higher help (from Angelic Lightbeings
and positive ETs) assisting us now with our NEW roles and their NEW
roles with us in the NEW energies of the NEW earth world reality etc.
If you don’t fully trust yourself with
this yet, perceive whatever you can on your own first and pay close
attention to what you perceive, how it felt, how it happened and so on.
Then if needed, confirm what you’ve perceived on your own first by
reading other trusted people’s Ascension writings/books
etc. to get any validation/confirmation that you need now to bolster
YOUR self-confidence with your own Higher abilities. It’s time to
discover just how much YOU are capable of perceiving now on your own as an empowered NEW Being in a physical human body. This is where many of us Forerunners are now in 2014; discovering how powerful we actually are individually
as embodied Beings of Light and Love within the NEW. Fear not, just
educate the parts of you that doubt this within yourself because this is
a fast way through this confusing phase we Forerunners are going
through this year.
I feel like I’ve been in a car wreck!
Throughout April 2014 my physical body
has hurt and felt sore and bruised in weird NEW ways for a variety of
Ascension related reasons. The cluster of large/medium/small earthquakes
around the Ring of Fire we had in April have caused me and many of you,
amplified aches, pains, pressures and tensions in our bodies and
amplified emotional anxiety. But despite all those many earthquakes—some
of which were big—very few people died because of them thanks to a lot
of Higher Overseeing being done by Angelics and other higher dimensional
Beings. We Forerunners have tremendous Unseen assistance now, as does
Earth and most all else, so even though these earth changes must happen
in 2014, they’re unfolding with as little death and destruction in this
timeline as is possible.
Over the decades I’ve observed some of
these Higher dimensional Beings intentionally work with physical
dimension earthquakes and redirect, relocate the energies of some of
them so they’d happen as they needed to, but not kill as many as they
would have if they’d happened in huge heavily populated cities. It’s
quite amazing to witness how easily and quickly this is done by positive
Higher Beings to slightly adjust certain events that need to happen
within the physical dimension, but have them harm as few as possible.
Some of you “Earth Sensitives”—which most
Forerunners are because where does one end and the other begin?—were
probably in varying degrees of physical and emotional pain from the
amplified earthquakes caused by the NEW April 2014 energies. On an
important connected side note — there was a huge
past trauma in the collective that was finally cleared during this 5th
Cardinal Square/Cross of Easter week, April 2014. That residual
collective trauma was originally caused by a major deadly earthquake in
Mexico/Mexico City in 1985. Estimated death toll from that 1985 main earthquake was 10,000, but some believe it could have been as high as 40,000 people.
- pre-event quake - 5.2 May 1985
- main quake - 8.1 September 19, 1985
- first big aftershock quake - 7.5 September 20, 1985
- second big aftershock quake - 7.0 April 30, 1986
Because I clarivoyantly saw and empathicly felt this 1985
8.1 earthquake in Riverside California in a very public way, I’ve been
extra aware of the great lingering psychic and emotional scar and trauma
that earthquake left upon so many people in Mexico. As the earthquakes
escalated around the Ring of Fire throughout April 2014,
and we traversed the intense energetic gauntlet of Easter week 2014, I
asked for Higher assistance to (among other unrelated things) fully
remove the 1985 Mexico earthquake and massive death traumas still within
the human planetary collective so that old energy and fearful
thought-form would not recreate another massive earthquake in Mexico
and/or the surrounding areas during April 2014. The potential for this
to happen this month existed, but I’m happy to say that this 1985
earthquake trauma energy has been removed from the collective. Many
past things, energies, contracts and residual events have been
permanently energetically removed from the human earth collective thanks
to everything April 2014 brought in. There’s going to be adjustments
needed because of these huge improvements and things everywhere are
reeling at the moment because of it. It’s okay though, just stay in your
High Heart in this timeline and ride these NEW waves of change.
This is another of the many reasons why the Forerunners must
now learn to discern what is theirs; what is not theirs but is coming
from other people who you’re feeling and/or being effected by in some
way(s); what’s within the Collective that’s being reactivated by old
and/or current human fears that you then feel in your body and/or
emotionally. Work your NEW Higher tools of perception fellow
Forerunners, because you’ve got the Higher abilities to perceive what’s
going on and why and do something positive about it all for All.
I cannot believe those greedy patriarchal bastards are still getting away with what they are!
How is it that some of these foul
greed-monster humans are still getting away with intentionally hurting,
harming, wounding, stealing from, suppressing, lying to and utterly
disrespect other humans at this late date? But, take a second deeper
look/feel and see that they really are not getting away with it now.
I’m going through this one myself in
April (again) with some heartless old patriarchal Boy’s Club guys as I
know many of you have been too. As much as it hurts, repulses,
infuriates, discourages etc., it’s part of this Ascension Shift Process
we’re living through now. I’d like all these negative greedy human toads
to get with the Higher Program… or turn to stone and get the hell outta
our ways… but there it is. We’re having this overlapping period between
the old negative patriarchal ways and lower consciousness, and the
incoming NEW which those people cannot comprehend one little bit of
course. So there’s clashing and hair-pulling and hearts being broken for
the 2,486th time. Whatever… just get back in the saddle again and carry
on because as you and I both know their time has
expired and this is them dragging their greedy, stubborn feet for as
long as they can get away with as they steal everything from everyone
they can for the last time. This frustrating phase will NOT last forever
however so do your best to not get wounded, discouraged, enraged,
depressed or have violent fantasies about offing all those greedy,
cruel, unaware jerks. This has been and still is very difficult
work at times, with heaping piles of cruelty from the unaware, but
continue to steer this whole business from your Divine High Heart.
Expect the unexpected with the weather now
We all know that the weather has been
weird and severe for the past twenty-five-plus years already, but, now
that the NEW energies are here and flowing through the NEW grids,
there’s going to be some further adjustments that will play out through
amplified weather anomalies everywhere. I’m not telling you this to
cause fear or panic or any negativity whatsoever. We Forerunners work
transmuting other humans’ fears and panic! I’m sharing this information only
so that you know from a Higher level of awareness that this is why
there is and will be (for a while) another amplification and that the
weather will reflect this.
Since April 28th solar eclipse, the winds
have been howling here in SoCal around 60 mph with guts even higher. My
next door neighbors roof is blowing apart even more than it’s been
since 2013, and chunks of it are bouncing off my car and house and
surrounding neighbors property. I’ve needed to reinforce my Unseen
protection around my property to keep it safe from other peoples flying
lack of responsibility and debris. Where is he? Probably drinking and
sunbathing at some coastal resort in Mexico. It’ll cost him more to
replace the roof than what it cost him to buy that house, and he does
not like having to dip into his Hedonist Funds for anything other than his hedonist events. Such is the gap of this Shift.
My reason for sharing that tidbit was to show how this disintegration of
the old negative is happening, and in very personal ways for many of
us, but how this is part of sweeping away the negative and the
implementation of the NEW in its place. There will be some causalities,
some damage, some pain, some frustrations, but in the end there will be
the NEW Light Love and that’s worth it… even in those moments when it doesn’t much feel like it.
High Heart Hugs of Love,
April 29, 2014
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